Conquer Club

CC Olympics 2008 [Winners: Legends of War]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby Night Strike on Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:43 am

Mr_Adams wrote:why is fencing foggy? and why is there only 1 fencing bracket? you do realize they have Foil Epee and Saber fencing... and do they do doubles fencing in the olympics? THAT is fun. get my friends Will and Mikey against Eric and I and we could fence all day. Ya, fencing. I missed it all summer. can't wait for school to start. OMG, I DID NOT just say that :? .

If you noticed, only track has multiple events. I couldn't possibly include every single event (if you read the first post, I believe it says there are over 300 events :shock: ). I chose foggy for that because of the protective armor and facemask that is worn in the event.

Mr_Adams wrote:And why must you have premium membership? I don't see anywhere that it says multiple games at once. can't you have somebody compeeting in just one bracket?

I did not allow freemiums because I knew that most everybody who signed up would play in more than 1 event. Also, I never said that there wouldn't be multiple games at the same time. Right now, pretty much every event is going to have some sort of pool play for the first round, and then a 4, 6, or 8 player/team bracket to determine the medalists. Plus, I don't have time to wait around for freemiums to open up a game slot.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby daydream on Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:19 am

Team Name: Bulletproof Bandits
Team Captain: daydream
Team Players (Events):
    1. daydream
    2. lord voldemort
    3. StiffMittens
    4. fwblb
    5. ctwong1
    6. fruitcake
    7. jbrettlip
    8. Owenshooter
    9. Vace Cooper
    10. nagerous
    11. Chuck D
    12. acycowsky


TT lord voldemort
Fe fwblb
Wr StiffMittens
Ta daydream

Ar StiffMittens
Sw daydream
Ro fruitcake
Cy lord voldemort

Ts StiffMittens & nagerous
Ba jbrettlip & owenshooter
Ca lord voldemort & daydream
WP vace cooper & fwblb

Bs nagerous, daydream + Vace Cooper
Sc Vace Cooper, fwblb & Chuck D
Bk fruitcake, daydream & lord voldemort
FH fruitcake, jbrettlip & owenshooter

T1 daydream + Vace Cooper
T2 daydream + acyckowsky
T4 lord voldemort + ctwong1
T8 nagerous + ctwong1
T15 lord voldemort + fruitcake
Ma lord voldemort + fwblb

R1 fruitcake, daydream, nagerous & fwblb
R4 jbrettlip, owenshooter, acyckowsky & ctwong1
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:04 am

We have very nearly finalised our line-up - will post it tonight... but we still have a couple of queries:

1) How many games do you envisage being played at the same time (especially the freestyle ones)? - if it is a lot, then it may be too much for a single player to handle all 3 events.

2) Track singles - some of these events will have 2 players from the same clan reaching the final (or maybe playing before) - are secret alliances allowed for these events (because they WILL occur anyway)? The win for the clan will (for us and any other serious clan) be more important than the individual win... so a level of "teamwork" whether actually communicated or just implied will be inevitable... the freestyle games in particular will IMO be won like this - one player weakens another so that the clan's mate can wipe the board on an esc run.... or there are undefended borders in a fog game.... the potential abuse is huge - SO please either get the site to actively condone secret alliances (for these events only) OR only allow one player per clan per event.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby conquerAce on Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:47 am

BENJIKAT IS DEAD wrote:2) Track singles - some of these events will have 2 players from the same clan reaching the final (or maybe playing before) - are secret alliances allowed for these events (because they WILL occur anyway)? The win for the clan will (for us and any other serious clan) be more important than the individual win... so a level of "teamwork" whether actually communicated or just implied will be inevitable... the freestyle games in particular will IMO be won like this - one player weakens another so that the clan's mate can wipe the board on an esc run.... or there are undefended borders in a fog game.... the potential abuse is huge - SO please either get the site to actively condone secret alliances (for these events only) OR only allow one player per clan per event.

Well if you say that an assumption can be made that clan mates will work together why not just announce it in the game chat so it's not a "secret" anymore... I don't think that terms of an alliance need to be outlined do they?

