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++++Band or Die 2 [Winners: See First Post]

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:43 am
by Natewolfman
++++Band or Die

WINNER=Team 15
1) Daryth
2) Chariots of Fire
3) Shatners Bassoon
4) jpeter15

I am going on vacation starting tonight! I will be gone until 6/8/08, when i return i will continue advertizing to fill this tournament. Until then, good luck on your games, and have fun with CC =D>


Band or die just finished and its time to bring it back! I really enjoyed this tournament and would like to see it keep going. Come one, come all with 3 of your partners and play a nice quad tournament

Worried about quad games? dont know your teammates very well? no problem! the quad games are only a single part of this tournament. You will need a full team of 4 players (one player designated as leader) once all teams are filled it will play out much like a bracket tournament, only slightly more in depth... you will play a total of 7 games per round in total from your team, 1 quads, 2 doubles, and 4 1v1 games in each round. It is up to the team Captain to select which players are to play on which map. The Quad map will be selected per round at random by me, Aside from this you will need to pick a home doubles game, and two home 1v1 games. This is the information i need from you

CHANGES FROM ++++Band or Die
-I will fill this tournament 16 teams rather then 12

Team Name (optional)
1) XXX (Captain)
2) XXX
3) XXX
4) XXX
Doubles Home Map: (include your own game settings as well)
1v1 Home Map 1:
1v1 Home Map 2 (The second map CAN be the same as the first):

NOTE: I will not allow the use of the following maps: Age of Merchants, Age of Might, Age of Magic, Conquerman, Circus Maximus, Feudal War, Pearl Harbor, Waterloo.

When i create the games i will create
-1 Quad game---map of my choice down below---Sequential, Flat Rate, Chained, no fog
-2 Doubles games---one as your home map, one as your away map---You pick your own settings
-4 1v1 games---2 as your home maps, 2 as your away maps---Sequential, Escalateing, Chained, no fog

I will send the PM to ONLY your squad captain, it is then up to him/her who to send to the home maps, who to send to the away maps, and which partners to use in the doubles games.

That being said, I would like 16 teams to sign up for this, It is a large number, 64 total players, but i think the mixture in game types will be refreshing and i hope you enjoy the change in pace :)


ROUND 1 - Brazil
ROUND 2 - ?
ROUND 3 - ?
ROUND 4 - ?

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:44 am
by Natewolfman
Sign up

1-The Truculent Alliance
1) NateWolfman (captain)
2) dtsleo
3) lone.prophet
4) SkywardShadow
Doubles Home Map: Seige! (Seq, Chained, Flat Rate, Sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: Ancient Greece
1v1 Home Map 2: WWII Gazala

2-Team 2
1) t-o-m
2) jako
3) dragon dor
4) me-da-minority
Doubles Home Map: new world Seq, no cards, unlim, sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: feudal war
1v1 Home Map 2: New World

3-The G1 "B" Team
1) Bones2484 (Captain)
2) Barterer2002
3) BaldAdonis
4) Godd
Doubles Home Map: Classic (Seq, Flat, Chained, Foggy)
1v1 Home Map 1: Bamboo Jack
1v1 Home Map 2: NYC

4-Team 4
1) killmanic (Captain)
2) White Moose
3) daydream
4) lord voldemort
Doubles Home Map: chicago (Seq, no fog, chained, no cards)
1v1 Home Map 1: Chicago
1v1 Home Map 2: Bamboo Jack

5-The four-skins (Winners of ++++Band or Die)
1) aspalm (Captain)
2) bigroo4601
3) hambone
4) vicmasters
Doubles Home Map: battle of actium (seq, unlimited, flat, sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: n. america
1v1 Home Map 2: solar system

1) ga7 (Captain)
2) Fircoal
3) nagerous
4) got tonkaed
Doubles Home Map: Berlin 1961 (Seq, Esc, Unlimited, sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: Scotland
1v1 Home Map 2: WWII Eastern Front

7- Nothing Random Here
1) Icefog99 (Captain)
2) acores2005
3) Nicho
4) bob72
Doubles Home Map: Classic (seq, flat, chained, foggy)
1v1 Home Map 1: alexanders empire
1v1 Home Map 2 : tamreil

