Once, in the late 80s, I went to an eviction party. This was in a town in Orange County, California called Garden Grove. I had to be, maybe, 16, 17? Apparently some guys I'd never met threw a RAGING party because they were pissed off at somebody. Complete Heavy Metal crowd. I walked in with all my cool,my "Axle Rose" hair, levi jacket, torn jeans and a flannel shirt around the waist. Kind of a Heavy Metal flag, the flannel. I wanted to be "Bruce Dickenson" cool. I stepped up to the keg and didn't leave it's side. As the keg and I chatted we stared at the drunk skaters trying to skate in the almost empty pool. Apparently it had been empty for awhile, since the water was muddy, dark green and probably the target of many pee contests. Due to my low constitution and not being much noticed by anyone, I decided to go lay down for a bit.
The two story house, at least the bottom floor, was fairly trashed by this point. The electricity wasn't working and I had to drunkingly squint to see my way. I tripped into the staircase and stumbled up the stairs. One of the bedroom doors was open so I walked over to the bed. I sat and immediately layed back into water, yes water. It was green, murky and hopefully had no pee in it. I was completely wet, with bits of algae sticking to me and my hair. It was an old water bed that had been cut open.
At this point I don't remember what happened next. But I do remember waking up on the front lawn.