Premium NOT required, one open game slot, per round, needed for entry!
The winner will recieve a 6 month Premium Membership!
Futurama, is one of my absolute favorate shows of all time, and hopefully one of yours too! You will choose a character to represent in the tournament. The games are one-on-one action. The players are broken up into 4 groups of 16 players that will play in a regional bracket. Each 'type' of character will play in the same region, the winner of the region will move on to the Final 4 to decide the ultimate champion. Each bracket will play on a specific board that kinda fits into a Futurama theme from at least one episode. In addition the Final 4 will play on a different board, but the settings throughout the tournament will remain the same.
Sequential, Flat, Chained, Sunny
Each player should post their current point total. This number will be used in seeding the region(1thru 16) if you fall off or surge forward it won't matter the number you post when picking your character will be the factor used to determine seeding. I will check to be sure the numbers are similar at the time of signup.
The following are the boards and characters being used in the 4 regions:
New New York Regional:
Board: NYC
None Like it Hot Regional:
Board: Extreme Global Warming
Omicron Persei VIII Regional:
Board: Space
Party in the Galapagos Region: (Scrap metal Regional held after)
Board: South America
Final 4:
Board: Solar System
Humans vs. Heads
Aliens vs. Robots
Winners face off for all the anchovies!
Now, I have choosen what I think are the most well known and funniest characters, IF you would prefer a different character that has not been listed then by all means mention it, and I will replace a character for the one you want! The only characters I will NOT change are the main characters; the Planet Express Crew. Please limit it to the characters that have been in at least one episode... even though Ron Popeil created the technology that keeps human heads alive in jars, and in theory, you could be just about anyone... keep it to characters that have appeared on the show, and there there is many, many more you could choose from. So, if you want to defend Swedish furniture makers everywhere, then by all means you could be the πkea robot. Be aware also, based on what kind of character you choose will place you in a certain region.
If you are veiwing this and you have no idea what Futurama is.... well then I have 5 words for you,
Bite my shiny metal ass!
and click here: The Infosphere
Good luck meatbags!
Meatbags:(Confermed Players)
1. killmanic - Robot Devil "You can't just have your characters announce how they feel... that makes me feel angry! "
2. Master Bush - Fry "People said I was dumb, but I proved them."
3. amazzony - Brain Slug "Thanks. It was cold down there on the floor."
4. AtreidesHouse - Tinny Tim "You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Bravo! "
5. V.J. - The Crushinator "No Pa. I love him. "
6. JO Dynasty - Bender Compition: 40% Zinc, 40% Titanium, 30% Iron, 40% Dolemite
7. barterer2002 - Richard Nixon's Head " Listen here, missy. Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973, but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever. The only thing that's different is me; I've become bitter, and let's face it, crazy over the years. And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place. Muahahaha!"
8. Natewolfman - Robot Santa Claus "I'm dreaming of a RED X-Mas. Ho-ho-ho!"
9. seeso - Kwanzaa Bot - Every Xmas Eve Kwanzaa-bot hands out the traditional Kwanzaa gift, a book called, 'What the hell is Kwanzaa?'
10. Icefog99 - William Shatner's Head "When I directed "Star Trek V", I got a magnificent performance out of me because I respected me so much!"
11. graulenst - Zapp Branigan, Sexlexia sufferer
12. SWeko - Officer URL "I'm gonna get twenty-fourth century on his ass."
13. Luvr - Amy "Hey, let's go car shopping! My parents said if I got all B's they'd buy me a bar. And I got all C's!"
14. mangus - Slurms Mackenzie The ultimate party worm!
15. EasierLikeThis - Welshie - Better yoddler than James Doohan... in a red shirt.
16. seamusvibe - George Takei’s Head "I find that offensive! Just because I'm of Japanese ancestry, you assume I know karate. Have I ever led you to believe that I've studied karate?"
17. gehrem - Nibbler "My people live long and are celebrated poopers."
18. nathanef - Matt Groening’s Head, creator... paying off gambling debts with cartoons
19. vexx - Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer "How dare you lie in front of Jesus?!"
20. Tazza - Morbo "All humans are vermin in the eyes of Morbo."
21. spidey - Flexo "Whatever it takes to shut your yapper. Nah, I'm just kidding, you're a joker."
22. brendan man - Elzar "BAM!"
