Round 1 has finished! We're ready to start round 2. Could all teams that participate in round 2 send me their map for that round or post it whithin the tournament thread on the forum within 24 hours plz. Cheers!
At last we know who the last standing team is. They made it through several rounds of smashing action and fierce battles. Depending on each other. And trusting each other. They worked as a team and conquered it all! But... Suddenly the skies turn dark and grim since this is the moment they realize they have to fight each other now! Because in the end there can be only one...
So let's get ready for the final of all finals and find out who is the best backstabber: Nibotha or Slickstick!
We have got a winner! And his name is... NIBOTHA!!!
It was a very exciting finals where Nibotha and Slickstick were stabbing the <peep> out of each other. But in the end one champion left the arena standing. And that champion is Nibotha.
Congratulations on your tournament win m8! You earned the champion title for the 'Knife in the back' tournament 2nd edition.
Thanks for participating everybody! I hope you will all join my future tournaments.