Conquer Club

Escalators [Winner: Blitzaholic]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Escalators [Winner: Blitzaholic]

Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:54 pm


Welcome to the 8 Player Singles Tournament.


The tournament will feature 16 singles players who will face off in 3 games, there will be 2 groups of 8. The 1st 8 that sign up are in 1 group, the next 8, the 2nd group. The Top 4 players from each group based on points will advance. The final 8 players will then again play in 3 more games, points will carry over, the player with the most points at the end wins.
ALL players lasting 10 rounds and longer will receive 1 extra point in each game. Every round after will be an extra 0.1 so 11 rounds is 1.1 point, 12 rounds is 1.2 points, etc., however, no more points will be rewarded after 20 rounds. Capped @ 20 rounds, so the maximum one could get from a game is 18 points total.

1st (16) points
2nd (12)
3rd (9)
4th (6)
5th (4)
6th (2)
7th (1)
8th (0)
All games in the tournament will be on the Age of Merchants map, with the following settings: Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Sunny.

Sign Ups:
Signing up is very simple, all you have to do is post with your name. I don't need any other information from you.

When we have all the players needed I will set up the games and then send them to each of you. You will have 24 hours to join the game after my PM, if you don't join by that time, you will be penalized -1 point, @ 48 hours, if you have not joined, you will be penalized -2 points, if you have not joined by 72 hours of the original PM you will forfeit. After each game completed, ALL PLAYERS will need to post in this thread and share what place they finished in each game as soon as they get knocked out, each player that does not post per game or posts incorrectly where they finished will get penalized -0.5 points per game missed and penalized -0.5 points per incorrect entry as I will check all games. This Tourney is for serious CC'ers. To be fair, all players will have a chance to post with adequate time and will give an additional 24 hours after they got knocked out to do so, if not then I will start the deductions if there is any. Hopefully none will be. Same rules apply to the Championship round as well. Thx and GL

1. blitzaholic
2. stephen wayne
3. poptartpsycho18
4. lindax
5. highlanderattack
6. natewolfman
7. killmanic
8. negoeien

1. godd
2. badpat
3. nesterdude
4. hwhrhett
5. jddonkeykong
6. gloriousl
7. marval
8. DimnjacarStef

1st reserve if needed is dragon dor

First Round:

Here is the three Games to join 3808970 3808971 3808972 Totals
Player:1 blitzaholic........points:..17.0........6.0.....6.0......29.0
Player:2 stephen wayne...points:..0.5.......11.5.....1.5......13.0
Player:3 poptartpsycho18.points:..4.0........1.5.....0.5......6.0
Player:4 lindax............ points..:.10.0........1.0.....9.0.....20.0
Player:5 highlanderattack.points:..1.5.......15.5...3.5......20.5
Player:6 natewolfman.... points:...2.5.......8.5.....16.0....27.0
Player:7 killmanic.........points..:.5.5........-0.5...8.5......13.5
Player:8 negoeien.........points..:.12.5.......3.5...-0.5.....15.5

Here is the three Games to join 3808974 3808975 3808976 Totals
Player: godd ........points..:.......16.0.........6.0.....6.0......28.0
Player: badpat..... points.:........11.5.........1.5.....2.5......15.5
Player: nesterdude. points:........-2.5.........8.5.....1.5.......7.5
Player: hwhrhett... points.:........1.5..........3.5.....-0.5.....4.5
Player: jddonkeykong.points:......-0.5.........0.5.....0.5......0.5
Player: gloriousl.... points.:........0.5.........-0.5.....11.5....11.5
Player: marval ......points..:.......5.5..........16.0....9.0.....30.5
Player: dimnjacarstef.points:......8.5..........11.5....15.5....35.5

players advance


Games 1-6 Total Points after 1st 6 Games, Top 4 of each Group
Player:1 godd................... 28.0
Player:2 badpat................. 15.5
Player:3 marval .................30.5
Player:4 dimnjacarstef......... 35.5
Player:5 blitzaholic.............. 29.0
Player:6 lindax................... 20.0
Player:7 highlanderattack....... 20.5
Player:8 natewolfman............ 27.0


