Amazzony's Assassinations II [Winner: dittoeevee8888]

Amazzony’s Assassinations II

You are on my turf now. Again. BEWARE! There are sneaky amazons lurking around and nobody is safe from a random arrow or well planned assassination. But, nevertheless, everybody has an equal chance to become the most powerful assassin and wear the title of Queen/King of Assassins. Though my time is limited then I think that I have enough time for a small tournament to give everybody a chance to kick current King of Assassins - Bones2484 from his throne (ZZ's Assassinations I)
***Everybody with 1 open slot is welcome***
(1-2 open slots for finals)
All games are Sequential & 4, 5 and 6-player Assassin (+ Casual, Sunny, Escalating & Chained)
Step 1 map: Arctic
Step 2 map: American Civil War
Step 3 map: Arms Race
Finals: Amazzony's favourite maps (for example: Classic, British Isles, Crossword, Space, Brazil, South America)
Round 1
Step 1 Six 6-player games, made randomly with Winner of each game advances to Round 2.
Step 2 Six 5-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Round 2.
Step 3 Six 4-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Round 2.
*Now we have 18 players for Round 2*
Round 2
Step 1 Three 6-player games, made randomly with Winner of each game advances to Finals.
Step 2 Three 5-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Finals.
*Now we have 6 players for Finals*
2 games will be played at once. Overall minimum 3 games, maximum 13 games. When 1 player reaches 2 wins then 1 game will be played at once.
First player who achieves 3 wins in final games (all games must be finished), is the winner of the tournament.
*I'm your Goddess (
) and what I say, goes in this tournament. If I feel that something needs changing then I have the right to do if it's fair to everybody and is in the benefit of the tournament.
*Alliances are not allowed.
*Foe List is ignored. If you wish to play in my tournament then you have to play with anybody who I tell you.
*Signing up to the tournament counts only when posted to this thread.
*I know that my explaining skills aren't top-notch so if there's something confusing about the tournament then please use this thread so others would also see the answer.
*With any problems and questions, turn to me either by PM or posting to this thread.
Notification list It seems that letting organisers notify you when they are making a new tournament is pretty popular so here’s mine. If you wish to get a message when I launch a new tournament then please let me know about it (post about it to this thread or send me a private message)

You are on my turf now. Again. BEWARE! There are sneaky amazons lurking around and nobody is safe from a random arrow or well planned assassination. But, nevertheless, everybody has an equal chance to become the most powerful assassin and wear the title of Queen/King of Assassins. Though my time is limited then I think that I have enough time for a small tournament to give everybody a chance to kick current King of Assassins - Bones2484 from his throne (ZZ's Assassinations I)
***Everybody with 1 open slot is welcome***
(1-2 open slots for finals)
All games are Sequential & 4, 5 and 6-player Assassin (+ Casual, Sunny, Escalating & Chained)
Step 1 map: Arctic
Step 2 map: American Civil War
Step 3 map: Arms Race
Finals: Amazzony's favourite maps (for example: Classic, British Isles, Crossword, Space, Brazil, South America)
Round 1
Step 1 Six 6-player games, made randomly with Winner of each game advances to Round 2.
Step 2 Six 5-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Round 2.
Step 3 Six 4-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Round 2.
*Now we have 18 players for Round 2*
Round 2
Step 1 Three 6-player games, made randomly with Winner of each game advances to Finals.
Step 2 Three 5-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Finals.
*Now we have 6 players for Finals*
2 games will be played at once. Overall minimum 3 games, maximum 13 games. When 1 player reaches 2 wins then 1 game will be played at once.
First player who achieves 3 wins in final games (all games must be finished), is the winner of the tournament.
*I'm your Goddess (

*Alliances are not allowed.
*Foe List is ignored. If you wish to play in my tournament then you have to play with anybody who I tell you.
*Signing up to the tournament counts only when posted to this thread.
*I know that my explaining skills aren't top-notch so if there's something confusing about the tournament then please use this thread so others would also see the answer.
*With any problems and questions, turn to me either by PM or posting to this thread.
Notification list It seems that letting organisers notify you when they are making a new tournament is pretty popular so here’s mine. If you wish to get a message when I launch a new tournament then please let me know about it (post about it to this thread or send me a private message)