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Postby what,me worry? on Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:56 pm

actually the Marine Corps accepts a certain number from each recruiting station for their district. and whn it comes to Bush or Kerry, i went into the botth with two piles of Sh*t to pick from, i chose the one who wouldnt make us all look like p*ssies. as much as everyone hates bush, kerry would have been worse.
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Postby Backglass on Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:07 pm

Knight of Orient wrote:Do you ever have anything good to say? I know for one that I am getting fed up with you ripping on something you dont like. You seriously need to chill

Sorry. I am not a lemming like some. I question things instead of just blindly following along.

Obviously I must be hitting some very real "open nerves" if you are so "fed up" with my comments. Why do they bother you so? Because they might hit a little too close to home maybe?

I didnt start any of these threads. If you want a nice quiet forum, dont start inflammatory topics!
Last edited by Backglass on Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Backglass on Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:13 pm

DogDoc wrote:
And we all know that GPA and the college you graduated from are a true measure of ones intelligence. :roll:

And of course it's a well known fact that only an idiot can graduate from Yale.

It's also a well known fact that one can graduate from Yale with a "C" average and yet still become President.

Nice that we settled for "average".
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Postby DogDoc on Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:37 pm

It's also a well known fact that one can graduate from Yale with a "C" average and yet still become President.

Nice that we settled for "average".

I'm fine with that. In veterinary school we had a saying: "A" students went into research and "B" students worked for "C" students.
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Postby wolf_man on Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:11 pm

Maybe its just me, but what I thought Kerry was saying was that if you don't take control of your life, someone will control it for you. Most likely in a manner you will not like. He was encouraging kids not to take the path of least resistance. That's the path that has led America to being 17th in the number of scientists it graduates.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:15 pm

The political parties need to go, all congress does is sit there and argue about the parties. If there were no parties the congressmen could just vote the way they felt rather than all this party beliefs crap.
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Postby ieatplasmarifles on Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:37 pm

jay_a2j wrote:"Work hard, study and get an education or you'll end up in Iraq" (not exact but the jist) That IS NOT directed at George Bush. That is talking to young people and the consiquences of not getting an education leads you to the military fighting in Iraq. Of Course Kerry is going to twist the meaning of his words, after pulling his foot out of his mouth. :roll:

Kerry doesnt know that most feilds of the military you HAVE TO HAVE a college degree...and not to mention he just called himself a retard sence he was in vietnam...but then again he was in the worst position of the military you could be in...the swift boats..that was for the chicken shits.
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Postby slash1890 on Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:25 pm

The GPA isn't really as important as the difficulty of the courses he took.

For example, someone getting a 4.0 taking simple classes shows nothing.

If someone got a 3.0 taking numerous advanced classes, challenging oneself, that shows a lot more.

I don't know what classes each candidate took, so it is possible that Bush did take harder classes, but still, it's a very important factor that should not be overlooked.
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Postby Blitzkreig on Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:37 pm

sfhbballnut wrote:The political parties need to go, all congress does is sit there and argue about the parties. If there were no parties the congressmen could just vote the way they felt rather than all this party beliefs crap.

This might create confusion because you would have to really read into each person's political beliefs. When someone says they're a Republican you know right off the bat that their beliefs are similar to yours.
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Postby DogDoc on Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:43 pm

not to mention he just called himself a retard sence he was in vietnam...but then again he was in the worst position of the military you could be in...the swift boats..that was for the chicken shits.

The Swifties were very much NOT "chicken shits." They were mostly targets for the VC. They were under such severe political rules of engagement constraints operating on the rivers that they were not allowed to attack (unless attacked) even if they directly observed VC setting up an ambush. The Swifties, as well as all US soldiers who served in Vietnam, have my utmost respect and gratitude.

The problem many people have with John Kerry's service is that he allegedly fled from a skirmish, returning only after the fight had ended, just in time to rescue one of the sailors whose boat was lost. He also allegedly put in for bogus Purple Hearts to pad his war record. I say allegedly because, of course, I wasn't there. This is the account that one of the Swift Boat veterans who served with Kerry claims.
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Postby DogDoc on Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:55 pm

Blitzkreig wrote:
sfhbballnut wrote:The political parties need to go, all congress does is sit there and argue about the parties. If there were no parties the congressmen could just vote the way they felt rather than all this party beliefs crap.

This might create confusion because you would have to really read into each person's political beliefs. When someone says they're a Republican you know right off the bat that their beliefs are similar to yours.