8- Random Team II
1) madman7
2) Supposesublys
3) Rhinestone80
4) poptartpsycho18
Doubles Home Map: doodle earth (Seq, flat, chained, sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: Scotland
1v1 Home Map 2: Scotland

9-Random Team III
1) graulenst
2) solar
3) Drew483
4) millertime13
Doubles map - canada (seq, esc, unlim, sunny)
1 v1 map 1 - germany
1 v 1 map2 - Netherlands

10-Team 10
1) AtreidesHouse
2) conquerhero
3) Kegler
4) Steiner75
Doubles Home Map: World 2.1 (sequential, flat, chained, sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: Gazala
1v1 Home Map 2: Middle East

11-The Blind Lions
1) leolou2 (Captain)
2) Angas Khan
3) roadhawg
4) noretreat
Doubles Home Map: Greater China (Seq, Flat, Chained, Sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: USA
1v1 Home Map 2: USA

1) seamusk (captain)
2) danfrank
3) cptbighead
4) anonadick
Home dubs: NYC, Seq, Fog, Chained, no cards
Singles map 1: North America
Singles map 2: Classic

13-Warriors Against Retards "War"
1) littlebrother2k7
2) hiddendragon
3) assassin07
4) kronic69
Doubles home map: benelux (seq, flat, chained, foggy)
1v1 Home Map 1: benelux
1v1 Home Map 2: classic

14-The Vonn Trap Family Singers
1) Goggles Paisano (captain)
2) Vexx
3) Easy n Dirty
4) PaulG
Doubles Home Map:Great Lakes (seq, esc, chained,sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: British Isles
1v1 Home Map 2: San Francisco

15-Team 15
1) Daryth
2) HermannGoering
3) Shatners Bassoon
4) jpeter15
Doubles Home Map: Benelux, sequential, chained, escalating, no fog
1v1 Home Map 1: Benelux
1v1 Home Map 2: Alexanders Empire

16-Team 16
1) theprotector85 (captain)
2) Daviedoo
3) ralphcptc
4) lindax
Doubles Home Map: benelux (seq., no cards, chained, sunny)
1v1 Home Map 1: World 2.1
1v1 Home Map 2: British Isles

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:44 am
by Natewolfman

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:44 am
by Natewolfman

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:08 pm
by t-o-m
wohoo ill join

dont have a team yet though-i might sort one out soon

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:09 pm
by Bones2484
I will hopefully have a team for you soon, Nate. Save a spot!

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:09 pm
by killmanic
me lord voldemort, daydream, and white moose

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:11 pm
by White Moose
killmanic wrote:me lord voldemort, daydream, and white moose

Damn, you beat me to it. Was just about to write it :P

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:14 pm
by acores2005
Im in
No team yet

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:16 pm
by Icefog99
Count me in and throw me in with anyone who needs a player.


Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:20 pm
by aspalm
as defending champs, hell yeah we're in!

team: four-skins

doubles map: battle of actium
1v1: n.america
1v1: solar system

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:48 pm
by graulenst
I would like to be in. don't have a team.

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:08 pm
by bob72
me too don't have a team so will accept any offers from good serious doubles players :D

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:34 pm
by ga7
Reserving a spot ;)

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:41 pm
by Natewolfman
filling much quicker then last time! which is awesome.... of course now i have a fan base ;)

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:23 pm
by madman7
ill play---put me anywhere

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:14 pm
by Supposesublys
I'll join a random team sounds like fun

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:17 pm
by Drew483
I'm in with you to represent

The Truculent Alliance

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:21 pm
by Rhinestone80
Count me in. I'll play with whoever wants a teammate...

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:19 pm
by poptartpsycho18
I'll be in if anyone needs one for their team. I've never done quads but I do well with doubles. Just check my feedback! PLEASE PICK ME!!

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:03 pm
by solar
put me in with Graulenst

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:14 pm
by Nicho
You got me. ;-)

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:31 pm
by Bones2484
Here we go:

The G1 "B" Team
Godd (an honorary "b")

Doubles: Classic - Flat Rate/Chained/Fog
Singles: Bamboo Jack, NYC

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:03 pm
by leolou2
hey we are in i'll get all the info to you soon ok

Re: ++++Band or Die 2

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:08 pm
by Natewolfman
leolou2 wrote:hey we are in i'll get all the info to you soon ok

sounds good

-updated so far-

filling fast :D