by mcshanester29 on Thu May 30, 2013 3:01 am
Here is the initial lineup:
There were 32 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
31.Glassyyy and mwoforlife
13.andyf23 and Mcshanester29
23.RoOkaz and iamcaffeine
29.mizzou3181 and cwinslow22
18.ndrs and anonymus
20.mcrn55 and dt03457
30.isthatallyougot and JO Dynasty
28.blonderic and alexlau
6.jimfinn and bdb
14.jricart and swimmerdude99
3.bahrain and lockup
1.Dukasaur and DoomYoshi
4.elonpuckhog and osman76
16.Blackknight_6 and joshzam
26.Superwang and Hath
24.nolefan5311 and chapcrap
2.Aussie02 and Lyndir
19.theheadholes and pittsburgh00
10.dakky21 & auger13
21.whakamole and Dillybarr
25.concrete and scottp
15.Gilligan and TheKidsTrumpet
32.torres44cm and suzieq51
11.iliax2 and lordlau1
27.ckyrias and italianipastido
12.jfugere and MCKINNON313
22.templeyard and franciscopatitz
5.Al Hays and spanishclaret
17.hhedyhh and slikoner
8.Enormastitz and Tin Trumpet
7.GioDuce and mint-murray
9.foxininio and C.J
Timestamp: 2013-05-30 07:53:59 UTC