so far qualify for second round Tiberiusaquila gd039 endar1077 qwert fbonsignori acores2005 mrb8276 ubcman64 elmerfudd jackofalltrades ralphcptc Grape Ape
games with no finished any game Mudpuppy-axh98 llluuukkkeee-phunwin
I won my match-up 2 games to 1. Great games overall, very well played. My opponent was quick, friendly, and had some solid strategy in each of the games. Thanks!
Between myself and ubcman64, looks like he will take the last of the 3. 2/3 (Game 3440613Game 3440610) going to myself. Well fought. Game 3440615 - pending ubcman64 should win next round barring horrid dice.
Now we have clear players who qualify to semifinal(even if some game still ongoing Jackofalltrades(2-0 lead agains ubcman64) ralphcpts(2-0 lead against Killlmanic) Acores2005 Yokle