This is the next map in my series of 1 vs 1 Tournaments of the map list. The map we will be playing is Istanbul
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1.This is a single elimination tournament - if you win you advance to the next round until there are two players
left to play in the finals which will be the best of three.
2. Freemiums are welcome you just need to have one slot open
3. 97% of turns taken (Unless you have played in a couple of my tourneys before with no deadbeating)
4.At least 50 games played (Can be flexible on this)
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- Automatic
No Trench
Previous List of Maps Winners
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- Classic - I_AM_BOGEY
8 Thoughts - shoop76
13 Colonies - Sniper08
Africa - fairman
Age Of Merchants - HighlanderAttack
AOR1 - DBandit70
AOR2 - MoB Deadly
AOR3 - ckyrias
Alexander's Empire - DJENRE
American Civil War - Le_Phenix
Ancient Greece - Leehar
Archipelago - Leehar
Arctic - mr. CD
Arms Race - strixX
Asia - Pyrhhus
Atlantis - Tripitaka
Austerlitz - Domicas
Australia - BluU
Balkan Peninsula - BluU
Bamboo Jack - canona85
Battle For Iraq! - Ugly_Moose
Battle Of Actium - uckuki
BeNeLux - shoop76
Berlin 1961 - deantursx
Brazil - Mcshanester29
British Isles - dcc1220
Cairns Coral Coast - TheTrueNorth
Cairns Metro - I_AM_BOGEY
Canada - Tripitaka
Caribbean Islands - HighlanderAttack
Castle Lands - D00MandD3A7H
CCU - Ianphull
Celtic Nations - Tripitaka
Central America - Krissan
Charleston - wrexham
Chicago - canona85
Chinese Checkers - rockfist
Circus Maximus - harvmax
City Mogul - watsy
Clandemonium - dukasuar
Conquer 4 - azak848
Conquer Man - Ninja Champion
Cricket - Domicas
Crossword - silversun6
Cyprus - dagothsunshine
D-Day: Omaha Beach! - subprime
Das Schloss - dmastrong
Dawn Of Ages - Jippd
Discworld - ejph
Doodle Earth - Shoop76
Draknor - Level 1 - william tennant
Duck And Cover - el simondo
Dust Bowl - Tupence
Eastern Hemisphere - jbfloyd
Egypt: Lower - ejph
Egypt: Nubia - Beer Baron
Egypt: Upper - Tripitaka
Egypt: Valley Of The Kings - shoop76
England - asbks
Europa - TheTrueNorth
Europe - puppydog85
Europe 1914 - Lyndir
Extreme Global Warming - Tripitaka
Far East - EagleofGreenErth
Feudal Epic - Ninja Champion
Feudal War - greenoaks
First Nations Americas - PepeAtila
First Nations North America - Tripitaka
First Nations South America - jricart
Flanders 1302 - Lyndir
Forbidden City - chutley
Fractured America - ultraman
Fractured China - Agent 86
France - HighlanderAttack
France 1789 - Armandolas
Germany - greenbaize
Gilgamesh - TheTrueNorth
Golfe Du Saint-Laurent - traffic133
Great Lakes - israel.
Greater China - Fyrdraca
Greenland - jgordon1111
Haiti - dgz345
Halloween Hollows - MoB Deadly
High Seas - Grandilof
Hive - ejph
Holy Roman Empire - whydelilah
Hong Kong - HHedyHH
Iberia - V.J.
Iceland - adam666
Imperium Romanum - TheTrueNorth
Indian Empire - Serreski
Indochina -
Ireland -
Island Of Doom -
Istanbul - will be used for the initial matchups.