Conquer Club

World 2.1 FOW Tournament [WINNER: Igotaished]

Tournaments completed in 2008.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

World 2.1 FOW Tournament [WINNER: Igotaished]

Postby friendly1 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:43 pm

Hello Everyone :-)

Tournament Style (All Games, All Rounds): World 2.1 Map, Fog of War, Escalating cards, Adjacent fortifications, Sequential turns, 6 players, Terminator games.

36 players, 6 reserves.

Tournament Format:

Round 1.

Six divisions of six players in each: each division will play 6 games against each other with the top two point leaders advancing.

Points will be issued in the following format:

1st place: 13 pts
2nd place: 9 pts
3rd place: 7 pts
4th place: 5 pts
5th place: 3 pts
6th place: 1 pt

Note: there is a huge difference in points between 1st and 6th place. This is done intentionally, this tournamant is designed to reward heavily the winner of each game.

Round 2 (12 players remaining).

Points are CONTINUED from round 1. If you won all 6 games in round 1, you would start round 2 with 78 points (which would be an incredible feat!!) Just so there are no misunderstandings, points ARE NOT reset to zero after a round completes.

2 divisions of six players in each: each division will play six games against each other with the top 3 point leaders from each division advancing.

Points will be issued in the following format:

1st place: 36 pts
2nd place: 29 pts
3rd place: 25 pts
4th place: 21 pts
5th place: 15 pts
6th place: 9 pts

Round 3 (6 players remaining)

Points are CONTINUED from Round 2.

One division of 6 players: this division plays 6 games against each other with the top two point leaders receiving a free conquer club membership.

Points will be issued in the following format:

1st place: 100 pts
2nd place: 75 pts
3rd place: 50 pts
4th, 5th and 6th place receive zero points.

Tournament Rules.

1. This tournament is open to Premium Membership only.

2. This tournament requires a Conquer Club score of 1200 or greater at the time of entry.

3. You must have 20 completed games in order to join this tournament.

4. Joining games: each individual will have 48 hours to join their games after pm's have been sent. Failure to join will result in disqualification, and a reserve player will continue for the disqualified player.

5. Missed turns: Each missed turn in each game will result in 10 points being subtracted from the individuals score. Players who miss 3 consecutive turns will not be permitted to enter future tournaments offered by Friendly1.

6. Ignored Players: Players are required to remove other players on their ignore list who are in their division.

Divisions: Divisions will be randomly chosen and will be released once all player and reserve spots have been filled.

Tournament start date: Feb 10, 2008 (subject to having enough people). Tournamanent will start earlier if spots fill earlier.

Tournament Prizes: Friendly1 is offering a one year membership extension as the grand prize for winning this tournament. As Conquer Club generously matches membership prizes 100% (Thanks CC!!), the top two point leaders for this tournament will receive a one year extension on their membership, or may give a membership to a person of their choice.

Please feel free to PM me or post if there are any questions :D

Good Luck!!


Edit: World 2.1 Map being used
Last edited by friendly1 on Thu May 01, 2008 7:28 pm, edited 21 times in total.
Sergeant 1st Class friendly1
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player list

Postby friendly1 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:44 pm

Player List:

Player List
1 Tidan
3 ubcman64
4 zobots
5 jpcloet
6 vampir2124
7 deech
8 harvmax
9 chadwick31
10 brandoncfi
11 hrvat
12 hiddendragon
13 oakleyshole
14 gold knight
15 natewolfman
16 baldadonis
17 igotaished
18 littlebrother2k7
19 sangfroid
20 rebelman
21 gilligan
22 vsezgin
23 kevinl
24 kidwhisky
25 lufsen75
26 godd
27 juls
28 zombie73
29 original doogie
30 aafitz
31 mcloven
32 negoeien
33 laxjunkee
34 bad speler
35 caspertk
36 friendly1

Reserve List
4 lingfish
5 dexterdexter
6 klupar
7 howielong

Future Tournament Exemption List:
zobots - fail to join, fail to notify
hrvat - missed 3 turns in all 6 games joined
Last edited by friendly1 on Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:44 pm, edited 19 times in total.
Sergeant 1st Class friendly1
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reserved - round 1

