This is a 20-player tournament run in conjunction with the Map Explorers Usergroup (send me a PM for details - 8 spaces reserved for members).
Is is designed for players relatively inexperienced in the new beta maps, to work towards their Cross-Map Award.
Thanks to Tupence for his help with this tournament.
The tournament features the following maps: Wales Peloponnesian War Eastern Hemisphere Ottoman Empire Holy Roman Empire Midgard (formerly Centrescape)
Players must select a group for the first round. Each group involves 4 matches, 2 on each of 2 maps. Players must have completed no more than 9 games on each of the 2 maps and no more than 4 unique victories (at the time of sign-up – this will be checked using Map Rank). Players must be premium (as there are at least 4 matches at once), have a 97% attendance record, and have checked the full details below and selected a group before joining.
First Round Groups Group A - FULL 5 players, playing the following games: Peloponnesian War – terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, fog Wales - terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, sunny Peloponnesian War – terminator, sequential, escalating, chained, fog Wales - terminator, sequential, escalating, chained, sunny
Group B - FULL 5 players, playing the following games: Peloponnesian War – terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, fog Eastern Hemisphere- terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, sunny Peloponnesian War – terminator, sequential, escalating, chained, fog Eastern Hemisphere - terminator, sequential, escalating, chained, sunny
Group C - FULL 5 players, playing the following games: Peloponnesian War – terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, fog Midgard - terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, sunny Peloponnesian War – terminator, sequential, escalating, chained, fog Midgard - terminator, sequential, escalating, chained, sunny
Group D - FULL 5 players, playing the following games: Ottoman Empire – terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, fog Holy Roman Empire - terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, sunny Holy Roman Empire – terminator, sequential, escalating, chained, fog Ottoman Empire - terminator, sequential, escalating, chained, sunny
Players score 1 point per termination. An additional 2 points are awarded to the match winner providing that they PM the tournament organiser the match result and termination details for each player (within 1 hour of the match completion).
The top two players from each group qualify for the semi-finals. In the event of players having equal points, a one-match play-off will take place (Holy Roman Empire / Wales – terminator, sequential, flat rate, chained, fog).
Third-place players will have a one-match play-off with the winner progressing to the semi-finals (Holy Roman Empire / Wales – standard, sequential, flat rate, chained, fog)