Conquer Club

History of Nuclear War III [Winner = Junior Bee]

Tournaments completed in 2013

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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 6]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:06 am

2012-08-21 04:04:46 - Dukasaur: aalii was the first one actually eliminated here
2012-08-21 04:05:04 - Dukasaur: However, Rousallier has been guested and cannot continue in the tourney
2012-08-21 04:05:23 - Dukasaur: Therefore, Rousallier counts as the elimination for this round

Musteriuz is the one eliminated in the other game.

Both were FOGgy votes, so the vote now stands at 7-6 for FOG, the closest it has been. Time for you SUNny people to make your move...:)
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 7]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:19 am

After having come to the edge of open war in the Berlin Crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the superpowers both retreated from such brinksmanship and reverted to proxy wars. Communist or communist-sympathetic revolutions either continued or began across much of Africa and Asia. To a large degree, many of the revolutionaries were not, strictly speaking, communist in their outlook, but they turned to the Soviet Union for aid because the regimes they were fighting were either European colonial empires or post-colonial governments with strong ties to the West.
Phase 7
14 players in 2 groups will play 7-player games on the Eastern Hemisphere map. The first player eliminated in each game is out of the tournament. The remainder will go on to the next round.

Phase 7 games have been created and invitations sent out!
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 6]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:50 am

Dukasaur wrote:
2012-08-21 04:04:46 - Dukasaur: aalii was the first one actually eliminated here
2012-08-21 04:05:04 - Dukasaur: However, Rousallier has been guested and cannot continue in the tourney
2012-08-21 04:05:23 - Dukasaur: Therefore, Rousallier counts as the elimination for this round

Musteriuz is the one eliminated in the other game.

Both were FOGgy votes, so the vote now stands at 7-6 for FOG, the closest it has been. Time for you SUNny people to make your move...:)

It's sad to say that Soldier4Christ seems to have vanished...:(

The good news is that musteriuz is therefore reinstated.
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 7]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:46 am

Still one game without a kill.
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 7]

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:35 am

In this phase we say goodbye to farinelli and solar.

The fog-sun vote stands at 6-6, so I will have to break the tie. Since we haven't had a single sunny game so far, I will vote for SUN, just for a change of pace!
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 8]

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:47 am

Dukasaur wrote:phase 8]In Indochina, a proxy war spun out of control, as successive American governments attempted to save an anti-communist regime in South Vietnam from its communist counterpart in North Vietnam. Starting with a small handful of observers and trainers, the American mission in South Vietnam gradually became a full-scale military deployment. It is a popular myth that the Americans "lost" the Vietnam war. In fact, in every single engagement the Americans succeeded in beating the NVA back. The American withdrawal took place because the War had become a political liability at home. At the time of the withdrawal, not a single town in the South was under Viet Cong or NVA control.

Nonetheless, American support was withdrawn from the South, while Russian and Chinese support for the North continued unabated. Only 22 months after the American withdrawal was the North confident enough to resume the war. Fully rested and re-equipped with brand-new Soviet military hardware, including 700 new tanks, the NVA was able to finally defeat the South.
Phase 8
12 players in 2 groups will play 6-player games on the Indochina map. The first player eliminated in each game is out of the tournament. The remainder will go on to the next round.

Phase 8 games have been created and invitations sent out! Good luck, everyone!
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 8]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:40 pm

In Phase 8 we see the elimination of aalii and uckuki. Both were SUNny votes, so once again the FOGheads have the upper hand. Phase 9 coming right up!
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 9]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:03 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Phase 9]During the era of proxy wars, the U.S. had somewhat de-emphasized its nuclear arsenal while the Soviets had built more nukes at an increasing rate. By 1978, for the first time, the Russian stockpile of 25393 nuclear warheads exceeded the American stockpile of 24826. Soviet military expenditures by this point constituted 25% of their GNP. Although that level of expenditure was slowly bankrupting the Soviet economy, this was not clearly visible to the outside world. With new (largely anti-American) revolutions overthrowing the governments of Nicaragua and Iran, it seemed to many that the West was losing the Cold War.

