Conquer Club

Trippel Trappel [Winner: LordZack72]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Should organizers change the setup in tournaments like this during the tournament?

Poll ended at Sat May 16, 2009 4:40 pm

No, meet all players in at least one game was the most important part of the tournament.
No, getting 17 or 18 different teammates was the most important part of the setup.
No, getting 22, 23 or 24 different opponents was the most important part of the setup.
No, it is up to the organizer to make easy and more challaging games
Yes, in case both teams get too much in disbalance and lost cc-points go under 15 or over 27
Yes, in case both teams get too much in disbalance and lost cc-points go under 10 or over 40
Yes, in case both teams get too much in disbalance and lost cc-points go under 5 or over 80
No votes
Yes, in case both teams get too much in disbalance and lost cc-points go under 2 or over 99
No votes
I have not participated in this tournament
No votes
I am LordZack72 and will become the winner in this tournament
No votes
I am MasterGuns and will become second, so I will object all parts of the tournament that could be of influence
No votes
Other (please explain in a reply)
No votes
Total votes : 13

Trippel Trappel [Winner: LordZack72]

Postby PaulusH on Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:41 pm

News on running
LordZack72 is our great winner, with 8 of the 9 games won =D> =D>

Complete status overview can be found in post2 as well as in the first post at page 2. Here only some last news ;)

All BeNeLux, Germany, Iberia, Actium, Chinese Checker, Poker, USA, Artic and Draknor games are finished :D
So all games are finished. Total time needed slightly more (4%) then estimated at the start, but never before I was that close.

Premiums as well as non-premiums are welcome.

After the start you should always be able to play one game for this tournament.
We still need more reserves !

Start first games on 5 December.
So from that moment onwards you should be able to play one game for this tournament
Latest 1 December (after a last check) I will reconfirm the date of 5 December.
It will even start before 5 dec ! first request to join games (to the first teams) will be send on 4 dec, each other team will get the invite after the first joined. However on the day of Sinterklaas I don't have time for this.

Trippel Trappel
According to the famous Dutch song, that is the sound the horse of St. Nicholas makes when he is walking on the roof. For you it will mean that in case you enter that you will be Trapped in 9 Triple games. For more details, see post 3.

To distribute you all over the games I use the windmill system. So at the end you have been in a game with all 35 other participants.
Unfortunately there is no perfect 6x6 windmill, so there are 10 persons who you will meet twice in this tournament (nobody more then 2 times).
To make the setup a bit more complex I used only triple games. The intention was that the 10 people you meet twice are in one game your team-mate, while in the other is one of your opponents. Although I did manage that for several of you, it doesnā€™t really fit. So it could happen that for one of two of those 10 persons this extra rule is not correct in your case.
That is all about the distribution over the games.

Since the distribution is complex enough I used standard settings for all games, except for the maps. Standard setting is for me: sequential, flat rate, unlimited, sunny, for this tournament combined with triple.
Maps: 1 BeNeLux, 2 Germany, 3 Iberia, 4 Battle of Actium, 5 Chinese Checkers, 6 Poker Club, 7 USA, 8 Arctic, 9 Draknor - Level 1.

As score we basically use the windmill score. For a triple game that means that when you are in the winning team you get 17 tulips and when you are in the other team you get 7 tulips.
However since you entered this tournament on your own (and not as a team) I added a few extra rules.
In case you are the last kicked out of the team that looses you get one tulip from each of your team-mates to thank you for trying to hold position. In the same way the person of the winning team that kicked out the last opponent gets one tulip from each of his (or her) team-mates. Furthermore in case you are in the winning team, but didnā€™t make it to the end you have to give two tulips to each of your team-mates. And in fact I donā€™t check if you did make it to the end, I only check if you still have cards. In case you donā€™t have any card left I assume you didnā€™t make it and you have to give two tulips to each of your team-mates.

