All games will be played on World 2.1 map, sequintal gameplay, chained renforcements, no spoils, and sunny. Each pairing will be best of 5 until the final where it will best of 7 games. Pairings will be based on CC points at the start of play. List your points when signing up please. Freemums welcome only one slot needed.
1.Dieforasandwich, 2136
2.milo67, 971
3.vcvcb2, 1064
4.thedoggdakdes, 553
5.HighlanderAttack, 2088
6.abel, 1888
7.zissou2, 1999
8.General Flashman, 1812
9.coacheberhardt, 1125
10.caymanmew, 1131
11.sampdawgy, 1061
12.whitestazn88, 1295
13.GreenBaize, 1566
14.AnalSeepage69, 2029
16.unknownhero, 1400
17.woodruff, 853
18.AstronautG117, 1326
19.mgconstruction, 1120
20.doc holidy, 926
21.sugar ray army, 1326
22.Pwyll, 1399
23.Don Juaquin, 1615
24.Jefreus, 1887
25.brian c munden,1107
26.TODRICH, 1264
27.Celticknight, 1658
28.AAFitz, 3020
29.AtreidesHouse, 1410
30.jox77, 1000(new recruit playing highest seed)
31.MEK, 2134
32.norwegianwood 1497
2.AndrewB, 2331
1) AAFitz vs. jox77- AAFitz wins by jox quiting
2) MEK vs. thedoggdakdes- MEK wins 4-0
3) Dieforasandwich vs. woodruff- woodruff wins 4-3
4) HighlanderAttack vs. doc holidy HighlandrAttack wins 4-3
5) AnalSeepage69-replaced by AndrewB vs. milo67- AndrewB wins 5-0
6) zissou2 vs. sampdawgy: both eliminated
7) abel vs. vcvcb2 - abel wins 3-0
8 ) Jefreus vs. brian c munden-replaced by Xpanhol-Xpanhol wins 3-1
9) General Flashman vs. mgconstruction- General Flashman wins 4-3
10) Celticknight vs. coacheberhardt: coachberhardt wins 4-3
11) Don Juaquin vs. caymanmew- Don Juaquin wins 5-0
12) GreenBaize vs. TODRICH- GreenBaize wins 7-0
13) norwegianwood vs. whitestazn88- whitestazn88 wins 3-0
14) AtreidesHouse vs. AstronautG117- AstronautG17 wins 4-3
15) Pwyll vs. sugar ray army-replaced by Soldier4Christ: soldier4Christ moves on cuz pwyll isnt showing up
16) unknownhero vs. spore08-replaced by schnitzella: unknownhero moves on
Round 2:
AAFtiz vs unknowhero-AAFitz wins 5-0
MEK vs Soldier4Christ- Soldier4Christ wins 4-1
Woodruff vs. AstronautG17- Woodruff wins 4-1
HighlanderAttack vs. whitestazn88- HighlanderAttack wins 3-2
AndrewB vs GreenBaize- GreenBaize wins 3-2
bye vs Don Juaquin
Abel vs coachberhardt Abel wins 4-0
GeneralFlashman vs Xpanhol- Xpanhol wins 4-1
Round 3:
AAFitz vs. Xpanhol: AAFitz wins 4-1
Soldier4Christ vs Abel: Abel wins 4-1
HighlanderAttack vs Woodruff: HighlanderAttack wins 3-1
Don Juaquin vs GreenBaize: Don Juaquin wins 3-2
Round 4
AAFitz vs Don Juaqiun: AAFitz wins 5-0
Abel vs HighlanderAttack: Abel wins 3-2
AAFitz vs Abel: AAFitz wins 6-1