Champion (Gold)
darbselodSecond Place (Silver)
The1exileBronze Medal Winner
Lucky6This is my second tournament, so it's gonna be a little bit bigger. You can see my first tournament here:
viewtopic.php?f=91&t=70753&start=0Race to Conquer the New World 1v1 --- FREEMIUMS WELCOME!Players: 32
Tourney Style: 1v1 single elimination (5 rounds total)
Map: New World
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
Fog of War? No
Seeding will be random: i.e., when Round 1 starts, you pick your game. That saves me the time of assigning games to every individual player, and allows you freedom of choice over who your opponents are.
Confirmed Players: (Red players have been eliminated, Purple players have advanced to Round 4, Orange players have advanced to Round 5)
1. darbselod2. MadagascarAdam3. acores20054. Evil Semp5. coolb00st6. G_M7. HighlanderAttack8. Stephen Wayne9. fbonsignori10. fallsmolson11. Godd12. elmerfudd13. JoJo12314. Lucky615. Hanksy16. digger8205 - NO SHOW REPLACED BY RESERVIST16a. sniper990017. Kotaro18. Blitzaholic19. Harry NotSach20. lancehoch21. Lightning-Man22. Natewolfman23. rudolphirvinpoir24. gordito25. SNARF17WD26. bigreuben27. BrotherWolf28. The1exile29. A :-Ć - NO SHOW REPLACED BY RESERVIST29a. DBandit7030. jbrettlip31. Jim108632. neurodancerReserves:1. sniper9900
2. Visigoth
3. Diego_CR
4. tedi the danger
5. DBandit70
6. snakedoctor
7. 610284608