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Global Warming: fact or fiction?

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Where do you stand on the topic of Global warming?

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Postby Backglass on Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:22 pm

jay_a2j wrote:It was a Scientist on the Sean Hannity Show. He stated that the scientific evidence does not support global warming.

LOL...and we all know Mr. Hannity is not at all biased. :roll: Do you honestly think he would ever have a guest on his show who would/could prove him wrong? Don't believe everything you read or here on the radio jay...there is a reason it's called a radio SHOW, and you (and your wallet) are the reason for it.

I've known Sean personally for 14 years personally and he's seriously full of shit, but fun to hang out and argue with. Jill is definitely his better half!
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Postby heavycola on Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:31 pm

jay_a2j wrote:Well, according to what I heard on the radio today. There is NO evidence that global warming is occurring. In fact the Earth has been both colder and warmer than it is now. Sorry Al Gore, you'll have to come up with another way to become president. :roll:

You absolute moron. Jay i cannot sit back and let this drivel go unchallenged.

2.500 scientists from 30 countries put their name to a document that puts the probability that the climate change we are all seeing is man-made at 90%. NINETY PERCENT. 2,500 climatologists and meteorologists. People who hold doctorates in these subjects. And yes, areon, just because someone has a PhD doesn't mean they deserve it, especially if their name is Carl Baugh. But if either of you is seriously suggesting either that a) these 2,500 scientists are frauds or that b) some talk show jock knows better, then you are both walking advertisements for sterilisation.
Get your moronic heads out of the sand. This is not political anymore, this is real and happening. What is it going to take? Bush's advisors recommending giant space mirrors to reflect the heat back into space?
they have known about this for years. You got taken for a ride. But put the fucking political tribalism aside for a minute and THINK.

jesus this makes me angry. :evil:
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Postby vtmarik on Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:37 pm

"[T]he generally accepted age for the Earth and the rest of the solar system is about 4.55 billion years (plus or minus about 1%). This value is derived from several different lines of evidence."
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Postby kcoenich on Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:49 pm

We aren't that important, let's stop being so damn egotistical about our power to shape the world.

We can destroy a mountain in like two months, a thing that took the planet to build some thousands of years, in Dubai they´re building three islands with the shape of palms, they take something like 5 years on each island, To the planet it would take like 4 million years to do one island. We have the power to change the world.

What makes you think that we can´t get enough gases to overload the atmosphere and cause the overheating of our planet??
You say that we have been in the planet for like 0.000000000015% of the planet´s age. Remember that our growing rate is exponential and each year we pollute more than two times than the year passed... that means that in like 0.000000000003% of the time, we made that...
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Postby areon on Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:32 pm

Heavy I said that because jay referred to a scientist that 'probably', I don't know, wasn't a researcher. It is typical if you look at the pesticide or tobacco industry's history of using flunkies to cloud up issues. If he is one I wouldn't take it seriously.
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global warming

Postby WL_southerner on Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:32 pm

4.55 billion years old i think you better stop watching tv soap programs and start watching nature and history programs the idea that the earth is only 4.55 billion years old went out the window years ago the solar system is 120 billion years old
they cant tell how old the earth is but they do know that oldest rocks on this planet is over 40 billion years ( or did you mean 45.5 )
the reason why they cant tell how old the earth really is is because off the moon was a planet in its own rights it was on a obit the same has the earth and crashed in to the earth making the earth bigger and the moon smaller thats why the earth is the largest of the 4 inner planets they now know that mars is over 70 billion years old it is safe to say that all the planets formed at the same time
and the last ice age the earth ave global temp was 4c lower than it was in 2005
i did note that prof cox was not one off them that signed that paper like he said there are way to many verables just using 3 verables over a 100 years looks like man has help with global warming but then he said we have not accounted for sun spots earth orit changes and the fact the moon is moving away from the earth at 1cm a year and the list gos on
he did say if all the ice disapears from the poler caps then there would be a big change in the earth orbit he spoke out today he his the main man in global warming he uses the nec super computer to help him out becuse off the millions of verables
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Re: global warming

Postby Stopper on Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:47 pm

WL_southerner wrote:4.55 billion years old i think you better stop watching tv soap programs and start watching nature and history programs the idea that the earth is only 4.55 billion years old went out the window years ago the solar system is 120 billion years old
they cant tell how old the earth is but they do know that oldest rocks on this planet is over 40 billion years ( or did you mean 45.5 )

The Solar System 120 billion years old? What on Earth have you been reading/smoking?
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global warming

