Round 3 scores Group 1 Fakyras 3-1moves on Milo67 1-3 Jimmy V4-0 moves on Nesterdude2-2 Goes to playoff Isthatallyougot0-4 Group 2 G0rgatr0n 3-1 6/10 overall goes to playoff moves on from playoff Drake_pk7 0-4 Blitzkreig frank 3-1 6/9 overall and defeats G0rgatr0n to move on Jmyork821-3 Seamus763-1 7/10 overall moves on Group 3 BG the brain 3-1 moves on Dazza2008 3-1 moves on Sandman175 2-2 Goes to playoff moves on from playoff Farinelli 1-3 Molespe 1-3 After playoff game is complete bracket phase will begin.