cairnswk VS WidowMakers
Hello and Welcome to all of CC, today I bring you a special competition in the foundry update, as you know i start a new tournament each and every time new maps are created, players fight through the new maps to find a grand champion of that update. How often we honor the maps themselves and not the creators? well today i bring you the top two make makers in the foundry in terms of quantity, cairnswk and WidowMakers. You will choose to join one side, will you fight for WidowMakers? or will you fight for cairnswk? the choice is yours. Once you pick your side players will be randomly placed to fight one another, playing one map from each creator, if you lose twice you are out, if you win twice, you are in, if you tie, you will also survive to the next round. Gameplay continues until one group is destroyed, then the surviving group will fight it out to find who the grand champion is!
cairnswk wrote:Oh and Nate....just to add some spice....and incentive....
If one of my players wins, i will award that winner a premium membership.![]()
MAP: Random from cairnswk & WidowMakers
Players: 2
Play Order: Sequential
Forts: Chained
Cards: No Cards
Fog: No Fog
cairnswk's maps (17 maps)
Egypt Upper
Egypt Nubia
Sydney Metro
Treasures of GalƔpagos
Lower Egypt
Prohibition Chicago
Rail Europe
WWII: Gazala
Battle of Waterloo
Bamboo Jack
Battle for Australia
WWII Pearl Harbor
Cairns Coral Coast
Rail USA (joined project with WidowMakers)
Battle of Actium
Egypt: Vally of the Kings
WidowMakers Maps (11 playable maps)
Dungeon of Draknor
The Great Lakes
Arms Race
King of Mountains
8 Thought
Circus Maximus
Rail USA (joint project with cairnswk)
good luck, and of course, have fun