In 1979 the Soviets sent troops into Afghanistan to prop up their puppet regime there, and Jimmy Carter withdrew from the SALT II talks in protest. He immediately set in motion a large buildup of U.S. forces, including both a conventional buildup and the new MX nuclear missile. This buildup was continued by Ronald Reagan, who also began the Strategic Defense Initiative, revived the B-1 bomber program, and deployed Pershing II missiles in Germany. The years from 1979 to 1983 saw the largest peacetime military buildup in U.S. history, and coupled with the continuing buildup by the Soviets it constituted a new arms race.
Phase 9
10 players in 2 groups will play 5-player games on the Arms Race map. The first player eliminated in each game is out of the tournament. The remainder will go on to the next round.

Phase 9 games have been created and invitations sent out! This is the last round before the Final Cataclysm, so think carefully about whom you want to eliminate!
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 9]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:53 am

4Red and Sparkyball lost their final Arms Race!

Finalists will be:
Junior Bee
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 9]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:10 am

Final Cataclysm games have been created and invitations sent out!

Hang on to your DNA, friends! The walls are starting to glow!
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 9]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:46 pm

Someone has asked for interim scores, so here we go.

Plenty of games still in progress, but the Final Cataclysm results achieved so far:
PaRKoN and Junior Bee are perfectly tied. Each has 5 kills and 1 win.
Windy81 has 3 kills and Vaicius has one.
Nobody else has racked up any score yet.
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Phase 9]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:53 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Someone has asked for interim scores, so here we go.

Plenty of games still in progress, but the Final Cataclysm results achieved so far:
PaRKoN and Junior Bee are perfectly tied. Each has 5 kills and 1 win.
Windy81 has 3 kills and Vaicius has one.
Nobody else has racked up any score yet.

Okay, those numbers were according to Tour Stats, but just looking at the games it's pretty obvious that there are a lot more kills than that, so I will have to go count them manually. Damn Firefox for constantly screwing with something and making the greasemonkey tools not work properly....:(
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Re: History of Nuclear War III

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:14 pm

Game 11963503 ongoing, 1 kill for bearshark
Game 11963504 no score
Game 11963505 finished, 1 kill Windy81, 1 kill Junior Bee, 5 kills and win for Parkon
Game 11963506 ongoing, 2 kills Vaicius, 4 kills for bearshark3
Game 11963509 ongoing 1 kill musteriuz, 1 kill bearshark
Game 11963512 ongoing 1 kill bearshark
Game 11963514 no score
Game 11963519 ongoing Parkon, Vaicius, Junior Bee 1 kill each, 2 kills for bearshark
Game 11963520 finished, 1 kill Vaicius, 2 kills Windy 81, 4 kills and win for Junior Bee

Totals so far
PaRKoN 8
musteriuz 1
Vaicius 4
windy81 3
Junior Bee 7
bearshark3 9

Okay, those are manually counted. (I guess there's actually nothing wrong with Tour Stats, it's just not designed to count kills from incomplete games.)
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Final Cataclysm]

Postby merch313 on Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:19 pm

Tourney still active
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Re: History of Nuclear War III [Final Cataclysm]

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:57 pm

A very dramatic Final Cataclysm, indeed!!!

Three players: PaRKoN, Junior Bee, and Bearshark3, all scored 13 kills, evidence of a very closely fought contest. Which of the three do you suppose won the tournament? (Answer below.) A very tenacious trio of terminators you guys make! I'll put up any of you against Arnie any day!

A special honourable mention goes to Grandilof, who won 3 games, more than any other player. On the way, however, Grandilof only scored 6 kills, so ends up with only 12 points. Still, winning 3 games in this competitive field is an achievement! Good job, Grandilof!
=D> =D> =D>

Okay, from last to first:
shutout ( :cry: ) bernooch, 0 pts.
4 kills but no wins, windy81, 4 pts.
6 kills and a win, musteriuz, 8 pts.
8 kills and 2 wins, Vaicius, 12 pts.
6 kills and 3 wins, Grandilof, 12 pts.
13 kills but no wins, bearshark3, 13 pts.
13 kills and 1 win, PaRKoN, 15 pts,
and at the very top...........
13 kills and 2 wins, Junior Bee, 17 pts.

Congratulations Junior Bee!!!!

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
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