Postby friendly1 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:44 pm

(Game summary at bottom of message)

Division 1
aafitz - points: 28 all games complete
bad speler - points: 56 all games complete
baldadonis - points: 14 all games complete
brandoncfi - points: 26 all games complete
caspertk - points: 56 all games complete
chadwick31 - points: -32 all games complete

Division 2
deech - points: 42 - all games complete
sangfroid - points: 22 all games complete
friendly1 - points: 42 all games complete
gilligan - points: -35 all games complete
godd - points: 42 all games complete
gold knight - points: 50 - all games complete

deech - 2 first place wins, godd - 1 first place win - friendly1 no first place wins

Division 3
harvmax - points: 46 - all games complete
hiddendragon - points: 50 - all games complete
hrvat - points: -174 all games complete
igotaished - points: 48 - all games complete
jpcloet - points: 38 - all games complete
juls - points: 38 - all games complete

Division 4
kevinl - points: 48 all games complete
kidwhisky - points: 24 all games complete
laxjunkee - points: 40 all games complete
littlebrother2k7 - points: 28 all games complete
llluuukkkeee - points: 28 all games complete
lufsen75 - points: 64 all games complete

Division 5
mcloven - points: 36 all games complete
natewolfman - points: 38 all games complete
negoeien - points: 42 all games complete
oakleyshole - points: 46 all games complete
original doogie - points: 42 all games complete
rebelman - points: -16 all games complete

negoeien - two first place wins, original doogie - one first place win

Division 6
tidan - points: 28 all games completed
ubcman64 - points: 56 all games completed
vampir2124 - points: -34 all games completed
vsezgin - points: 52 all games completed - points: 28 all games completed
zombie73 - points: 38 all games completed


Division 1
1632279 - 6th: brandoncfi - 5th: baldadonis 4th: chadwick31 - 3rd aafitz - 2nd: caspertk - 1st: bad speler

1632282 - 6th: baldadonis - 5th: aafitz - 4th: chadwick31 - 3rd: brandoncfi 2nd: caspertk - 1st: bad speler

1632283 - 6th: baldadonis - 5th: chadwick31 4th: aafitz - 3rd: bad speler 2nd: caspertk - 1st: brandoncfi

1632285 - 6th: baldadonis 5th: aaftiz - 4th: chadwick31 - 3rd: brandoncfi - 2nd: bad speler - 1st: caspertk

1632286 - 6th: baldadonis 5th: caspertk - 4th: aafitz - 3rd: chadwick31 - 2nd: brandoncfi - 1st: bad speler

1632287 - 6th: bad speler 5th: chadwick31 - 4th: aafitz - 3rd: baldadonis - 2nd: brandoncfi - 1st: caspertk

Missed Turns:
1632279 - chadwick31 - round 4
1632282 - chadwick31 - round 3
1632283 - chadwick31 - round 3, brandoncfi - round 14
1632285 - chadwick 31 - round 2
1632286 - chadwick31 - round 3
1632287 - chadwick31 - round 3, brandoncfi - round 13

Division 2
1632289 - 6th: godd - 5th: sangfroid - 4th: gilligan - 3rd: deech - 2nd: friendly1 - 1st: gold knight

1632290 - 6th: sangfroid - 5tg: godd - 4th: gilligan - 3rd: friendly1 - 2nd: gold knight - 1st: deech

1632291 - 6th: sangfroid - 5th: friendly1 - 4th: gold knight - 3rd: godd - 2nd: gilligan - 1st: deech

1632292 - 6th: sangfroid - 5th: deech - 4th: gilligan - 3rd: gold knight - 2nd: friendly1 - 1st: godd

1632293 - 6th: gilligan - 5th: sangfroid - 4th: deech - 3rd: friendly1 - 2nd: godd - 1st: gold knight

1632294 - 6th: deech - 5th: gold knight 4th: gilligan - 3rd: friendly1 - 2nd: godd - 1st: sangfroid

