Moderator: Tournament Directors
shotinthedark wrote:Can I have a slot please? England preferably please but could be Wales if needed. I have mixed heritage!!!
Thanks in advance
drgrougrou wrote:I'm interested to join if its still possible as France!
poptartpsycho18 wrote:Is there a reason I'm not in the tourney? You skipped me and Enter Smith.
poptartpsycho18 wrote:In, I'd like Puerto Rico but if you consider that a commonwealth rather than a country then I'll take Japan please.
Mussollini wrote:In please- Italy if open!
persianempire wrote:its when ur food goes bad... you get spoils
NoSurvivors wrote:Ah heck, why not. I will join as Kyrgyzstan please
stealth99 wrote:Hey John,
I was curious to know when the 2nd round is starting for Doodle World Cup 7
Mussollini wrote:Any updates on the outcomes of the matches?
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