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For or Against Bush

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Is bush a good or bad president?

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Postby jay_a2j on Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:04 am

reverend_kyle wrote:cough cough flip flopper cough cough.

You Dems are experts on "flip floping". The difference here is Calebs not running for office, thus its just changing your position on an issue rather than changing it to get elected. :wink:
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:27 pm

jay_a2j wrote: Dems are experts on "flip floping". The difference here is Calebs not running for office, thus its just changing your position on an issue rather than changing it to get elected. :wink:

I've noticed that too how Democrats change policy during major election years.
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Postby cowshrptrn on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:33 am

kwolff wrote:9-11 shouldnt have happened to begin with , but billy clinton let them get away with a couple of attacks with a slap on the wirst (while he was slaping something off of monicas face), here bin take these tomahawk missles on your base .....ooooooo now theyre finished off.

omg, I remember when he did bomb Osama bin Ladin, everyone yelled at him saying it was to draw attention away from Monica Lewinski, which the public had no business knowing about!! countless presidents (democrat, republican, whig, democratic republican etc.) have had affairs while in office and Clinton was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Plus, the seeds of Al Quaeda were planted when WE sold them ARMS to keep the Russians occupied.

Clinton actually warned Bush about Osama bin Ladin when Bush started his presidency, but all Bush cared about was finding a reason to attack Iraq, if Bush had spent an ounce of effort finishing up what clinton started instead of looking for ways to fill his pockets we might have had a better chance of diverting this mess (if it could even have been diverted)
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Postby jay_a2j on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:44 am

cowshrptrn wrote:
kwolff wrote:9-11 shouldnt have happened to begin with , but billy clinton let them get away with a couple of attacks with a slap on the wirst (while he was slaping something off of monicas face), here bin take these tomahawk missles on your base .....ooooooo now theyre finished off.

omg, I remember when he did bomb Osama bin Ladin, everyone yelled at him saying it was to draw attention away from Monica Lewinski, which the public had no business knowing about!! countless presidents (democrat, republican, whig, democratic republican etc.) have had affairs while in office and Clinton was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Plus, the seeds of Al Quaeda were planted when WE sold them ARMS to keep the Russians occupied.

Clinton actually warned Bush about Osama bin Ladin when Bush started his presidency, but all Bush cared about was finding a reason to attack Iraq, if Bush had spent an ounce of effort finishing up what clinton started instead of looking for ways to fill his pockets we might have had a better chance of diverting this mess (if it could even have been diverted)

First of all Clinton bombed Serbia not Osama binLaden. Secondly Clinton "warned" Bush about Osama? How about in 1998 Clinton had a chance to ARREST Osama but passed.

The only thing Clinton started was 4 play in the Oval Office. He was a do nothing president! His foriegn policy? Sell North Korea nuke secrets in exchange for a "promise" that they won't build them. Lets not forget 911 took YEARS of planning and Bush had only been in office for 8 months.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby cowshrptrn on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:47 am

sorry for the double post, but i needed to respond to the extreme narrow mindedness of some ppl

Caleb the Cruel wrote:I've noticed that too how Democrats change policy during major election years.

Well democrats are FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE, they don't just hand out tax cuts left and right while we go into trillions in debt for our grandkids to pay off!! They do, like ANY politician, start trying to get reelected in election years (at least democrats don't gerrymander, they win the hard way, by actually campaigning and earning votes).

I'm just curious, how many presidents have you actually lived through? my guess is just clinton who changed his policies once we hit a huge surplus which bush squandered in record time! and Bush, who drastically changed his policies once he got reelcted ( in essence he was on reelection mode for 4 years, instead of being on try not to f*ck up this country too much mode for 3, and election for 1)
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Postby jay_a2j on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:53 am

cowshrptrn wrote:
Well democrats are FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE, they don't just hand out tax cuts left and right while we go into trillions in debt for our grandkids to pay off!! They do, like ANY politician, start trying to get reelected in election years (at least democrats don't gerrymander, they win the hard way, by actually campaigning and earning votes).

No, Democrate just tax the hell out of the rich to fund never-ending social programs for the poor. All in an effort to KEEP them poor! Because if they start to do well, guess what? They become Republicans after seeing the TAXES taken out of their checks! If the poor are no longer poor, the democrats LOSE VOTES! Which is why welfare is DESIGNED to keep people poor!

I'm just curious, how many presidents have you actually lived through? my guess is just clinton who changed his policies once we hit a huge surplus which bush squandered in record time! and Bush, who drastically changed his policies once he got reelcted ( in essence he was on reelection mode for 4 years, instead of being on try not to f*ck up this country too much mode for 3, and election for 1)

You need to get out of the "I hate Bush cause Michael Moore told me too" mode. :wink:
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby vtmarik on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:57 am

jay_a2j wrote:No, Democrate just tax the hell out of the rich to fund never-ending social programs for the poor. All in an effort to KEEP them poor! Because if they start to do well, guess what? They become Republicans after seeing the TAXES taken out of their checks! If the poor are no longer poor, the democrats LOSE VOTES! Which is why welfare is DESIGNED to keep people poor!