Missed Turns:
1632289 - gilligan - round 1
1632290 - gilligan - round 1
1632292 - gilligan - round 1
1632294 - gilligan - round 1

Division 3
1632295 - 6th: hrvat - 5th: juls - 4th: jpcloet - 3rd: igotaished - 2nd: harvmax - 1st: hiddendragon

1632297 - 6th: hrvat - 5th: jpcloet - 4th: hiddendragon - 3rd: harvmax - 2nd: igotaished - 1st: juls

1632299 - 6th: hrvat - 5th: jpcloet - 4th: juls - 3rd: igotaished 2nd: hiddendragon - 1st: harvmax

1632300 - 6th: hrvat - 5th: juls - 4th: harvmax - 3rd: igotaished - 2nd: jpcloet - 1st: hiddendragon

1632301 - 6th: hrvat - 5th: harvmac - 4th: igotaished - 3rd: hiddendragon - 2nd: juls - 1st: jpcloet

1632302 - 6th: hrvat - 5th: hiddendragon - 4th: juls - 3rd: jpcloet - 2nd: harvmax - 1st: igotaished

Missed Turns:

1632295 - hrvat - rounds 5-7
1632297 - hrvat - rounds 4-6
1632299 - hrvat - rounds 5-7
1632300 - hrvat - rounds 5-7
1632301 - hrvat - rounds 5-7
1632302 - hrvat - rounds 5-7

Division 4
1632303 - 6th: littlebrother2k7 - 5th: kidwhisky - 4th: llluuukkkeee - 3rd: laxjuinkee - 2nd: lufsen75 - 1st: kevinl

1632304 - 6th: kidwhisky - 5th: llluuukkkeee - 4th: laxjunkee - 3rd: kevinl - 2nd: littlebrother2k7 - 1st: lufsen75

1632305 - 6th: littlebrother2k7 - 5th: lufsen75 - 4th: kidwhisky - 3rd: llluuukkkeee - 2nd: laxjunkee - 1st: kevinl

1632306 - 6th: llluuukkkeee - 5th: littlebrother2k7 - 4th: kevinl - 3rd: laxjunkee - 2nd: kidwhisky - 1st: lufsen75

1632307 - 6th: kevinl - 5th: kidwhisky - 4th: laxjunkee - 3rd: llluuukkkeee - 2nd: littlebrother2k7 - 1st: lufsen75

1632308 - 6th: kidwhisky - 5th: llluuukkkeee - 4th: littlebrother2k7 - 3rd: laxjunkee - 2nd: kevinl - 1st: lufsen75

No Missed Turns - Thanks!!

Division 5
1632309 - 6th: rebelman - 5th: original doogie - 4th: natewolfman - 3rd: oakleyshole - 2nd: mcloven - 1st: negoeien

1632310 - 6th: negoeien - 5th: natewolfman - 4th: oakleyshole - 3rd: original doogie - 2nd: rebelman - 1st: mcloven

1632311 - 6th: mcloven - 5th: original doogie - 4th: oakleyshole - 3rd: rebelman - 2nd: negoeien - 1st: natewolfman

1632312 - 6th: rebelman - 5th: mcloven - 4th: negoeien - 3rd: natewolfman - 2nd: oakleyshole - 1st: original doogie

1632313 - 6th: natewolfman - 5th: rebelman - 4th: mcloven - 3rd: oakleyshole - 2nd: original doogie - 1st: negoeien

1632314 - 6th: negoeien - 5th: rebelman - 4th: mcloven 3rd: original doogie - 2nd: natewolfman - 1st: oakleyshole

Missed Turns:

1632310 - rebelman - round 10
1632311 - rebelman - round 1
1632312 - rebelman - round 1
1632313 - rebelman - round 1

Division 6
1632315 - 6th: - 5th: tidan - 4th: vampir2124 - 3rd: zombie73 2nd: vsezgin - 1st: ubcman64

1632316 - 6th: zombie73 - 5th: vsezgin - 4th: ubcman64 - 3rd: tidan - 2nd: vampir2124 - 1st:

