Conquer Club 2012 US Presidential Elections (completed)
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:38 am
Republican candidate morleyjoe and running mate scottp surged to an early lead over the lawz21/chutley ticket, gaining 77 votes during a trip to the heartland. Next the candidates head to New England, where Democrats usually flourish, but can the GOP keep its momentum?
Follow along here: ... SVmc#gid=2
All games (except General Elections) are Auto/Sequential/Escalating/Chained/Foggy. Freemiums must keep all spots open and join their games before they expire or forfeit them.
Play 1v1 against every other player in your region once each on the region map, US Senate & City Mogul. (3 games per week for 3 weeks)
Each win is worth $1 million dollars. The players with the most money in their region advance to the primary elections.
Remaining players with at least $3 million become an independent candidate.
Primary Elections
Within each party (Democrat, Republican, and Independent), candidates play 1v1 against each other on their chosen platform. (5 games per week for 4 weeks)
Receive 1 delegate for each win
Receive 2 delegates for each win on any map you chose as your platform
The player with the most delegates in each party is the Presidential candidate and may choose their VP from others in their party primary.
If there is a tie, the player with more money is the Presidential candidate and the other player is VP by default. If there is still a tie it will broken with one game on US Senate.
General Election
If the Independent candidate’s total delegate count is higher than that of the Democrat and Republican candidate, all 3 parties will play in the General Elections; otherwise, only the Democrats & Republicans will continue.
The President and VP of each party will play doubles against the opposing parties on the following maps - each worth a certain number of Electoral votes.
Games are staggered (suspense!) and the party that leads in total votes after each batch is declared the front-runner and is allowed to choose new Reinforcement, Spoils, & Fog settings. (3-4 games per week for 6 weeks)
During the general election a Presidential candidate may choose a different VP candidate, but will lose 20 votes.
The Presidential candidate and VP team with the majority of votes wins the tournament!