It was a Democrat who not only managed to create a balanced budget, but create a budget surplus for the first time in around 50 years. Clinton may have gotten in an improper relationship with a White House employee, but at least he knew how to run the country. Why do you think his job approval numbers were so high?
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Postby heavycola on Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:53 am

jay_a2j wrote:
cowshrptrn wrote:
Well democrats are FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE, they don't just hand out tax cuts left and right while we go into trillions in debt for our grandkids to pay off!! They do, like ANY politician, start trying to get reelected in election years (at least democrats don't gerrymander, they win the hard way, by actually campaigning and earning votes).

No, Democrate just tax the hell out of the rich to fund never-ending social programs for the poor. All in an effort to KEEP them poor! Because if they start to do well, guess what? They become Republicans after seeing the TAXES taken out of their checks! If the poor are no longer poor, the democrats LOSE VOTES! Which is why welfare is DESIGNED to keep people poor!

You need to get out of the "I hate Bush cause Michael Moore told me too" mode. :wink:

I have never heard anything so utterly mad. Don;t spew a lot of stuff that might make rush limbaugh think twice and then patronise anyone who might disagree by accusing them of having Michael Moore make their decisions...

Rush Limbaugh/Michael Moore? both fat, overpaid, propagandist, prejudice-reinforcing liars. Neither of them do any good. They certainly don;t change any minds.
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Postby jay_a2j on Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:55 am

heavycola wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:
cowshrptrn wrote:
Well democrats are FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE, they don't just hand out tax cuts left and right while we go into trillions in debt for our grandkids to pay off!! They do, like ANY politician, start trying to get reelected in election years (at least democrats don't gerrymander, they win the hard way, by actually campaigning and earning votes).

No, Democrate just tax the hell out of the rich to fund never-ending social programs for the poor. All in an effort to KEEP them poor! Because if they start to do well, guess what? They become Republicans after seeing the TAXES taken out of their checks! If the poor are no longer poor, the democrats LOSE VOTES! Which is why welfare is DESIGNED to keep people poor!

You need to get out of the "I hate Bush cause Michael Moore told me too" mode. :wink:

I have never heard anything so utterly mad. Don;t spew a lot of stuff that might make rush limbaugh think twice and then patronise anyone who might disagree by accusing them of having Michael Moore make their decisions...

Rush Limbaugh/Michael Moore? both fat, overpaid, propagandist, prejudice-reinforcing liars. Neither of them do any good. They certainly don;t change any minds.

Yeah, sometimes the truth is painful. :wink:
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby happysadfun on Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:21 am

I wrote:I'm a Republican, see the "To Jay" thread by R Kyle.
ImageChildren, this is what happens to hockey players, druggies, and Hillary Clinton.

Rope. Tree. Hillary. Some assembly required.
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Postby heavycola on Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 pm

no, this...

If the poor are no longer poor, the democrats LOSE VOTES! Which is why welfare is DESIGNED to keep people poor! insane. Please tell me you don't actually believe that the welfare system exists to keep poor voters in poverty. That's not republicanism, that's tinfoil hat scary.
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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:35 pm

cowshrptrn wrote:I'm just curious, how many presidents have you actually lived through?

just for your information...
carter (even though i don't really remember)
bush sr.
bush jr.
i'm betting you cannot say the same for yourself
you seem like you were not born before the bush sr. years, just assuming from the way you write your posts
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Postby reverend_kyle on Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:44 pm

Caleb the Cruel wrote:
cowshrptrn wrote:I'm just curious, how many presidents have you actually lived through?

just for your information...
carter (even though i don't really remember)
bush sr.
bush jr.
i'm betting you cannot say the same for yourself
you seem like you were not born before the bush sr. years, just assuming from the way you write your posts

Bush Sr.
Bush Jr.

here..... I remember the clinton and the Bush Jr. days and I can sure tell which ones our country was better off during.
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Postby vtmarik on Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:38 pm

reverend_kyle wrote:Bush Sr.
Bush Jr.

here..... I remember the clinton and the Bush Jr. days and I can sure tell which ones our country was better off during.

Same here.
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Postby jay_a2j on Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:38 pm

vtmarik wrote:
reverend_kyle wrote:Bush Sr.
Bush Jr.

here..... I remember the clinton and the Bush Jr. days and I can sure tell which ones our country was better off during.

Same here.

Duh? Does 911 ring a bell?
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby jay_a2j on Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:45 pm

heavycola wrote:no, this...

