Official SOS Africa Qualifier:
Riding the Rails in Africa
Brought to you by Team CC
This is a Batch 1 SOS Africa Qualifying Tournament. Each player is limited to ONE qualifier per batch. If you wish to play in this tournament, you may NOT join sempaispellcheck's The Nile Runs Red, chapcrap's Rorke's Drift Doubles, or ManBungalow's Lower Egyptian Triple Trouble.
Freemiums can participate, but will need 3 game slots open at all times.
YOU <index finger pointing straight at you> are invited to ride the rails through Africa during the peak of the heyday of traveling by train! And to bring 3 of your closest friends along for the ride.
Since your train will often be traveling through the night, there will be FOG. And everyone knows that traveling by railroad isn't the most reliable form of transportation, so TRENCH represents the stops and starts and general slowness of this mode of transportation. Since we're inviting you, we've paid for your entire journey so you'll need to purchase NO CARDS to show the conductor as we've already taken care of all that for you.
Each leg of your trip consists of three games - two on RAIL AFRICA because you are traveling the continent by train and one on AFRICA because you are viewing this lovely continent as you travel. Complete each leg and continue onward to the next one. At the end of your ride, you'll be awarded a wondrous prize.
Read the details below and post in this thread to sign up now!
Maps: Rail Africa, Africa
Players per game: 8
Game Type: Quadruples
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: No Spoils
Reinforcements: Chained
Special Gameplay: Fog of War AND Trench Warfare
Round Limit: None
Round Length: Casual
This tournament will follow a standard bracket format and it will be randomly seeded. It will be 8 teams and each round will be best of 3 to advance. Each round, teams will play two games on Rail Africa and one on Africa.
Winners of the tournament will be rewarded with a General Achievement Medal, 3 months premium, and a place in the SOS Africa Finals tournament. Prizes are donated by the Entertainment team.
- Tournament begins when full; first games will be made and sent out shortly thereafter.
- This tournament is part of SOS Africa -- Round 2.
- Everybody receives 2 invites for joining games. After missing 2 invites player will be replaced by a reserve.
- Any issues will be solved by the tournament organiser and his/her word is final.
1. Josko.ri, fishydance, JackMaxim, General Roy
2. gorehound, lanyards, Eldritch, BuJaber
3. jbadbear, success, mrchieftain, ke_rassa
4. Armandolas, Doc_Brown, Iron Maid, Kexor
5. Wudf, nobz, Foam, desperations
6. Virus90, Itake, Spudulica, Tazzy_J
8. b00060, MrPanzerGeneral, kevlove102, BoganGod