(Finals Games 7-9) 3951842, 3951843, 3951844 Total of last 3 Games
godd .....................9.0.......1.0........9.0........19.0
badpat ...................0.5.......-0.5.......1.5........1.5
dimnjacarstef ..........5.5.......3.5........3.5.........13.5
blitzaholic ...............4.0.......9.0........16.0.......29.0
lindax ....................12.0.....12.0.......12.0.......36.0
highlanderattack .......16.0......6.0........1.0........23.0
natewolfman .............1.5......16.0.......5.5........23.0

1. Blitzaholic 58.0
2. Lindax 56.0
3. Natewolfman 50.0
4. Dimnjacarstef 49.0
5. Godd 47.0
6. Highlanderattack 43.5
7. Marval 31.5
8. Badbat 17.5

The winner of over ALL the Rounds with MOST Total Points will be crowned champion! and the WINNER is BLITZAHOLIC =D> !

Last edited by Blitzaholic on Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:31 pm, edited 55 times in total.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:54 pm

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Postby Stephan Wayne on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:00 pm

in please
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Postby poptartpsycho18 on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:02 pm

In please :D
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Postby Lindax on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:09 pm

Don't know the map, but I'll give it a shot :lol:

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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:17 pm

Stephen Wayne wrote:in please

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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:18 pm

poptartpsycho18 wrote:In please :D

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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:18 pm

Lindax wrote:Don't know the map, but I'll give it a shot :lol:



I admire your guys ;)
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Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:40 pm

I want to join please
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Postby barterer2002 on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:47 pm

So a question for you here blitz. If I knock someone out in 8 rounds it costs me a point that I'd get if I knocked him out in 10 rounds? Is that backwards?
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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:48 pm

HighlanderAttack wrote:I want to join please

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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:50 pm

barterer2002 wrote:So a question for you here blitz. If I knock someone out in 8 rounds it costs me a point that I'd get if I knocked him out in 10 rounds? Is that backwards?

If you knock anyone out in 8 rounds, it does not cost you any points, you prevent them from gaining 1

all players that last 10 rounds or longer will receive 1 extra point, 11 round 1.1 point, 12 rounds 1.2 points, 13 rounds 1.3 points, etc. So, its best to eliminate them as soon as you think you can. Does this answer your question?
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Postby barterer2002 on Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:24 pm

I'm still confused here Blitz, is this just one game? (or rather 2 games of 8) with the top 4 players advancing?
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Postby Natewolfman on Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:27 pm

ill play... dont love AoM, but its only 2 games :lol:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:46 pm

barterer2002 wrote:I'm still confused here Blitz, is this just one game? (or rather 2 games of 8) with the top 4 players advancing?

yes 2 games of 8 players, (you will be in one group of eight players) the top 4 in most points from each group advance to play in the final group of 8, points carry over and the winner with most points wins, just trying something new. You will play in 3 games in 1st round against same players.
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:48 pm

Natewolfman wrote:ill play... dont love AoM, but its only 2 games :lol:

wrong, you play in 3 games in the 1st round. if you place in top 4 of your group, the finals game will also play in 3 games, so it is possible you will play 6 games.

and you are in

if this is successful, the next one will be 32, if all like it and want more, the following one will be 64 players, etc.
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby killmanic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:52 pm

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Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:52 pm

killmanic wrote:in

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Postby barterer2002 on Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:54 pm

So as I understand the game. If I win the round 1 game, I'm better served to drag it out since the points carry forward. Finish him off in round 30 rather than round 20 and gain an extra point going into the finals.

Just trying to flesh it out in my head here Blitz
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:10 am

barterer2002 wrote:So as I understand the game. If I win the round 1 game, I'm better served to drag it out since the points carry forward. Finish him off in round 30 rather than round 20 and gain an extra point going into the finals.

