Conquer Club

Bart's Second Birthday Bash [Winner: equalpants]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

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Bart's Second Birthday Bash [Winner: equalpants]

Postby barterer2002 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:22 pm

All bracket information can be found
Your Region and game number are in the titles of each of your games.

Another year has gone by and here comes my birthday once more. That being the case I'm running another birthday bash.

Last year we played with 128 players, this year we're going to double it to 256 players.

Settings will be
no cards

Each matchup will be a best of 3 setting. FREEBIES ARE WELCOME but must hold 2 slots open to play.

The 256 players will be seeded as such: Players with wins in previous bart tournaments will be top seeded so the player would be the person with the most Bart tournament wins(only tournaments begun by Bart count, those that I took over and finished do not). Ties are broken by score at the time I record it (basically at entry but it may be anytime within 24 hours). Previous tournament winners will have a spot held for them for 48 hours after the tournament is posted, after that the spots will be open.
Players with no previous wins will be seeded in order of score when I record it with the same qualifications as above.

Tournament will start on June 17 (my actual birthday) with highest seeds getting first round byes if needed.

Round 1 will be played on World 2.1 (the map that I have my best ranking on) 256 players
Round 2 will be played on Australia (the map that I have my best relative rank on) 128 players
Round 3 will be played on San Marino (the map with my best percentage) 64 players
Round 4 will be played on Age of Merchants (the map with my 2nd best unique defeats) 32 players
Round 5 will be played on Texan Wars (map with the best percentage with at least 10 games) 16 players
Round 6 will be played on Valley of the Kings 8 players
Round 7 will be played on Triple Alliance 4 players
Round 8 will be played on Classic Shapes 2 players
Last edited by barterer2002 on Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:29 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby barterer2002 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:22 pm