Postby WL_southerner on Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:09 pm

rocks tell so far back metorites that have landed here tell us how old are solar system they even found rocks that came from mars in antarctica where a metor hit mars and kick rocks up in to space that is up to date fact has time gos by we learn more ,a race on who can find the oldest rocks and prov it so far to date the oldest are in south africa where has 2 years ago the oldest known ones was in greenland the very first ice age happen about 10 billion years ago there are fosels rocks in newfoundland of muti cell soft body sea creatures 15 billion years old has time gos by we are learning more and old information has to be thrown out the window the solar system is alot older than we first think
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Postby red bull on Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:54 pm

IT IS NEG 8 f IN OHIO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!!! so u say no :)
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Re: global warming

Postby Stopper on Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:29 pm

WL_southerner wrote:rocks tell so far back metorites that have landed here tell us how old are solar system they even found rocks that came from mars in antarctica where a metor hit mars and kick rocks up in to space that is up to date fact has time gos by we learn more ,a race on who can find the oldest rocks and prov it so far to date the oldest are in south africa where has 2 years ago the oldest known ones was in greenland the very first ice age happen about 10 billion years ago there are fosels rocks in newfoundland of muti cell soft body sea creatures 15 billion years old has time gos by we are learning more and old information has to be thrown out the window the solar system is alot older than we first think

Sea creatures 15 billion years old? This is all new to me. Where on Earth are you getting these figures from? Links?
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Re: global warming

Postby vtmarik on Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:12 pm

Stopper wrote:
WL_southerner wrote:rocks tell so far back metorites that have landed here tell us how old are solar system they even found rocks that came from mars in antarctica where a metor hit mars and kick rocks up in to space that is up to date fact has time gos by we learn more ,a race on who can find the oldest rocks and prov it so far to date the oldest are in south africa where has 2 years ago the oldest known ones was in greenland the very first ice age happen about 10 billion years ago there are fosels rocks in newfoundland of muti cell soft body sea creatures 15 billion years old has time gos by we are learning more and old information has to be thrown out the window the solar system is alot older than we first think

Sea creatures 15 billion years old? This is all new to me. Where on Earth are you getting these figures from? Links?

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Postby jay_a2j on Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:29 pm

red bull wrote:IT IS NEG 8 f IN OHIO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!!! so u say no :)

No kidding...its in the single digits in NY as well. I wouldn't mind a little "global warming"!
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby Anarkistsdream on Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:30 pm

jay_a2j wrote:
red bull wrote:IT IS NEG 8 f IN OHIO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!!! so u say no :)

No kidding...its in the single digits in NY as well. I wouldn't mind a little "global warming"!

Be careful what you wish for...

Now, this summer it will be 150 degrees outside.
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global warming

Postby WL_southerner on Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:44 pm

yup links like british antarctic surrey,national research council,europian space agentcy,nasa,you know the ones that you can trust and keep you up to date with info and the right info
all that i learned at school is now well out of date some prov to right some to prov wrong you should never stop learning or become fix in one idea
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Re: global warming

Postby Stopper on Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:06 pm

vtmarik wrote:
Stopper wrote:Sea creatures 15 billion years old? This is all new to me. Where on Earth are you getting these figures from? Links?

His crazy science teacher who thinks that El Niño is a hiding place for alien spacecraft.

That must be one crazy science teacher. Everyone knows that El Niño is caused by alien spacecraft.
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Re: global warming

Postby Stopper on Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:10 pm

WL_southerner wrote:yup links like british antarctic surrey,national research council,europian space agentcy,nasa,you know the ones that you can trust and keep you up to date with info and the right info
all that i learned at school is now well out of date some prov to right some to prov wrong you should never stop learning or become fix in one idea

I don't dispute that we should never get fixed in one idea, or ever stop learning. I'd just like to see a NASA link that says the Solar System is 120 billion years old, that's all.
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Postby jay_a2j on Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:48 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:
red bull wrote:IT IS NEG 8 f IN OHIO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!!! so u say no :)

No kidding...its in the single digits in NY as well. I wouldn't mind a little "global warming"!

Be careful what you wish for...

Now, this summer it will be 150 degrees outside.

Yeah ok.... just like the y2k scare. :roll:
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby Anarkistsdream on Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:54 pm

jay_a2j wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:
red bull wrote:IT IS NEG 8 f IN OHIO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!!! so u say no :)

No kidding...its in the single digits in NY as well. I wouldn't mind a little "global warming"!

Be careful what you wish for...

Now, this summer it will be 150 degrees outside.

Yeah ok.... just like the y2k scare. :roll:

You have obviously never lived in either Ohio or Oklahoma... In the summer it can get in the 110s and in the winter it can be below 0...

