by wrexham on Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:21 pm
Unfortunately White Moose has not joined his games in a timely manner and as such the tie has been awarded to Pat who advances to the quarter final.
When we started this tournament Tammy and I stated that should any player not join their round 1 games within the designated 48 hrs, then they would be replaced by a reserve, we also stated that in rounds 2 and onwards any player not joining their games in a timely manner (again 48 hrs) would be removed from the tournament and their opponent awarded the tie. We figured that all the players in this tournament given their obvious commitment to the CC feudal war experience would be committed to the tournament.
We have always given players a little bit of leeway by extending the time limit past 48 hrs but for whatever reason White Moose has not joined his games or contacted myself or Tammy to ask for more time due to personal reasons. As stated in my previous post I have been watching his (White Moose) games and I can confirm that he has logged in and played his games whilst choosing not to join his games in this tournament since my last post.
I can also confirm from my sent items folder that White Moose has read the pm detailing the games that was sent to him over 50 hours ago.