Re-reading this thread, we now find further evidence that the saxi-wanna bee (want to be) called soft-RALF needs to change his pronouns to anti-West and anti-Jewish.
More Proof:
Re: Will Ukraine set a new record for surviving blitzkrieg?
Postby bigtoughralf on Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:38 am
The list is missing a few anyway:
US attack on North Korea*, 1950 (421 days, no victory to the attacker)
Duk's response:
Re: Will Ukraine set a new record for surviving blitzkrieg?
Postby Dukasaur on Sun Apr 03, 2022 10:47 am
I used fairly strict criteria in selecting the list. None of the ones you've mentioned would qualify. For starters, none were invasions in the classic sense.
Mischaracterizing the Korean War as a "US attack" reveals your political biases. I'm not going to get into it with you; anybody who cares can read the history and see that the U.S. forces were there within an internationally-recognized action in response to a Communist invasion of South Korea. Either way it doesn't matter, it was not an invasion in the classical sense.
More info:
June 25, 1950
A massive artillery barrage from the North signals the beginning of the Korean War. Roughly 100,000 North Korean troops pour across the 38th parallel, and, although South Korean forces are driven back, they retire in good order.
June 27, 1950
The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 83, authorizing UN member states to provide military assistance to South Korea. The Soviets, who could have vetoed the resolution, are boycotting the proceedings because the Nationalist government on Taiwan still occupies China’s seat on the Security Council. Seoul falls the following day.
July 27, 1953
Mark W. Clark for the UN Command, Peng Dehuai for the Chinese, and Kim Il-Sung for North Korea conclude an armistice ending hostilities. A demilitarized zone is created that roughly follows the prewar border along the 38th parallel. South Korean Pres. Syngman Rhee announces his acceptance of the agreement, but no representative of South Korea ever signs the document. was NO (US) Blitzkrieg in Korea, except perhaps a FAILED one by the North Koreans. No invasion by the US, as the false narrative of ralf asserts, incorrectly. We certainly see the biases of Poor-soft-small-RALF. We see another failure by P-s-s-RALF. Your mentor and master, saxi-, failed to teach you well, ralf; or are you simply that poor a student? Apparently, you learned to try to create false narratives with LIES and obfuscation. You failed in that, too, RALF, as did your master. Run along and play and don't let the Big Dogs trample you under, Pss-Ralf.