There is no scare there, only fact.
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global warming

Postby WL_southerner on Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:47 pm

all you need to do is put nasa or bas or nerc in the address bar and you get a whole loads off links to pick from same has i do and you can was yahoo main page some times you get nassa link there
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Re: global warming

Postby Guiscard on Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:48 pm

WL_southerner wrote:all you need to do is put nasa or bas or nerc in the address bar and you get a whole loads off links to pick from same has i do and you can was yahoo main page some times you get nassa link there

Southener? Which bit of the UK are you from? I;m finding it really hard to understand what you're saying...
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Postby jay_a2j on Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:55 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:
red bull wrote:IT IS NEG 8 f IN OHIO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!!! so u say no :)

No kidding...its in the single digits in NY as well. I wouldn't mind a little "global warming"!

Be careful what you wish for...

Now, this summer it will be 150 degrees outside.

Yeah ok.... just like the y2k scare. :roll:

You have obviously never lived in either Ohio or Oklahoma... In the summer it can get in the 110s and in the winter it can be below 0...

There is no scare there, only fact.

Well, if it has how can you blame it on global warming if its always been the norm. btw Ohio is right next door to me and the summers here have been cooler in the last decade then prior decades.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby Narky1035 on Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:03 pm

Cheesemore wrote:Here's what I feel from the Info I heard
Greenhouse gases (which seem to be causing global warming) are made up of mostly CO2 and H2O
Now correct me if I'm wrong but, DOESN'T EVERY ANIMAL BREATH OUT CO2?
and isn't our earth 70% H2O
So I don't think humans are the sole reason why global warming is happening
Plus there was an article that stated every time a volcano errupts, the amount of pollution thrown into our atmosphere is equilivant to 1,000 years of car pollution
I have also heard that the ozone layer is healing itself

You are right to a certain degree, however, it is actually CFC's (Chloroflurocarbons) that cause ''Global Warming.'' CFC's contain chlorine, and when these are introduced to sunlight, their chemical bond changes and leave a chlorine free radical. This then reacts with O3 which is Ozone, and changes the shape of that to O2. Now, O2 is not as good as O3 at blocking UV rays, and so, this is the theory behind ''Global Warming.''

I put Global Warming in inverted commas, because although scientists are 90% sure Humans have caused it, they are 10% unsure. And so, not certain. I think that it is not caused by humans, but affected by humans, and to say the climate is changing is extreme, as climate is an average over 30 years. I think that the world is just continuing in its natural cycle, and that humans being the stupidly advanced race we are are trying to understand it, and as everyone seems to get a kick out of scaring the general public, saying that we've caused it and we're all going to die.

I apologise if thats rambling, but, I have a lot to say and my fingers cant keep up!
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Postby cowshrptrn on Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:07 pm

jay_a2j wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:
red bull wrote:IT IS NEG 8 f IN OHIO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!!! so u say no :)

No kidding...its in the single digits in NY as well. I wouldn't mind a little "global warming"!

Be careful what you wish for...

Now, this summer it will be 150 degrees outside.

Yeah ok.... just like the y2k scare. :roll:

You have obviously never lived in either Ohio or Oklahoma... In the summer it can get in the 110s and in the winter it can be below 0...

There is no scare there, only fact.

Well, if it has how can you blame it on global warming if its always been the norm. btw Ohio is right next door to me and the summers here have been cooler in the last decade then prior decades.

now if you bothered to gather some information on the topic before picking a side you'd know that that's because the melting ice is cooling the arctic ocean, disrupting current patterns that normally would drag warm water up from the south so we're experiencing a cooling effect. The more extreme temperatures have been causing hurricanes and major storms.
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global warming

Postby WL_southerner on Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:34 pm

hampshire down in the basin. ozone can be repaired it has all ready been done has an experment in antarctia all it was warm sea water fined sprayed above the jet stream uv light turns sea water vapour into ozone but do they dare do it between the tropics where weather systems start it could push us into an ice age the american gov will not agree to try it
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Postby vtmarik on Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:35 pm

Narky1035 wrote:You are right to a certain degree, however, it is actually CFC's (Chloroflurocarbons) that cause ''Global Warming.'' CFC's contain chlorine, and when these are introduced to sunlight, their chemical bond changes and leave a chlorine free radical. This then reacts with O3 which is Ozone, and changes the shape of that to O2. Now, O2 is not as good as O3 at blocking UV rays, and so, this is the theory behind ''Global Warming.''

No, this is the theory behind the hole in the ozone layer.

I put Global Warming in inverted commas, because although scientists are 90% sure Humans have caused it, they are 10% unsure. And so, not certain. I think that it is not caused by humans, but affected by humans, and to say the climate is changing is extreme, as climate is an average over 30 years. I think that the world is just continuing in its natural cycle, and that humans being the stupidly advanced race we are are trying to understand it, and as everyone seems to get a kick out of scaring the general public, saying that we've caused it and we're all going to die.

Yes, but in the world of majority rules, the "Aye"s have it.

I apologise if thats rambling, but, I have a lot to say and my fingers cant keep up![/quote]
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