I hope that this makes the scoring complicated enough to get a single winner. With this scoring you could also benefit from killing a team-mate. I wonder if that really will happen :ugeek:

Predictions like this are easily not 100% correct, see my earlier tournament with predictions: link or link. The problem is that they really are only predictions.
ā€¢ Expected start first games at 6 December.
The first game started on the 6th. So here a score of 100%
ā€¢ Expected start last game on 20 April
In reality the last game started on 1 May, that is 11 days too late. Prediction made on 13 Nov so 169 days earlier 11/169= 7% mistake
ā€¢ Expected the very last game to be finished at 5 May
Last finish on 12 May: 7 days too late. Prediction also made on 13 Nov so 180 days earlier 7/180= 4% mistake.
Overall average: 4%
Last edited by PaulusH on Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:59 pm, edited 187 times in total.
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Postby PaulusH on Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:42 pm

Click image to enlarge.

anonadick was in the tournament before he (or she) re-joined as reserve and did play the first three games. So for his (or her) number of tulips we did use the original number of tulips and added the number of tulips of place 7 of the two missed games together with the normal one bonus tulip as reserve :ugeek:

In the end-score there are some tie's.
Some of these kind of situations occur more often in the total list.
Last edited by PaulusH on Tue May 12, 2009 1:22 pm, edited 94 times in total.
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Extra info, not really needed to know

Postby PaulusH on Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:42 pm

Trippel Trappel
St. Nicholas also known as Stinter Klaas is a traditional family children's party that is hold at 5 or 6 December in nearly the whole of the BeNeLux, but also in parts of Germany and other locations. All kids say that St. Nicholas is coming from Spain (Iberia). The real Nicholas of Myra (a place near Actium) is believed to die on 6 December 342.
In the evening kids put their wooden shoe near the chimney best with a carrot for the horse of St. Nicholas. At that moment they also sing some song or say a poem. The next morning they find candy and toys. For instance for young kids Chinese checkers and for an older kid a poker club set.
Most likely this was also the basic of Santa in the USA; Santa Claus sounds more or less the same as Sinter Klaas. Traditional families already tried to meet at least at X-mass, so that might have caused the shift to 24-25-26 of December. Of course Santa lives normally at the arctic. Santa is more likely to bring more modern games like Draknor - Level 1.

Since it is a children's party we simply keep all games standard. However St. Nicholas is always seen together with his horse and his servant Zwarte Piet. Therefore all games are triple, but since it is in fact for children we keep the rest as simple as possible by using standard settings.

At St. Nicholas there are songs and poems about nearly anything. As mentioned at the first post ā€œTrippel Trappelā€ is part of a specific song. And when there is not a song about it yet, we simply make a new song. There are already many companies making profits by all the gifts the kids get, our music-publisher company would just bring some old and new St. Nicholas songs.

General windmill scoring
In fact there are two groups of maps each having there own scoring. The reason for that is that in WWII people start eating tulips because of the hunger.

The complete windmill system scoring is up to 8 persons. Simply leave out lowest in case you play with less.
Score: get 21, get 17, get 13, get 9, get 7, get 5, get 3 or get 1 tulip
WWII: eat 0, eat 4, eat 8, eat 12, eat 14, eat 16, eat 18 or eat 20 tulips.
It is never possible to have negative tulips.
Reserve player: get one tulip extra on top of starting quantity of current position 7.

Mixing of standard, terminator, all team-setting and most assassins is possible.
For instance for the winning team of a triple game you add up 21+17+13=51 and divide those under the three winners, basically giving each 17 tulips (or find a reason for not splitting up in equal parts).
Assassin with 7 players is not perfect, in that case number 2,3,4,5 and 6 get together one tulip less. In case of one deadbeat in a 7 players assassin game the company will spend three extra tulips: one extra for the winner and two extra for positions 2,3,4 and 5.
For the basic 6 player assassin (without deadbeats) or two deadbeats in an 8 players assassin game, the same trick is used.
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 0 / 36 + 4]

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:22 pm

I'll play
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 0 / 36 + 4]

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:24 pm

I just can't say no to your tournaments.... I'm quite weak triples player but... sign me up #-o
Last edited by amazzony on Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 0 / 36 + 4]

Postby negoeien on Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:39 pm

Highest ever: 3038 place: 20th, winner of 12 tournies!
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 4 / 36 + 4]

Postby PaulusH on Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:21 am

Ok, the first three here and number 4 in my inbox: all in 8-)
lets wait for the other 32 (and I need also at least 4 reserves) :geek:
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 4 / 36 + 4]

Postby JoJo123 on Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:24 am

I'll play
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 4 / 36 + 4]

Postby John Price on Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:04 am

Put me in please
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 6 / 36 + 4]

Postby PaulusH on Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:15 pm

Welcome JoJo123 and John Price :D
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 6 / 36 + 4]

Postby redhawk92 on Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:16 pm

i will join
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 6 / 36 + 4]

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:23 pm

PaulusH wrote:And in fact I donā€™t check if you did make it to the end, I only check if you still have cards. In case you donā€™t have any card left I assume you didnā€™t make it and you have to give two tulips to each of your team-mates.