1632317 - 6th: - 5th: vampir2124 - 4th: zombie 73 - 3rd: tidan - 2nd: ubcman64 - 1st: vsezgin

1632318 - 6th: tidan - 5th: - 4th: vampipr2124: 3rd: vsezgin - 2nd: zombie73 - 1st: ubcman64

1632319 - 6th: vampir2124 - 5th: zombie73 - 4th: tidan 3rd: ubcman64 - 2nd: - 1st: vsezgin

1632321 - 6th: - 5th: vampir2124 - 4th: tidan - 3rd: vsezgin - 2nd: ubcman64 - 1st: zombie73

Missed Turns:

1632315 - vampir2124 - round 6
1632316 - vampir2124 - round 7
1632317 - vampir2124 - round 6
1632318 - vampir2124 - round 7
1632319 - vampir2124 - round 6
1632321 - vampir2124 - round 6

Player / Points

1. lufsen75 64
2. bad speler 56
3. caspertk 56
4. ubcman64 56
5. vsezgin 52
6. gold knight 50
7. hiddendragon 50
8. igotaished 48
9. kevinl 48
10. harvmax 46
11. oakleyshole 46
12. deech 42
13. friendly1 42
14. godd 42
15. negoeien 42
16. original doogie 42
17. laxjunkee 40
18. jpcloet 38
19. juls 38
20. natewolfman 38
21. zombie73 38
22. mcloven 36
23. aafitz 28
24. littlebrother2k7 28
25. llluuukkkeee 28
26. tidan 28
27. 28
28. brandoncfi 26
29. kidwhisky 24
30. sangfroid 22
31. baldadonis 14
32. rebelman -16
33. chadwick31 -32
34. vampir2124 -34
35. gilligan -35
36. hrvat -174
Last edited by friendly1 on Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:47 pm, edited 19 times in total.
Sergeant 1st Class friendly1
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reserved - round 2

Postby friendly1 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:45 pm

Successfully advancing players: (NOTE: only divisions whose games have ALL been completed will be listed here)

Lufsen75 - 64 points
Bad Speler - 56 points
Caspertk - 56 points
Ubcman64 - 56 points
Vsezgin - out
Gold Knight - 50 points
Hiddendragon - 50 points
Igotaished - 48 points
Kevinl - 48 points
Oakleyshole - 46 points
Deech - 42 points
Negoeien - 42 points
Friendly1 - 42 points - not eligible for prizes

And now to begin Round 2!

Divisions will once more be determined by alphabetical order, thus:

Division One

Bad Speler 153 points - all games complete- total points: 209 points
Caspertk - 133 points, all games complete- total points: 189 - 50 = 139 points
Deech - 84 points, all games complete- total points: 126 - 130 = -4 points
Gold Knight - 157 points, all games complete- total points: 207 points
Hiddendragon - 114 points, all games complete- total points: 164 points
Igotaished - 169 points - all games complete- total points: 217 points

caspertk - 5 missed turns
deech - 13 missed turns

Division Two

Kevinl - 100 points, all games complete - total points: 148
Lufsen75 - 138 points, all games complete - total points: 202
Negoeien - 165 points, all games complete - total points: 207
Oakleyshole - 128 points, all games complete - total points: 174
Ubcman64 - 124 points, all games complete - total points: 180
friendly1 - 155 points, all games complete - total points: 197


Division 1:

1863816 - 6th: caspertk - 5th: deech - 4th: hiddendragon - 3rd: gold knight - 2nd: igotaished - 1st: bad speler

1863819 - 6th: deech - 5 players remaining.

1863821 - 6th: deech - 5th: bad speler - 4th: gold knight - 3rd: caspertk - 2nd: hiddendragon - 1st: igotaished

1863822 - 6th: caspertk - 5th: deech - 4th: igotaished - 3rd: hiddendragon - 2nd: gold knight - 1st: bad speler

1863824 - 6th: hiddendragon - 5th: deech - 4 players remaining.

1863826 - 6th: hiddendragon - 5 players remaining.

