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Walz , shoots Law Abiding Americans...

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Walz , shoots Law Abiding Americans...

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:58 pm

-------- People, were trashing TRUMP for picking Vance... Because, of things he said, years ago....
----- Yet where is the Radical LEFT FAKE NEWS on Harris' pick of a real wack job...
------ During the 2020 A.D. riots....Gov. Walz of Minnesota.... Refused help from President TRUMP....Let Minneapolis burn to the ground...Let rioters run the show....Those arrested, Harris bailed out, who would later go on to murder people...
------ But had cops walk down streets enforcing curfews...If you were on your own property/porch....The cops would yell, get inside...If you didn't, The cops shoot you with paint ball guns....
------- That would never work in Southwest Detroit....One, cops would never walk... Especially in Southwest Detroit...Two they are afraid of the Drug Dealers...Not to mention they are a bunch of fat asses...
------- WOW :!: ...He actually fired on law abiding citizens.... During The Lock Down....Kids were drawing with chalk on their sidewalks... People loved getting fresh air...Not in Minnesota... :lol: :lol: :lol: ....This is who the Democrats pick...To be a heart beat away from the Presidency...Not that their choices of President the past few years wins any prizes...WOW, let criminals run free...Shoot Americans on their own property....Who is the Dictator suppose to be again... ;)
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ... Gov. Whitmer had us in a prison camp...But at least we could go outside our house, as she would suggest, Hang our Christmas Decorations up in April, but Gardening was prohibited...
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Sergeant 1st Class ConfederateSS
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