If the announcement isn't made then maybe you have two clan mates that really don't like each other and want to kill each other off ;-).
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby TheKidsTrumpet on Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:02 am

Increased our team to 20 players adding RedBaron0 to the roster replacing Night Strike in the event of Wrestling and Godd in the 800m track race.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:09 am

conquerAce wrote:
BENJIKAT IS DEAD wrote:2) Track singles - some of these events will have 2 players from the same clan reaching the final (or maybe playing before) - are secret alliances allowed for these events (because they WILL occur anyway)? The win for the clan will (for us and any other serious clan) be more important than the individual win... so a level of "teamwork" whether actually communicated or just implied will be inevitable... the freestyle games in particular will IMO be won like this - one player weakens another so that the clan's mate can wipe the board on an esc run.... or there are undefended borders in a fog game.... the potential abuse is huge - SO please either get the site to actively condone secret alliances (for these events only) OR only allow one player per clan per event.

Well if you say that an assumption can be made that clan mates will work together why not just announce it in the game chat so it's not a "secret" anymore... I don't think that terms of an alliance need to be outlined do they?

If the announcement isn't made then maybe you have two clan mates that really don't like each other and want to kill each other off ;-).

I guess a "we are in the same clan so expect us to play for the common good of our clan" would be OK - but could the play I described above be considered "intentional throwing of a game"? - which is listed as a "gross abuse" of CC in the rules?
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby Night Strike on Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:06 am

BENJIKAT IS DEAD wrote:We have very nearly finalised our line-up - will post it tonight... but we still have a couple of queries:

1) How many games do you envisage being played at the same time (especially the freestyle ones)? - if it is a lot, then it may be too much for a single player to handle all 3 events.

2) Track singles - some of these events will have 2 players from the same clan reaching the final (or maybe playing before) - are secret alliances allowed for these events (because they WILL occur anyway)? The win for the clan will (for us and any other serious clan) be more important than the individual win... so a level of "teamwork" whether actually communicated or just implied will be inevitable... the freestyle games in particular will IMO be won like this - one player weakens another so that the clan's mate can wipe the board on an esc run.... or there are undefended borders in a fog game.... the potential abuse is huge - SO please either get the site to actively condone secret alliances (for these events only) OR only allow one player per clan per event.

1) I'm not 100% sure yet on how many games will be at one time. What do you think would be the cut off for how many freestyle games 1 player should have at a time? I will take that number into consideration and possibly stagger the start of multiple games in the same event.

2) Technically in the Olympics, each player runs their own race. I would really like for that to be observed for this tournament. IF two players from the same clan make it to the finals, I encourage everyone to play with honor and announce everything in chat if it must come to that. If there are complaints about secret alliances and they seem substantiated, I will disqualify the offending players.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:03 pm

Night Strike wrote:
BENJIKAT IS DEAD wrote:We have very nearly finalised our line-up - will post it tonight... but we still have a couple of queries:

1) How many games do you envisage being played at the same time (especially the freestyle ones)? - if it is a lot, then it may be too much for a single player to handle all 3 events.

2) Track singles - some of these events will have 2 players from the same clan reaching the final (or maybe playing before) - are secret alliances allowed for these events (because they WILL occur anyway)? The win for the clan will (for us and any other serious clan) be more important than the individual win... so a level of "teamwork" whether actually communicated or just implied will be inevitable... the freestyle games in particular will IMO be won like this - one player weakens another so that the clan's mate can wipe the board on an esc run.... or there are undefended borders in a fog game.... the potential abuse is huge - SO please either get the site to actively condone secret alliances (for these events only) OR only allow one player per clan per event.

1) I'm not 100% sure yet on how many games will be at one time. What do you think would be the cut off for how many freestyle games 1 player should have at a time? I will take that number into consideration and possibly stagger the start of multiple games in the same event.