The players

BaldAdonis 5 wins (Name OP/Lux Baby, CS 8 thoughts, CS Bamboo Jack, CS CCU CS Charleston) 2449 score
negoeien 3 wins (N. Am vs. Europe vs. The World, Star Trek, Keiths31 Beer Fest) 2389 score
RedBaron0 2 wins (Championship Series: Asia, Championship Series: Classic Art) 2413 score
Gilligan 2 wins (Championship Series: Archipeligio, Down and Dirty II) 1940 score
Bones2484 2 wins (Championship Series: Chinese Checkers, Championship Series Classic Shapes) 1912 score
wrexham 2 wins (Championship Series: City Mogul, Championship Series Dust Bowl) 1847 score
magneto_acolyte 2 wins (Championship Series: Greece, Greatest Baseball Team) 1454 score
kratos644 1 win (The Escalating Tournament) 2522 score
dtellis 1 win (Championship Series: ACW) 2401 score
nick11 1 win (Championship Series: DDay) 2384 score
ZionT 1 win (Bart's Random Tournament) 2377 score
dustin800 1 win (Championship Series: Berlin 1961) 2339 score
ubcman64 1 win (Bart's Joined Powers I) 2208 score
Tripitaka 1 win (Championship Series: Brazil) 2207 score
HighlanderAttack 1 win (Championship Series: Caribbean) 2144 score
Hath 1 win (Championship Series: Actium) 2119 score
demy7 1 win (Championship Series: Duck & Cover) 2110 score
Clive 1 win (Championship Series: WWII Iwo Jima) 2079 score
danryan 1 win (Championship Series: WWII Western Front) 1954 score
geigerm 1 win (Championship Series: Conquerman) 1899 score
MEK 1 win (Bart's Joined Powers II) 1875 score
keiths31 1 win (Championship Series: Alexander's Empire) 1846 score
69Chevy 1 win (Escape from Gilligan's Island) 1807
angola 1 win (Championship Series: Conquer 4) 1764 score)
barterer2002 1 win (Championship Series: Africa) 1756 score
Lufsen75 1 win (Bart's Birthday Bash) 1716 score
Natewolfman 1 win (Championship Series: CCC, ) 1680 score
klut2z 1 win (Championship Series: Crossword) 1980 score
Dieforasandwich 1 win (Championship Series Doodle) 1676 score
Evil Semp 1 win (Down and Dirty III) 1449 score
thekidstrumpet 1 win (Championship Series: Arms Race) 1447 score
taxmanjle 1 win (The Bombardment Tournament) 1432 score
vykingsfan64 1 win (Championship Series: BeNeLux) 1419 score
Lucifer4o 1 win (Champiosnhip Series: Centerscape) 1054 score
PepperJack 2816 score
dragon dor 2618 score
DBandit70 2476 score
mike1566 2467 score
speed 2389 score
Timminz 2354 score
Shatners Bassoon 2312 score
secondheaven 2302 score
Serbia 2255 score
Luciano_ds 2247 score
AndrewB 2225 score
AfroDwarf 2207 score
madmom 2169 score
freakns 2145 score
smegal69 2138 score
Hacx5nine 2130 score
fbonsignori 2111 score
castudil 2108 score
Squirly 2097 score
Witt13 2089 score
porkenbeans 2081 score
growler 2081 score
ralphcptc 2069 score
Miandw 2058 score
-Maximus- 2048 score
DrunknHorny 2029 score
Risky_Stud 2011 score
pimphawks70 2009 score
jnd94 2008 score
equalpants 2006 score
delboy01 1982 score
b00060 1980 score
docchaos 1963 score
claudio 1959 score
btown80 1947 score
indy62 1941 score
JoJo123 1935 score
dfp2dep 1925 score
BrotherWolf 1925 score
ShootAndMiss 1925 score
downfall 1922 score
terrafutan 1914 score
Gamefreakguy 1911 score
MaximumElvis 1907 score
mrbang 1896 score
soccerghost 1895 score
vexx 1891 score
aaronvollrath 1880 score
gogglez 1877 score
Ecaterina 1874 score
shoop76 1871 score
elfcasino 1864 score
badlouie 1862 score
pconnolly365 1858 score
assassin07 1857 score
harvmax 1853 score
Dagarben 1851 score
john9blue 1849 score
BoganGod 1846 score
Mageplunka 1832 score
uofajac 1828 score
poptartpsycho18 1824 score
DimnjacarStef 1821 score
dittoeevee8888 1815 score
plash.ricrem 1814 score
god103 1813 score
delboy18 1811 score
Sun Tzup 1788 score
Gutshots 1787 score
vragus 1768 score
Big Jon 1767 score
Annexator 1766 score
maasman 1762 score
robbymac 1744 score
Snƶgubben 1743 score
nick_la_trique 1742 score
Huntyr Green 1741 score
Karl_R_Kroenen 1739 score
General Flashman 1737 score
crveni_patuljak 1731 score
samuelc812 1729 score
Yokipi 1707 score
Hopscotcher 1705 score
Ghosteagle 1692 score
chopsiu 1687 score
Muleyak 1683 score
mrb8276 1682 score
amazzony 1668 score
psa3rvb 1666 score
elmerfudd 1666 score
herus 1655 score
Darin44 1654 score
yumatra 1639 score
unique_name 1603 score
GreenBaize 1599 score
rocky13 1596 score
Inquisitor 1583 score
Pheonix.bradley 1564 score
sandman175 1560 score
Suzy1 1558 score
Aaron234 1555 score
jlduff 1554 score
rom_tobins 1553 score
morleyjoe 1551 score
djak. 1549 score
Kotaro 1545 score
scotto68 1545 score
pebble 1543 score
meatcurls 1543 score-WITHDRAWAL
Coors1 1530 score
dcbconquer 1530 score
iteachjava 1525 score
Arrakis 1516 score
Mighty Sheep 1513 score
lach07 1512 score
spidey 1505 score
SouthernWarrior 1501 score
WPBRJ 1499 score
sportsgod24 1486 score
Molwen 1484 score
ultrafit 1479 score
baddestbrute 1478 score
Pocko 1477 score
Raybaer 1476 score
jdenvil 1475 score
cliffaspinall 1471 score
jricart 1470 score
wakko3308 1467 score
phantomzero 1455 score
Johnny Rockets 1454 score
scottishleaf 1451 score
Pimperpunk 1440 score
jielking 1417 score
ViperOverLord 1405 score
TheFuzz 1403 score
leolou2 1402 score
shakeycat 1389 score
simplicated_fun 1388 score
sunshining 1383 score
jakegreer 1383 score
dean00 1377 score
lord beardslee 1364 score
Woodruff 1361 score
andy_is_awesome 1359 score
denkel 1348 score
lama 1342 score
Steve Ayers 1339 score
schnitzella 1338 score
theplague 1335 score
Aussie02 1327 score
dawillis17 1314 score
imbalanced 1313 score
Mcrib 1312 score
MuEagles79 1305 score
Foreverman 1300 score
doublediamond 1295 score REPLACEMENT
Rickster 6546 1294 score
kroovi 1293 score
lunatic96 1290 score
tctitans 1283 score
Overlordw 1279 score
Munglar 1275 score
Baron Von Cox 1271 score
cyclones 1266 score
jontybee 1263 score
Phulish 1253 score
tomtorresson 1233 score
arkaxow 1230 score
slicka 1227 score
grayknight_2 1220 score
steve1962 1216 score
DIXIE 1192 score
NZHostel 1191 score
gegegray 1188 score
maximumbandit 1184 score
Lookwhaticandooo 1183 score
RickyJamesy 1180 score
rpshawn 1180 score
Tupence 1176 score
badmoon 1170 score
Pantheon 1161 score
bri12388 1131 score
waveslider303 1128 score
collywobbles 1101 score
lympcswmmr 1085 score
fernilenny 1082 score
kingpin1994 1076 score
Arya 1073 score
ookla 1064 score
AtreidesHouse 1058 score
scholar 1042 score
i_am_cheri_too 1035 score
hardwolf 1034 score
maliki1269 1028 score
plurple 1026 score
cletus 1025 score
melaxp 1021 score
Crail2tail 1010 score
milo67 1009 score
Loppy 1003 score
Ghost_Rider 986 score
Wrangler100 982 score
vrjeremy 975 score
acores2005 971 score
baseball1233 965 score
drill-n-fill 960 score
jac beau 951 score
Sir_Karl 928 score
jennifermarie 922 score
mikoto1610 921 score
vietnam 879 score
mpolo 878 score
sportyspider 869 score
shadowjoe 866 score
coacheberhardt 822 score
golfstud 812 score
Jonny_Bravo92 802 score
on_the_brink 783 score
cgblack 754 score
lanceeee 686 score
Harumf 672 score
templebballplya 458 score

