jay_a2j wrote:Clinton's Presidency was riddled with sex scandal's and little foreign policy (outside of selling nuclear technology to China). He cut our military to dangerously low levels. Sold secrets to China. Domestically he did very little outside of having sex and raising taxes.
Reminds me of a protest sign I saw on the news during one of the many anti-Bush rallies: "Can someone please blow Dubya so we can impeach him already?"
A focus upon the country rather than other nations who we had no business policing. Yep, you're right, real terrible work.
I mean 6 million jobs, a balanced budget, $40 dollar budget surplus... yeah. He raised taxes, therefore he was a bad president.
Bush, although not the best President we have ever had, has cut taxes... getting us out of a post 911 economic recession.
His economic strategy is based on 1980s era Reganomics, which coincidentally don't work since trickle-down economics has been shown to be immensely ineffective at bringing down the poverty level.
Had the kahunas to take on terrorism.
Don't you mean cojones? "Kahuna" is used as in Big Kahuna.... Ya know, Big Cheese, the guy in charge, the Big Kahuna.
Don't use the slang if you can't spell it man.
Does what he thinks is right and is not swayed by popular opinion. Keeping the US safe since 9-11-01.
He does what he thinks is right and is not swayed by popular opinion. I hate to break it to you Jay, but that's a
bad thing. He works for the American people, and the popular opinion is the majority opinion. A majority voted for Bush in 2004, and now a majority wants him to do what they want him too. The President works for us, the taxpaying public.
If you hired a guy to manage your home security and instead of installing alarms and setting up new locks he went out and started preemptively attacking places where people who could rob you may or may not have lived, you'd fire that moron and get someone who could do the job you hired him to do.
Initiate discovery! Fire the Machines! Throw the switch Igor! THROW THE F***ING SWITCH!