LOL!! Not any more. The line between Republicans and Democrats is so blurred now that there is very little difference between them. It used to be that if you said you were a Republican you believed in a smaller role for the federal government, low taxes and a strong national defense whereas if you said you were a Democrat you could count on wanting a larger role for the federal government even if it meant higher taxes and an expanded social welfare program at the expense of a strong national defense. These days I really don't see a big difference between the two. Bush has been Democrat-like in handling the federal budget and immigration and the majority "Republican" Congress has been acting as if they've been the minority party for the past 12 years.

Personally, I would love to see the Libertarian Party gain in popularity and become a serious third party contender in national elections.
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Postby DogDoc on Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:58 pm

slash1890 wrote:The GPA isn't really as important as the difficulty of the courses he took.

For example, someone getting a 4.0 taking simple classes shows nothing.

If someone got a 3.0 taking numerous advanced classes, challenging oneself, that shows a lot more.

I don't know what classes each candidate took, so it is possible that Bush did take harder classes, but still, it's a very important factor that should not be overlooked.

It's all irrelevant at this point in time. My original point was simply that a truly stupid person could not graduate from Yale. You may not like the man, Bush, but there's no way you can call him stupid unless you're just blinded by sheer hatred as so many are.
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Postby strike wolf on Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:19 pm

sfhbballnut wrote:The political parties need to go, all congress does is sit there and argue about the parties. If there were no parties the congressmen could just vote the way they felt rather than all this party beliefs crap.

Maybe it would be the best if we could actually get rid of them but this is highly improbable.
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Postby Sammy gags on Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:54 pm

jay_a2j wrote:
reverend_kyle wrote:First off, most highschool dropouts end up enlisting because its one of the few places that will take them..

Have they changed the enlistment requirements recently? Because it used to be you HAD to have a HS diploma to enlist. My God the Airforce wanted me to get more college credits to enlist!

i think that u can join the army without a diploma...i know that u need a diploma & go 2 a certain college 4 airforce, navy, marines
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Postby OnlyAmbrose on Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:13 pm

strike wolf wrote:
sfhbballnut wrote:The political parties need to go, all congress does is sit there and argue about the parties. If there were no parties the congressmen could just vote the way they felt rather than all this party beliefs crap.

Maybe it would be the best if we could actually get rid of them but this is highly improbable.

It would be an infringement on political rights... it would almost be like outlawing labor unions.

If the party system is going to change, the only way to do so is for voters to stop voting for the two major parties.
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Postby OnlyAmbrose on Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:15 pm

wolf_man wrote:Maybe its just me, but what I thought Kerry was saying was that if you don't take control of your life, someone will control it for you. Most likely in a manner you will not like. He was encouraging kids not to take the path of least resistance. That's the path that has led America to being 17th in the number of scientists it graduates.

Politicians don't talk on such a deep level. They generalize and skip around concrete issues because if they don't someone won't get it. A reason why I think politics may have been a bit more effective when only the educated had the right to vote (disclaimer- I am in no way advocating revoking universal suffrage, simply stating a belief)- politicians could speak on a bit more of a practical level because the voting public would understand what they were talking about.
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Postby ksslemp on Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:03 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:He later came out and said that what he meant was you get us (america) stuck in Iraq (I.E. a jab at President Bush)

When I first heard his original soundbyte, I understood it the way he said he 'meant it'. It's flop, for sure, but there are unfortunately many out there of the same for each party.


Yes, but that still doesnt make sense. The president graduated higher in his class than Kerry!

I think Kerry just likes to hear himself talk!
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Postby ksslemp on Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:05 pm

DogDoc wrote:
not to mention he just called himself a retard sence he was in vietnam...but then again he was in the worst position of the military you could be in...the swift boats..that was for the chicken shits.

The Swifties were very much NOT "chicken shits." They were mostly targets for the VC. They were under such severe political rules of engagement constraints operating on the rivers that they were not allowed to attack (unless attacked) even if they directly observed VC setting up an ambush. The Swifties, as well as all US soldiers who served in Vietnam, have my utmost respect and gratitude.

The problem many people have with John Kerry's service is that he allegedly fled from a skirmish, returning only after the fight had ended, just in time to rescue one of the sailors whose boat was lost. He also allegedly put in for bogus Purple Hearts to pad his war record. I say allegedly because, of course, I wasn't there. This is the account that one of the Swift Boat veterans who served with Kerry claims.

I know, whenever an officer puts in for his own purple heart it throws up some red flags for me.
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