2) Technically in the Olympics, each player runs their own race. I would really like for that to be observed for this tournament. IF two players from the same clan make it to the finals, I encourage everyone to play with honor and announce everything in chat if it must come to that. If there are complaints about secret alliances and they seem substantiated, I will disqualify the offending players.

1) 2 or 3 max at a time? - the freestyle games have very very nearly meant we didn't enter - in fact I will have to play some of them (and I have only ever played 1 freestyle casual game - an accident) and suck up the expected huge loss in points that are likely. 3 freestyle casual events with 3 games each would mean 9 games to be checked on an hourly (?) basis.

2) Also in the Olympics, there are very very few "free-for-all" events. This is why the initial reaction of my clan was one of surprise that anything other than 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 was included. In athletics events, you either take your turn on your own in the field events, or you have to stick to your lane, or (for the long distance races) if there is physical contact then often someone gets DQ'd. In the physical contact sports, fencing, martial arts etc, the matches are always 1v1 so "team work" is never an issue. Due to the nature of CC games, Formula One "team orders" seem more the order of the day.

None of this applies to CC singles games, which are full contact free-for-alls. My concern is much more about "attempted" escalating takeouts (especially in the freestyle games)... imagine this: I have poor dice when trying to start an escalating chain win, and my clansmate takes his turn 15 mins later and easily wipes the board. "Teamwork" or "good fortune" - I would hate to judge on that one??? - just trying to highlight it in order to avoid you any controversy down the line.
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Events of De Veroveraars der Lage Landen

Postby MarVal on Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:23 pm

Team Name: De Veroveraars der Lage Landen
Team Captain: MarVal
Team Players (Events): 9 players (the only players with premium in our clan)

1 v 1

Track Events
Image highest score: 2157 (Major) / Verd ori'shya beskar'gam
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby Kilazul on Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:46 pm

LOL. I wish people would stop complaining about the rules. If you wanna make em, TO your own tournament stop trying to hi-jack someone elses.

If you don't like the rules don't join the tournament. Its really not that complicated.

As far as the freestyle complaints go. if you play last, its not freestyle for you. And you still only have to take 1 turn ever 24 hours.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:08 pm

Kilazul wrote:LOL. I wish people would stop complaining about the rules. If you wanna make em, TO your own tournament stop trying to hi-jack someone elses.

If you don't like the rules don't join the tournament. Its really not that complicated.

As far as the freestyle complaints go. if you play last, its not freestyle for you. And you still only have to take 1 turn ever 24 hours.

FFS - I'm really not trying to cause trouble (and definitely not hi-jack it!!)

1) I'm merely asking for clarification BEFORE any potential controversy - we will abide by the rules, but we just need to actually know what they are!

2) This is NOT just any old tournament - it is the first and only Official Clan Tournament - there is no way at all that we would even consider playing flat rate / unlimited / freestyle if it were not for the official status - so the idea of not joining hasn't crossed our minds. We are willing to go well outside of our comfort zone in order to compete in this excellent event.

3) You know as well as I do that if you play freestyle as if it were sequential then you may as well not bother!
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:02 pm

Anyway, here's our lineup:

    Team Name: Legends of War
    Team Captain: BENJIKAT IS DEAD
    Team Players (Events):
      1. BENJIKAT IS DEAD (Fencing, Canoeing, Baseball, Marathon, 4x100m)
      2. chard (Soccer, 4x400m)
      3. Clanlord Carl (Wrestling, Archery, Field Hockey, 200m, 800m)
      4. Condor (Soccer, 4x400m)
      5. dcc1220 (Taekwando, Water Polo, Swimming, Basketball, 400m)
      6. Forefall (Rowing, Badminton, 110m hurdles, 4x400m)
      7. lt.pie (Table Tennis, Canoeing, Baseball, Basketball, 4x100m)
      8. michiganfan22 (Water Polo, Basketball)
      9. Mozes (Badminton, 4x400m)
      10. TheBro (Cycling, Tennis, Field Hockey, 1500m)
      11. Velvecarrots (Tennis, Field Hockey, 200m, 400m, 1500m, 4x100m)
      12. waseemalim (Baseball, Soccer, 110m hurdles, 800m, Marathon, 4x100m)
      reserves: amongst ourselves (abiding by the rules), plus DBandit70, jmith72, El Scorcho, zero23, reptile, Prankcall (last 2 if they return to CC!)- i.e. every other member of our small clan :)
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby hiddendragon on Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:59 pm

