Congrats to The Pillow Fighters (Foxglove, JaneAustin and loes) for winning this tourney!
This tourney brought to you by the lovely ladies of KoRT!
Standard Tourney. 8 trip teams Bracket Style Tourney. Seeds will be done randomly.
Single Elimination 3 game per round. Maps used below:
Foxy's ~ Solar System
Jane's ~ First Nations North America
Loes ~ Cairns Coral Coast
No Trench
Reserve Policy: If there are any teams that do not join their game during Round 1, they will be replaced by a reserve after 48 hours of time has passed. If a team drops out during Round 2 or greater, that team forfeits, and no reserve will be replaced. It will count as a victory for the opponent.
If a team player does not join in Round 1 you will be allowed to fill using another player but still must meet the point total. After round 1 this is your team if a teammate does not join round 2 or greater within 48 hours your team will forfeit that game.
PM me if you have any questions