Cheesemore wrote:Here's what I feel from the Info I heard
Greenhouse gases (which seem to be causing global warming) are made up of mostly CO2 and H2O
Now correct me if I'm wrong but, DOESN'T EVERY ANIMAL BREATH OUT CO2?
and isn't our earth 70% H2O
So I don't think humans are the sole reason why global warming is happening
Plus there was an article that stated every time a volcano errupts, the amount of pollution thrown into our atmosphere is equilivant to 1,000 years of car pollution
I have also heard that the ozone layer is healing itself
You are right to a certain degree, however, it is actually CFC's (Chloroflurocarbons) that cause ''Global Warming.'' CFC's contain chlorine, and when these are introduced to sunlight, their chemical bond changes and leave a chlorine free radical. This then reacts with O3 which is Ozone, and changes the shape of that to O2. Now, O2 is not as good as O3 at blocking UV rays, and so, this is the theory behind ''Global Warming.''
I put Global Warming in inverted commas, because although scientists are 90% sure Humans have caused it, they are 10% unsure. And so, not certain. I think that it is not caused by humans, but affected by humans, and to say the climate is changing is extreme, as climate is an average over 30 years. I think that the world is just continuing in its natural cycle, and that humans being the stupidly advanced race we are are trying to understand it, and as everyone seems to get a kick out of scaring the general public, saying that we've caused it and we're all going to die.
I apologise if thats rambling, but, I have a lot to say and my fingers cant keep up!