Why wouldn't you check if you made it to the end or not? It's quite easy through bob...or a quick check of the log...
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 6 / 36 + 4]

Postby PaulusH on Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:51 pm

dittoeevee8888 wrote:
PaulusH wrote:And in fact I donā€™t check if you did make it to the end, I only check if you still have cards. In case you donā€™t have any card left I assume you didnā€™t make it and you have to give two tulips to each of your team-mates.

Why wouldn't you check if you made it to the end or not? It's quite easy through bob...or a quick check of the log...

You are correct it is easy to check, but this is more fun :lol:
In most cases there will be no difference :mrgreen:
But I expect that in one or more of the 54 games it will happen that one of the people of the winning team is still in the game, but doesn't have any card left. That are the special moments for organizers like me :oops:

I build in more often those kind of hidden jokes for geeks :geek:
At City Trip I made it possible to get in a special game effectively the same top-score as the winner of that game. Nobody asked questions before the tournament started, but already two people made use of that escape. That's cool 8-)
Very likely several people even didn't notice that there was a special game in that tournament ;)

btw are you in ?
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 6 / 36 + 4]

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:45 pm

PaulusH wrote:
dittoeevee8888 wrote:
PaulusH wrote:And in fact I donā€™t check if you did make it to the end, I only check if you still have cards. In case you donā€™t have any card left I assume you didnā€™t make it and you have to give two tulips to each of your team-mates.

Why wouldn't you check if you made it to the end or not? It's quite easy through bob...or a quick check of the log...

You are correct it is easy to check, but this is more fun :lol:
In most cases there will be no difference :mrgreen:
But I expect that in one or more of the 54 games it will happen that one of the people of the winning team is still in the game, but doesn't have any card left. That are the special moments for organizers like me :oops:

I build in more often those kind of hidden jokes for geeks :geek:
At City Trip I made it possible to get in a special game effectively the same top-score as the winner of that game. Nobody asked questions before the tournament started, but already two people made use of that escape. That's cool 8-)
Very likely several people even didn't notice that there was a special game in that tournament ;)

btw are you in ?

eh...sure why not? I need to work on these team medals >.> My kills on those are horrible...though I'm close to a bronze quad medal...
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 7 / 36 + 4]

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:46 pm

P.S. Why would you post a link to an edit thing?

[I'm only doing this because I'm too lazy to edit my post ;)]
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Status (in fact copy of post2)

Postby PaulusH on Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:24 am

Click image to enlarge.

anonadick was in the tournament before he (or she) re-joined as reserve and did play the first three games. So for his (or her) number of tulips we did use the original number of tulips and added the number of tulips of place 7 of the two missed games together with the normal one bonus tulip as reserve :ugeek:

In the end-score there are some tie's.
Some of these kind of situations occur more often in the total list.
Some of these kind of situations occur more often in the total list.
Last edited by PaulusH on Tue May 12, 2009 1:23 pm, edited 86 times in total.
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 8 / 36 + 4]

Postby DBandit70 on Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:31 am

count me in sounds like fun

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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 7 / 36 + 4]

Postby PaulusH on Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:32 am

welcome dittoeevee8888

dittoeevee8888 wrote:P.S. Why would you post a link to an edit thing? ;)

In fact I have no idea :-k
    Just fun :?:
    To show that my statement is real :?:
    To get more people to read about older tournaments :?:
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 8 / 36 + 4]

Postby axh98 on Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:30 am

I would be happy to join this tournament thanks
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 8 / 36 + 4]

Postby zissou2 on Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:51 pm

i'll play
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 11 / 36 + 4]

Postby PaulusH on Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:40 am

Santa seems to be populair :D

You are all in 8-)
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 11 / 36 + 4]

Postby JvdH on Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:10 pm

I'm in!
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 12 / 36 + 4]

Postby PaulusH on Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:59 pm

Welcome JvdH :mrgreen:
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 12 / 36 + 4]

Postby mountainbill on Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:13 pm

let me in please
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Re: Trippel Trappel (6x6 windmill) open for all [ 12 / 36 + 4]

Postby peanutsdad on Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:10 pm

put me in, i'll play
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