by bluereaper on Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:34 pm
ok man both of you have your facts wrong, Im not sure about the WII backwards combatibility and it can only go back to possible the gamecube which sucks and doesn't have many games. The only reason why the WII is so cheap is cause its got cheap parts and all the stuf in it is cheap and can't produce the graphics, sound, movies, and game in great detale. And also the games are alot smaller. Then the 360 i agree with you guys, it sucks cause microsoft doesn't care about anything but money and doesn't have back ward compatibility. But the system i do got to admit puts out good games and excellent graphics. Meanwhile your PS3 backwards facts is completely off. Right now they are having difficulty with it with only 600 games. Which is like 600 games out of 2000 games total, the system works for like 90% of ps1 and ps2 games so it has a great more burden on trying to make everything to work due to the amount of games it has to follow. And sony is trying to fix the problem why 600 games won't work.
By the way im not a fan boy of any system, i just know my info and choose which system i like better due to games.