shin chan14
Last edited by barterer2002 on Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:44 am, edited 45 times in total.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby soccerghost on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:28 pm

Sure, I'll be in
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He was hit by a bus.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby keiths31 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:29 pm

sign me up bart
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby ZionT on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:33 pm

count me in barticus
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby nick11 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:35 pm

count me in
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby angola on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:36 pm

I'll play.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby magneto_acolyte on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:43 pm

I'll play.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby Natewolfman on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:45 pm

im in
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby Hath on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:51 pm

Sure I'll play...breakin' my streak of not joining tournaments for this. ;)
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby geigerm on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:54 pm

Count me in, please.
Won Map Blaster III (w/graulenst) & Champ. Series: Conquerman
Top score: 2519 (5/7/09)
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby dtellis on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:59 pm

Well at least your my older brother. No better way to celebrate than winning another of your tournaments. Count me in.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby Timminz on Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:01 pm

barterer2002 wrote:Last year we played with 128 players, this year we're going to double it to 256 players.

Woo binary!!!

In please.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby Tripitaka on Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:10 pm

Happy CC Birthday Bart!

Defo in for this one! :D
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby danryan on Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:11 pm

In pls.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby Bones2484 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:36 pm

Ill play!
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby ubcman64 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:51 pm

count me in Bart
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby Serbia on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:02 pm

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby Serbia on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:03 pm

That means in. Just to be clear.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby sportsgod24 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:17 pm

I'm in.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby JoJo123 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:21 pm

Happy Birthday! I'm in!
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby maasman on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:23 pm

I'm in :D
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby aaronvollrath on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:24 pm

please sign me up.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby badlouie on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:24 pm

Count me in Bart.
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Re: Bart's Second Birthday Bash

Postby Bones2484 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:24 pm

Not sure if it matters, but I have 2 wins in your tourneys :)

(I won Classic Shapes, not Nate!)
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