Just trying to flesh it out in my head here Blitz

:lol: bar, lol, listen my friend, if you are playing against me and you can take me out in round 20, but you decide to milk points and try to in round 30, I will wipe you easy, lol, its escalating and i will cash, if you have a chance to eliminate with good mathmatics and choose not to by going for an extra round that gives you 0.1 point per round after 10, lol, you wont win, you would have blown your chance.

lets say this for example ok
players are a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h lets say
a kills players b, c, in round 9
d kills player a, e,f, g in round 10 then kills player h in round 13

player d gets 16 points for the win, 1 point for 10 rounds and 0.3 points for 13 rounds for total of 17.3 points
player h finished 2nd for 12 points, plus 1 point for 10 rounds, then 0.3 points for 13 rounds totaling 13.3 points
player g finished 3rd for 9 points, plus 1 for 10 rounds for a total of 10 points
player f placed 4th and gets 6 points plus 1 more for 10 rounds totaling him 7 points
player e 5th place and gets 4 points plus 1 more for 10 rounds, totaling 5 points
player a 6th place and gets 2 points plus 1 for round 10 for 3 points
player c 7th place for 1 point
player b zero points for 8th place

make sense now?

of course if you forget to post in thread after your game you will get negative 0.5 points
and if you dont join within 24 hours or less of my pm you will get another negative 1 point
and if you post in thread you placed 3rd when you finished 4th, you will receive negative 1 point.

still confused? :? :lol:

are you suggesting I cap the rounds and maybe stop giving points out after like 25 rounds? lets say that is max? that may be a good idea. I will say max is 20 rounds, no one will get no more points if it lasts longer than 20 rounds to avoid slumming. again the 1st group of 8 players will play 3 games against their same group. The other group will also play 3 games against their same group, the top 4 total scores form them 2 groups gives us 8 players, the finals 8 players will play 3 games in the Finals. So, the final 8 players will play in total of 6 games.
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Postby White Moose on Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:59 am

Sounds like a nice tournament, other than one thing..

Blitzaholic wrote:After each game completed, ALL PLAYERS will need to post in this thread and share what place they finished in each game as soon as they get knocked out, each player that does not post per game or posts incorrectly where they finished will get penalized -0.5 points per game missed and penalized -0.5 points per incorrect entry as I will check all games.

It should be your job as the organizer to do that, not having everyone else doing all the work for you. It takes just a few seconds to check who finished where, if you have BOB installed that is.

If you consider changing, then i'll consider joining.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:02 am

White Moose wrote:Sounds like a nice tournament, other than one thing..

Blitzaholic wrote:After each game completed, ALL PLAYERS will need to post in this thread and share what place they finished in each game as soon as they get knocked out, each player that does not post per game or posts incorrectly where they finished will get penalized -0.5 points per game missed and penalized -0.5 points per incorrect entry as I will check all games.

It should be your job as the organizer to do that, not having everyone else doing all the work for you. It takes just a few seconds to check who finished where, if you have BOB installed that is.

If you consider changing, then i'll consider joining.

nope, not changing, many like it, and I will be checking all games moosy, so i will still be doing same amount of work, just it it is nice other post in thread as well so the thread is updated and I dont have to always go 4 to 5 pages back, it is a nice twist and something different. sorry, you wont be joining.
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Postby White Moose on Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:05 am

Blitzaholic wrote:
White Moose wrote:Sounds like a nice tournament, other than one thing..

Blitzaholic wrote:After each game completed, ALL PLAYERS will need to post in this thread and share what place they finished in each game as soon as they get knocked out, each player that does not post per game or posts incorrectly where they finished will get penalized -0.5 points per game missed and penalized -0.5 points per incorrect entry as I will check all games.

It should be your job as the organizer to do that, not having everyone else doing all the work for you. It takes just a few seconds to check who finished where, if you have BOB installed that is.

If you consider changing, then i'll consider joining.

nope, not changing, many like it, and I will be checking all games moosy, so i will still be doing same amount of work, just it it is nice other post in thread as well so the thread is updated and I dont have to always go 4 to 5 pages back, it is a nice twist and something different. sorry, you wont be joining.

It's also quite annoying for everyone in it, since i'm in like 20-30 tournaments right now. Of which i should post the results from each game. But reporting that a game has ended each time i finish a game is just annoying.

Hence, i'm not joining.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:12 am

its only 3 games ;)

all played at same time, pretty easy
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Postby negoeien on Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:37 am

in blitz, btw hold on you horses for my second poker game hit 4 of a kind in my second turn again along with a full house at the end of round 1 :p
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