SETUP:Random bracket style, 1 game per round with finals best of 3
Amount of Players Per Game: 4
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
Special Game Play: None
TEAMS:benga, Tiberius Maximus
blonderic and cascades
Watsy and TeeGee
rmjw10 and larry46
tspeed30 and speed
Endgame422 and muti
Chewie1 Notyou2
2007spaceodyssey and BIG_John
General Bax with SC MAN
Blitzkrieg Frank with Tazzy_J
Tobikera with hmsps
CatchersMitt14 with Power Bomb
Bobby4254 eric111213
WPBRJ + pearljamrox2
emilywink filopo
torres44cm and clean up crew
- Click image to enlarge.