Conquer Club

1v1 Capitalism [Winner: jangles]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

1v1 Capitalism [Winner: jangles]

Postby lhcguy on Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:33 am

Hello.. first of all, this is my first try of making a tournament, thats why I post it here.. if its good, you can move it to the Create/Join forum, if not, you can help making it better please :) Also, since im no a native english speaker, please correct me, if something is unclear.
Edit: Seems everything is ok, so the fun can begin..

The Idea: Every player gets 100$ (imaginary, not real ones).
In every Round I will offer 1v1 games with completly random settings and maps (every game with a randomly choosen setting of its own). The settings of the games will be published.
Then I will make auctions on spots in those games, so you can bid higher on the settings you like. Every game has 2 spots, that are auctioned independently, so the 2 Players of that game are the winner of the 2 spots.
show: Rules for auctions

If you win a game, you get all the money you and your opponent paid for that game.
Every round, at least one player will get eliminated, because he doesnt have enough money to buy a game.
show: Rules for number of games

Fremiums are welcome, since only 1 game at a time will be played. If you dont take your spot in the game within 48 hours of notification, your spot will be auctioned again (but you wont get a refund). Registration is open until 1 week after the 16th player has joined. Only an even number of players can join, so the 17th, 19th, etc players cannot join, if there is no 18th or 20th player. In order to prevent this tournament from getting to confusing (especially the auctions), i limited to 18 players.

Tournament is FULL, I'll try to start the threads as soon as I hear from the mods.

The way auctions are done might change, if it turns out, that it does not work as good as expected. This is also true for all other rules ;)


out due to no money left:

out due to not placing bids:
got tonkaed..............100
Kalano Sanchin..........90

Ok, since it is not possible to get extra threads for the auctions, we have to make the auctions in here. This will work as follows:

2. I will post a list of possible spots with the highest bids and the name of the players that have the highest bid at the moment at the end of the thread
3. If you want to place a bid, you copy the list from the last entry, and add your bid at end, than post everything again.
4. From time to time, i will check the auctions, and edit the posts as to what auction is over.
5. The auctions end, when 24h pass without a new bid. You have to check that for yourself before adding a new bid.
6. Dont edit your posts. Never. Ever.. If you edit a post in the biddingthread I will consider that as cheating. Don't do it.
7. If you post at the same time, than somebody else, there might be different versions. If you notice something like that, please merge those two versions. (but remember rule #6)
8. Only place one bid per post. Its allowed to place more than one bid, but you can only win one auction. If you win your first auction, all other bids of you have placed are removed. Therefore, you bids have to have a chronolocial order. So, please only one bid per post.
9. Spots with no bids are removed only, when 24 hours pass without a bid on any other spot.
I hope this works well, if not, I have to think of some other way to do this auctions.. sorry for the inconvenience. And good Luck :)

[spoiler=List of Changes:]
Auctions without a bid are not removed at all, until 2 days pass without biddings.
Last edited by lhcguy on Mon May 04, 2009 1:23 am, edited 36 times in total.
Sergeant 1st Class lhcguy
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [16 or more Players]

Postby Kalano Sanchin on Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:48 am

The idea seems good. I would join. Perhaps instead of 24 hours for the spot being filled how about 48 hours. Crap does happen and it doesn't seem fair, that however is just my opinion.
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [16 or more Players]

Postby lhcguy on Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:57 am

Ok, I can change to 48 hours..
But the next auction will start right after the other one is finished, so you might end up with no spot left, if you dont join and the last auction is over.. But for that to happen, crap has to happen at a crappy time, and the other auction has to be crappy fast.
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [16 or more Players]

Postby Gilligan on Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:19 am

It looks good to me. :) Very interesting. Let me know when you want it sent over to Create/Join a Tournament.
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [16 or more Players]

Postby Gilligan on Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:32 am

Alright - Over to Create/Join per request of the organizer.
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [1/16 or more Players]

Postby slickstick on Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:44 am

in pls.
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [2/16 or more Players]

Postby Woodruff on Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:46 pm

A couple of questions:

1) Can someone bid on more than one spot at a time? In other words, having two bids active but realizing that only one can be accepted. If so, which one gets accepted if both happen to win?

2) I presume an email will be sent out to everyone still in the tourney when the next round's bidding is to begin? If that IS the case, then please sign me up.

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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [2/16 or more Players]

Postby lhcguy on Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:26 pm

Ok, i thought about the auction again.. at first, i wanted to make a new auction for every spot, one after another.. but that would take at least 16 days, more like a month or two, which would be much too long. So i guess, its best to, make all auctions at the same time.. If you win an auction, all other bets you placed will be removed.

And i will send a massmessage when the next round of bidding begins.
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [3/16 or more Players]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:36 pm

I will play
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [3/16 or more Players]

Postby ddoggphx on Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:13 pm

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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [5/16 or more Players]

Postby tho0036 on Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:51 pm

I'm in ...
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [5/16 or more Players]

Postby Cash_Box on Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:53 pm

I'm in plz
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [7/16 or more Players]

Postby Gunners101 on Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:44 am

Sounds like fun, sign me up
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [8/16 or more Players]

Postby got tonkaed on Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:11 pm

ill play.
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [8/16 or more Players]

Postby jangles on Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:11 pm

can i get in on the tournament
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [8/16 or more Players]

Postby thenobodies80 on Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:07 pm

count me in
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [11/16 or more Players]

Postby lt.pie on Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:02 am

ill play
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [12/16 or more Players]

Postby darwin18 on Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:12 pm

iam in
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [12/16 or more Players]

Postby Soldier4Christ on Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:09 pm

cool idea :P ill play
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [12/16 or more Players]

Postby whitestazn88 on Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:37 am

i'll play
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [12/16 or more Players]

Postby andreas1977 on Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:15 pm

i am in
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [12/16 or more Players]

Postby Ginyu on Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:18 pm

cool idea i want to play =D> :D
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [17/18]

Postby ArmyStrong922 on Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:51 am

I want to get in on this, sounds like fun
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [17/18]

Postby lhcguy on Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:19 am

Ok, now we have 18 Players, registration is closed. I will start Threads, and ask for privs right now, lets see, how long it takes.

Thx for joining :-)

(No Reserve spots are neccesary, but if its a success, i will make another tournament)
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Re: Tournament: 1v1 Capitalism [FULL / req. Priv]

Postby Sun-Tzu-Joseph on Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:51 am

In pls.
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