Cump Sherman wrote:bombard Sirius. Unless I'm confused and can't do that.
No you cannot do that, I don't have any territories anymore. The only way I can win is if everyone has 0 and I still have the middle ground. If I lose a single battle for the middle ground, I am out.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
This tourney format is pretty cool! Great job with it.
I think it's a good idea to make the process and results as transparent as possible. It makes it easier for both the tournament organizer and the participants to catch and correct any mistakes, but it's also really helpful to understand what's happening.
For example, right now I see two people listed as holding the middle ground. And now both are bombarding me... How is that possible? To figure out what's going on I have to search for all tournament games and look through them.
I see SiriusCowKing won the Battle for Middle Ground which is labeled Round 2 (Game 14832777), but it was the first one (begun 9-10), so I assume it's mislabeled and should be Round 1. In Round 2 He bombarded me and I won. Then I see Cump Sherman won the second Round 2 Battle for Middle Ground (Game 14847575 [begun 9-15] - this one correctly labeled?). In Round 3 Cump Sherman has chosen to bombard me.
Since SiriusCowKing has 0 territories at the end of Round 2 and lost the Battle for Middle Ground (Game 14847575), he should now be eliminated.
You could make a separate post for each round, or just edit the first one and add rounds in spoilers. It would be nice to see results: i.e. Round 1 + who won = Round 2 Something like this would be great:
But I already started my usual way so I'll finish this way for this tournament. Thanks for the suggestion.
As for the battle for the middle ground, it is not miss labeled. There were more than 12 players so there was 2 middle grounds to fight for. I won the other battle for the middle ground, which is why I am still alive.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
I'm still a bit confused though. Shouldn't there have been a Round 1 battle for middle ground? or is the Round 2 battle really the round 1 battle? EDIT: Nevermind, I found the Round 1 battles. Sorry, I'm just having a hard time desciferring what's going on.
jonofperu wrote:This tourney format is pretty cool! Great job with it.
jon I could not agree more. In addition to the creativity, there is the feeling of more control, due to that bombing game.
Thanks a ton for making a very cool suggestion about following results. I for one, track all my results and I find that I often have to go digging up tons of games to figure out what is going on. You do occasionally need to audit the situation to either gain an understanding of what you are involved with, or to correct innocent mistakes.
I think the reason this tourney is amongst the best is because the T.O. is so open to receiving suggestions and working with people to make changes. I got the same result that you did with a couple of other suggestions I have made to SCK. He gobbles it up, if there is the potential to improve one of his tourneys.
Hard luck with the bombing situation. I have been in front a couple of times in these things and I specifically remember one (dubs) where my partner and I were just trying to hang on to the point where there was only one bombing shot instead of two, each round. When you have the lead it's a no-brainer. In your case, you would be a likely target just as long as you are close to the lead (rank). I personally ignore rank unless it is a tie; then rank decides it for me. When you are good, everyone wants a piece of you.
I'm just wondering when one of these bombs will hit the mark. You are dodging all the bullets this game.
So... I would assume there is a battle for middle ground in Round 8, but no bombardment results from it because that would be Round 9? Does possession of the middle ground count as a tiebreaker - i.e. it counts as a territory, right?
Which games correspond to which match, since both best-of-3 matches are between the same 2 players?
jonofperu wrote:So... I would assume there is a battle for middle ground in Round 8, but no bombardment results from it because that would be Round 9? Does possession of the middle ground count as a tiebreaker - i.e. it counts as a territory, right?
Which games correspond to which match, since both best-of-3 matches are between the same 2 players?
There is a battle for the middle ground at round 8, the winner does not get to bombard but it does count toward the territory count at round limit. In case of a tie it is a single 1v1 game between you and stealth that will determine the winner.
Stealth neighbors you on both sides so you play a set of 3 games for both borders. 3 of them you are red, the 3 others you are green, this is how you determine which one belongs to which set.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
A heavy hit on jonofperu this turn, as he lost both borders and the bombardment. But this is not over yet, last round and he can still make a comeback.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.