Missed Turns

1863816 - caspertk rd 4 deech rd 8,9
1863819 - caspertk rd 4 deech 8,9,10
1863821 - deech 8,9,10
1863822 - caspertk - rd 4 deech rd 9,10
1863824 - caspertk - rd 5 deech rd 9
1863826 - caspertk - rd 5 deech - rd 9,10

Division 2:

1863829 - 6th: kevinl - 5th: lufsen75 - 4th: oakleyshole - 3rd: ubcman64 2nd: friendly1 - 1st: negoeien

1863831 - 6th: ubcman64 - 5th: lufsen75 - 4th: negoeien - 3rd: oakleyshole - 2nd: kevinl - 1st: friendly1

1863833 - 6th: friendly1 - 5th: kevinl - 4th: oakleyshole - 3rd: lufsen75 - 2nd: ubcman64 - 1st: negoeien

1863834 - 6th: kevinl - 5th: negoeien - 4th: ubcman64 - 3rd: oakleyshole - 2nd: lufsen75 - 1st: friendly1

1863835 - 6th:kevinl - 5th: oakleyshole - 4th: negoeien - 3rd: ubcman64 - 2nd: lufsen75 - 1st: friendly1

1863836 - 6th: friendly1 - 5th: ubcman64 - 4th: oakleyshole - 3rd: lufsen75 - 2nd: kevinl - 1st: negoeien

PM's will be sent to each player shortly.

Good Luck All!!!!


Round 2 final scores (only players who have completed all games will be listed here)
Igotaished - 217 points
Bad Speler - 209 points
Gold Knight - 207 points
Negoeien - 207 points
Lufsen75 - 202 points
Friendly1 - 197 points
Ubcman64 - 180 points
Oakleyshole - 174 points
Hiddendragon - 164 points
KevinL - 148 points
Caspertk - 139 points
Deech - -4 points
Last edited by friendly1 on Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:54 pm, edited 14 times in total.
Sergeant 1st Class friendly1
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reserved - round 3

Postby friendly1 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:45 pm

Successfully advancing players: (NOTE: only divisions whose games have ALL been completed will be listed here)

Igotaished - 217 points
Bad Speler - 209 points
Gold Knight - 207 points
Negoeien - 207 points
Lufsen75 - 202 points
Friendly1 - 197 points

Games are being created shortly, and pm's will be sent: congratulations players!!
Last edited by friendly1 on Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Tidan on Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:14 pm

The original World Map?

Either way, i am in
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Postby mwcc on Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:29 pm

I also would like in
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Postby LLLUUUKKKEEE on Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:45 pm

me please

is it classic or world 2.1?
It's your turn...................................
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Postby friendly1 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:34 pm

World 2.1 map is being used, and is made more clearly in the tourney message, thanks guys.

Eligible players added to player list - 34 positions and 6 reserves remain.

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Postby ubcman64 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:53 pm

count me in
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Postby zobots on Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:54 pm

im in
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Postby jpcloet on Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:36 pm

Would love to play.
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Postby vampir2124 on Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:48 pm

ill join.
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Postby Deech on Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:49 pm

ill play
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Postby harvmax on Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:10 am

may i join?
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Postby lequan on Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:14 am

I'd like in.
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Postby Chadwick31 on Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:23 am

I'm in.
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Postby brandoncfi on Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:55 am

ill play [1236]
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Postby friendly1 on Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:34 am

Eligible players added to player list.

26 players and 6 reserves remain.

My apologies, but only premium memberships are eligible for this tournament as you will have to join 6 games at the same time in each round.


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Postby Hrvat on Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:21 am

I'll play
Current score 1650 :)

Finally: World 2.1 Map, Fog of War, Escalating cards ImageImageImage
I'll never pay for another Premium on ConquerClub.
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Postby hiddendragon on Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:50 am

I hate escalating cards but I'm in. Love the 2.1 map
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Postby oakleyshole on Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:57 am

i would like in
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Postby Gold Knight on Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:46 pm

xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Postby friendly1 on Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:54 pm


Eligible players added to player list:

21 players and 6 reserves remain.


Sergeant 1st Class friendly1
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Postby Natewolfman on Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:29 pm

im in
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