23. Gburg Gunner - The Hyperchicken " BAAAKAAA! I'm sorry I thought you was corn."
24. Supposesublys - Melllvar "I am Melllvar, Seer of the tapes! Knower of the episodes!"
25. DirtyDishSoap - Martha Stewart’s Head "I'm swimming in my own soylent waste. It's a good thing!"
26. KiwiTaker - Hypnotoad - Bah... That show's been going downhill since season 3
27. prismsaber - Al Gore's Head "Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly laser blasts instead of deadly slide shows! "
28. Rallyraider - Scruffy "Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived." *turns page of Zero-G Juggs magazine*
29. rockbandplaya - Nichelle Nichols’ Head "Eternity with nerds. It's the Pasadena Star Trek convention all over again."
30. sharpie129 - The Big Brainspawn "The big brain am winning again! I am the greetest! I am now leaving Earth for no rason! "
31. geigerm - Lrrr "This concept of 'wuv' confuses and infuriates us! "
32. tstoweschnell - The Galactic Entity (AKA God) "Possible. I am user-friendly, my good chum."
33. hwhrhett - Hermes "Sweet three-toed sloth of Ice Planet Hoth!"
34. lisbon101 - LaBarbara Conrad "Can't you go anywhere without burning something?"
35. Terminalcase56 - Beck's Head "Bender, when I'm upset I write a song about it. Like when I wrote Devil's Haircut I was feeling really...really...what's that song about?"
36. keiths31 - Horrible Gelatinous Blob "You can shover your apology into your bottom of your one way digestive system!"
37. oakleyshole - Hedonismbot "Let us cavort like the Greeks of old! You know the ones I mean."
38. Drunk_Idiot - Pam Anderson's Head "Remember me from Baywatch: The Movie?"
39. Disciple7 - Reverend Preacherbot "Dearly beloved actors and casting people who might be looking for someone to play a preacher, [dramatically] I welcome you.
40. ChristianSoldier - Project S.A.T.A.N. "Misery? What misery? I love killing people! Squishing them till their organs squirt out like chunky mustard!"
41. redtide - Dick Clark's Head "Welcome to a special 3000 edition New Year's Rockin' Eve."
42. topper - Neutral President "If I don't survive, tell my wife 'Hello.'"
43. acores2005 - Planet Express Ship "I'm afraid I can't do that, Leela."
44. Kernal_Kronic - Headless Body of Spiro Agnew "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH"
45. tinal67 - Mom "Move your freaking hoof you goat! "
46. Tripitaka - Angleyne "Well, maybe I love you so much I love you no matter
who you’re pretending to be."
47. dekn - Leonard Nemoy's Head "I'm living in a gefilte fish jar."
48. kratos644 - Kif "(Sigh)"
49. netspyman - Chanukah Zombie "Talmud says be slow to anger, low down scammers got me seeing red. Got my TIE fighter out of the hangar. Jump back jack, cos I'm Jewish and I'm undead."
50. trk1994 - Professor Farnsworth "Good news, everyone!"
51. gameplayer - 'Bubblegum' Tate "Even in these formal shorts I feel like a failure."
52. knighthawk - Calculon "Oh, how cruel and melodramatic fate is. (shouting) Why?"
53. BaldAdonis - Cubert Farnsworth "What? You've never seen a genius's wiener before? "
54. Gilligan - Donbot "That wad of scab money should be slushin' my funds and kickin' my back."
55. R0k0v - Ron Popeil’s Head The inventor of Mr. Microphone, the spray-on toupee, and the technology that allows human heads to remain alive in jars.
56. rose99 - Lucy Liu’s Head "Fry, when you downloaded her without my permission you stole my image and in the end that's all I really have. That and the largest gold nugget in the world one mile in diameter."
57. maniacmath17 - Dr. Zoidberg "Hooray, people are paying attention to me!"
58. poptartpsycho18 - Leela "Look, I don't know about your previous captains, but I intend to do as little dying as possible."
59. harvmax - Dwight "But Pops, I don't wanna have fun. I want to be like you, boring but prudently invested."
60. wsopwinner - Barbados Slim - Barbados Slim is the only man to win an Olympic gold medal in Limbo and Sex.
61. magneto_acolyte - Walter Koenig’s Head "(groans) Vhen ve voke up, ve had these wodies."
62. Bones2484 - Ndnd "It is true what they say... Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9."
63. risk-yall100-0 - Wernstrom "It's time you left science to the 120 year olds!"
64. Oshida - DeForest Kelley’s Head "Damnit Jim, I 'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!" (He's accually dead and didn't say a word in his apperance on Futurama...)
1. RedBaron0
2. insomniacdude