My nly complaint is where is gymnastics? Womens gymnasics is greatest sport other then womens ice skating even then they bout equal
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby Night Strike on Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:46 pm

18 teams have registered but there are 2 teams that have incomplete events.

18 is a really nice number for me to work with, so hopefully it stays that or at least bumps to another even number.

13 hours and 14 minutes until signups end.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament] [FULL]

Postby Night Strike on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:00 pm

Registrations are now CLOSED. The games will begin during this next week.
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Rostar De Veroveraars der Lage Landen clan

Postby MarVal on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:37 pm

Night Strike wrote:18 teams have registered but there are 2 teams that have incomplete events.

Here are the correct events:

Team Name: De Veroveraars der Lage Landen
Team Captain: MarVal
Team Players (Events): 9 players (the only players with premium in our clan)

1 v 1

Track Events
Image highest score: 2157 (Major) / Verd ori'shya beskar'gam
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament] [FULL]

Postby Night Strike on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:41 pm

Ah, thanks for fixing that MarVal. I actually hadn't included you in those 2 clans that I had posted about.

The Untouchables and Team Mythology, your Team Captains should have received a PM from me and I need those issues resolved ASAP.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament] [FULL]

Postby hulmey on Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:34 pm

The Revised Untouchables Rosta

1 v 1

Table Tennis - Malta hulmey
Fencing - Iberia merz
Wrestling - Germany igotasihed
Taekwondo - Indochina chariot of fire


Archery - Soviet union (4 player, Flat rate) 4red
Swimming - Philipines (6 player Escalating) chariot of fire
Rowing - British isles (4 player, Flat rate) Kemmler
Cycling france (6 player Escalating) igotasihed


Tennis - Australia igotasihed & hulmey
Badminton - Scotland bob3603 & woodsy24
Canoeing - chariot of fire & 4 U 2 NV
Water Polo - Ireland merz & dragon dor


Baseball - caribbean merz & woodsy24 & kemmler
Soccer - Brazil - igotasihed & dragon dor & 4red
Basketball - Usa bob3603 & hulmey & Gozo_the_Great
Field Hockey - Canada chariot of fire & Me-Da-MiNoRiTY & bob3603

Track Events

110 meter - Greater China (6 player no cards) hulmey & csh1979
200 meter - Greater China (6 player & Escalating)Kemmler & littlebrother2k7
400 meter - Greater China (6 player & Escalating) chariot of fire & igotasihed
800 meter - Greater China (6 player & Escalating) 4red & 4 U 2 NV
1500 meter - Greater China (FREESTYLE - 6 player & Escalating) Me-Da-MiNoRiTY & Gozo_the_Grea
Marathon - Ancient Greece(FREESTYLE - 8 player & No cards) chariot of fire & bob3603

4x100 meter relay - Ancient Greece (Escalating)

4x400 meter relay - Ancient Greece (Escalating)
chariot of fire
4 U 2 NV
dragon dor

Reserve ; ju87rs will be added to the rosta. Sorry I missed him off!
Last edited by hulmey on Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament] [FULL]

Postby peanutsdad on Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:54 pm

team mythology humbly apologizes for the delay to you night strike, and thanks your for organizing such a wonderful tournament for CC, we shall do our best to make a good showing. we anxiously await the beginning now.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament] [FULL]

Postby gimil on Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:41 am

Table Tennis: pep
Fencing: gimil
Wrestling: andy
Taekwondo: edbeard

Archery: pep
Rowing: Oaktown
Swimming: benn
Cycling: gimil

Tennis: widow, benn(yeti)
Badminton: gimil, benn
Canoeing: andy,gimil
Water Polo: pep, gimil

