benga wrote:I see that you have fixed you quaterfinals group so that you won't play Goran
Anyway hf all in quarters!
I would actually love to play Goranz! Hopefully my team will meet his in the next round! The more challenging the opponent, the better! The better the competition, the faster you'll improve. And also, I use to determine the groupings. I figure that is the most fair and random way.
Jsnyder (who happens to be my teammate) has been missing too many invites. I am looking for a replacement for him.
GoranZ wrote:Over and Over? What are you talking about. No one is sending invites over and over. They send 2 within 48 hours(and thats it)
I was sending invites over and over, and it can be quite tiresome.
GoranZ wrote:Hmm lets look your approach from players perspective: Opponent misses an invite, you don't resend the invite within 48 hours game gets deleted and when you resend the invite players to the team that originally joined, don't join the new game. The excuse will be simple: "We don't have time now, we will have next month".(USING EXACTLY YOUR EXCUSE TO NOT RESEND INVITES...). What we do in this case? Even TD wont be able to moderate this problem that you create in the first place.
That is perfectly understandable. Things come up and life gets in the way. If someone doesn't have the time for it, I understand completely. Once they let me know, I can go ahead and look for a replacement. We all get busy at one point or another.
GoranZ wrote:Violet what you do is exactly what Night Strike says... you send your reinvites after one, two, tree or even four weeks. That is obviously way too much anyway you look at it. On top the time is random, so players cant make any plans for their future games.
Yes, that is true! That's why I recommend this tourney for premium members. I don't recommend that a freemium join, because they won't be able to play the nine games in each round.
GoranZ wrote:BTW To my understanding "complete standings" means standings of completed games, while uncompleted go in "To Be Determined" section.
Completed means for all games to be finished. If a game is not completed, you can just say "In Progress."