Due to the low rate of signups, I've decided to trim the players needed down from 64 to 40 instead. Here's hoping we can still fill up this number!
Of course, with changes in the number of players, comes changes in the setup. So just to update everyone, here are the changes:
- 8 factions have been cut down to 5.
- Viet Kong had no signups;
- Spartans had 1 signup - Karats - who has shifted to the Samurai;
- Vikings also had 1 signup - crazycolin - who has shifted to the Terracotta Warriors.
- In Phase I, instead of 2 games against each of 7 other factions, there will now be 4 games against each of the other 4 factions.
- The change still keeps the total matchups at approximately the same number (14 before, 16 now).
The changes
only affect Phase I of the tournament.
If we still can't hit 40 players by 7 May, further changes will be made to the format. Hopefully this won't happen. Either way, players will be PMed to make sure they are aware of the changes.