If the poor are no longer poor, the democrats LOSE VOTES! Which is why welfare is DESIGNED to keep people poor! insane. Please tell me you don't actually believe that the welfare system exists to keep poor voters in poverty. That's not republicanism, that's tinfoil hat scary.

Name 1 person who has used the welfare system to succeed in life? They don't succeed untill they pull themselves up by the bootstraps and go out and get a job until welfare is no longer needed. Welfare does NOT make people RESPONSIBLE for the benifits that they recieve. Its a total joke. If I wanted I could quit my job and run down to the welfare office and get the taxpayers to support me! Welfare should be set up so you have a MAX time limit on it. AND during that time you would be given career training to help you find work!! But welfare doesn't do that...why? Cause they want you on it. Otherwise they would MAKE welfare recipiants WORK for their benifits or deny them!
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby heavycola on Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:07 am

If I wanted I could quit my job and run down to the welfare office and get the taxpayers to support me!

Why do people have this idea that living on welfare is fun, or a choice that anyone would make? I was on the dole for a short while a few years back and I had a miserable time. Being poor is not a lifestyle choice :roll:

Name 1 person who has used the welfare system to succeed in life?

Define 'success'. If that means making lots of money, living in a big house and being able to argue that people below the breadline should have their benefits taken away - all of which are approved of by jesus, i am sure - then no. But if success is defined by a parent as feeding & clothing their kids and putting a roof over their heads, than yes. There are a lot of people in the UK - and in the US too, I am sure - for whom welfare makes the difference between being simply poor and living in dangerous poverty. WWJD? he lived on handouts from time to time
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Postby jay_a2j on Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:07 am

heavycola wrote:Why do people have this idea that living on welfare is fun, or a choice that anyone would make? I was on the dole for a short while a few years back and I had a miserable time. Being poor is not a lifestyle choice

Let me be VERY clear. I am not speaking from inexpeariance. There was a time when I was forced to utilize the social service system. And I remember the day I told the lady in the welfare office that I would drag a cardboard box onto her front steps before I'd apply for welfare again. It is the most humiliating thing I can think of to walk into a welfare office. But I am speaking for myself, because I have self-pride. I used to live in an appartment complex and it was jam packed full of welfare recipiants. I'd come home from college and see guys sitting in the parking lot EVERY day . Looked able bodied to me, working on thier trucks or cars. Why not get a job? Why anyone would settle for the humiliation of being on welfare when they CAN work is beyond be. LAZINESS is the only reason I can think of.

Define 'success'. If that means making lots of money, living in a big house and being able to argue that people below the breadline should have their benefits taken away - all of which are approved of by jesus, i am sure - then no. But if success is defined by a parent as feeding & clothing their kids and putting a roof over their heads, than yes. There are a lot of people in the UK - and in the US too, I am sure - for whom welfare makes the difference between being simply poor and living in dangerous poverty. WWJD? he lived on handouts from time to time

No, success is different for everyone. But getting off welfare would be a "first" success. There is a difference from being poor and being poor because you are lazy. WWJD? God helps those who help themselves. There are far too many people getting a free ride through life because they don't want to work.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby heavycola on Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:36 am

There was a time when I was forced to utilize the social service system. And I remember the day I told the lady in the welfare office that I would drag a cardboard box onto her front steps before I'd apply for welfare again. It is the most humiliating thing I can think of to walk into a welfare office

so why didn't you instantly walk into a job? Laziness?
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Bush bad!

Postby gav88111 on Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:02 pm

George Bush=oilman, Dick Cheney=oilman
oil= gasoline
gasoline= outrageously priced

The rich get richer at any price!
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Postby jay_a2j on Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:41 am

heavycola wrote:
There was a time when I was forced to utilize the social service system. And I remember the day I told the lady in the welfare office that I would drag a cardboard box onto her front steps before I'd apply for welfare again. It is the most humiliating thing I can think of to walk into a welfare office

so why didn't you instantly walk into a job? Laziness? you even realize the number of people on welfare that DON'T WANT TO WORK. People that have been on it for years and never even go out and LOOK for a job! There has NEVER been a time in my life that I was unemployed and sitting on the couch at home eating bon bons, watching tv waiting for the ole' welfare check. Even when on welfare I was doing everything humanly possible to get off it! (outside of breaking the law of course)
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby reverend_kyle on Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:13 am

I am totally for bush.. Pussy rocks.
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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:57 pm

i want nader or mccain for 2008
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Postby Econ2000 on Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:10 am

well, as for reply to the person that said "y dont u complainers run for president" I am 10 and I was born in durham, england
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Postby reverend_kyle on Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:46 am

Caleb the Cruel wrote:i want nader or mccain for 2008

why so people will like them? then you can hate them?
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