Baseball: edbeard, gimil , widow
Soccer: oaktown, gimil , andy
Basketball: gimil, benn, widow
Field Hockey: oaktown, pep, widow

track singles (2 per event)
110 hurdles: pep, gimil
200m: edbeard, benn
400m: andy, gimil
800m: gimil , oaktown
1600m: TaCktiX , gimil
Marathon: TaCktiX , gimil

400m relay: widow, andy, benn, oaktown
800m relay: edbeard , benn, gimil , widow
What do you know about map making, bitch?

natty_dread wrote:I was wrong

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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Clans Only Tournament]

Postby Strider24 on Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:28 pm

One of our participants has had to drop out so the new set up looks like this.

Strider24 wrote:Team Name: Legion of The Damned
Team Captain:xxtig12683xx
Team Players: 15 participants
red monke6
Gold Knight
Shino Tenshi


Baseball - Strider24, rayray, red monke6Soccer - Killakazooma, jpcloet, eddie666
Basketball - Strider24, rayray, Gold Knight
Field Hockey - Magua, Shino Tenshi, red monke6

I had to replace Morrigan in two events with red monke6. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Back to the Basics II
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Team Set-Up]

Postby Night Strike on Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:48 pm

Alright, I've finally developed the actual tournament settings for most of the events. The following is how the groups will compete, be scored, and eventually determine medalists. There are 19 clans competing in the tournament.

Quads, Triples, Doubles (4 player games)
  • There will be 2 pools of 6 teams and 1 pool of 7 teams
  • Play each team within the pool once (5 or 6 games)
  • W-L record will be recorded
  • The top 2 finishers from each group as well as the next 2 overall will advance
  • Tiebreakers determined by record against 1st place, 2nd place, etc.
  • Those who advance will play in an 8 player single elimination bracket to determine medalists

Doubles (6 player games)
  • There will be 5 pools of 3 teams and 2 pools of 2 teams
  • In the pools of 2, teams will play a best of 5 series with winners advancing
  • In the pools of 3, teams will play 5 games with them being scored as follows:
    • 5 for 1st place
    • 3 for 2nd place
    • 1 for 3rd place
    • +2 points to winner if they win in Round 6 or before
    • +1 point for last place if the team lasts 10 or more rounds (not awarded to 2nd place team)
  • Top team from each group and the next 2 overall advance
  • The 9 remaining teams will be divided into 3 groups
  • First team to win 2 games in each group will advance
  • Single final game with medals awarded by placement

ALL games in the tournament must be completed BEFORE Round 40. At Round 40, results will be recorded via BOB.

These games will be going out tonight or tomorrow with all the singles games coming in the next few days. They are staggered to get the potentially longer games underway and to help reduce game load.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Team Set-Up]

Postby BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:08 pm

Great - really looking forward to this!

Night Strike wrote:ALL games in the tournament must be completed BEFORE Round 40. At Round 40, results will be recorded via BOB.

I presume, due to the fact that some of these games are foggy, that "via BOB" means territory count? (- will make the last few minutes of round 39 in the no cards freestyle singles a bit crazy!!)
Last edited by BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [Team Set-Up]

Postby Night Strike on Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:16 pm

BENJIKAT IS DEAD wrote:Great - really looking forward to this!

Night Strike wrote:ALL games in the tournament must be completed BEFORE Round 40. At Round 40, results will be recorded via BOB.

I presume, due to the fact that some of these games are foggy, that "via BOB" means territory count? (- will make the last few minutes of round 39 in the no cards freestyle singles a bit crazy!!)

(Fixed your quote for you.)
Crap, I halfway forgot about foggy. Hopefully you all will finish those before then, but if not, I may ask a couple of the players from the game to give me the stats, or just go off territory count.
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Re: CC Olympics 2008 [IMPORTANT Information on Page 10]

Postby plurple on Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:56 pm

er just pointing out triples has to have 6 players dosent it surely
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