by philh on Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:10 am
Okay, this is an experimental format that Clive and I are trying out. It's based on a poker game, except that instead of getting a better hand than the other players, you need to beat them in a game on CC.
I will try to use terminology as it applies to CC, not poker. So a game means a game on CC, and is roughly equivalent to a poker hand. The poker game becomes the tournament. A round refers to a round of gameplay, and also a round of betting. Hopefully if I use the wrong term at some point (and if Clive doesn't spot it when he proofreads this), it won't be too confusing.
Open to freemiums, one slot needed.
16 players (2x8p games)
Map: Classic Shapes
No fog
We may vary map or settings if necessary. We're trying to avoid build-up games, but we don't want them ridiculously short either.
Players will be split randomly into two brackets of eight players each. Each bracket plays a series of games with each other until four players from each bracket are eliminated. The remaining players enter a final bracket, with their scores carrying over from the previous round.
Each player starts with 15 chips, which they bet on the outcome of each game. There is a mandatory bid (ante) of a single chip at the start of every game. From then on, players place bets at the start of their turn.
The winner of each game wins all the chips in the pot. Players who still have chips will then play another game, with their current chip counts carried forward.
At the start of your turn, there will be a minimum bet, possibly 0, which will depend on the actions of previous players. You have the following choices:
Fold - if you don't want to place the minimum bet, this withdraws yourself from the bidding. Any bets you have already placed into the pot will be lost - you can't get them back even if you win the game. You no longer have the option of making bets in future.
Call - place the minimum bet into the pot. (If the minimum bet is 0, this is also called Checking.) Your minimum bet for next round becomes 0, unless another player raises.
Raise - place the minimum bet into the pot, as well as an extra bet. The minimum bet for the other players will be raised by this amount. Yours will be 0, unless another player raises.
If you do not have enough chips to place the minimum bet, instead of folding you can go "all in". You can also go all in when you raise. The pot will be split into a main and side pot, and you cannot win chips from the side pot. You will not be able to make future bets. This allows you to remain competitive against players with far more chips than yourself.
You must state your action in game chat at the start of your turn: any time before you deploy your final reinforcement. If you forget, or do it too late, you will be assumed to call, or go all in if applicable. If you don't have enough chips to do what you attempted to do, you go all in.
Example two rounds of bidding, with players p1 through p8, assuming p1 gets the first go:
- All players place 1 chip in the pot as their ante. Pot contains 8 chips.
- p1 has 0 minimum bet, checks. Pot: 8.
- p2 has 0 minimum bet, raises 3. Pot: 11.
- p3 has 3 minimum bet, calls. Pot: 14.
- p4 has 3 minimum bet, folds. Pot: 14
- p5 has 3 minimum bet, raises 2. Pot: 19.
- p6 has 5 minimum bet, calls. Pot: 24.
- p7 and p8 have 5 minimum bet, both fold. Pot: 24.
- p1 has 5 minimum bet, calls. Pot: 29.
- p2 has 2 minimum bet, calls. Pot: 31.
- p3 has 2 minimum bet, folds. Pot: 31.
- p4 has already folded, cannot do anything. Pot: 31.
- p5 has 0 minimum bet, checks. Pot: 31.
- p6 has 0 minimum bet, raises 1. Pot: 32.
- p7 and p8 have already folded and cannot do anything. Pot: 32.
At this point, p's 1, 2 and 5 have put 6 chips in each. p3 has put in 4. p's 4, 7 and 8 have each put in 1, and p6 has put in 7. p's 1, 2 and 5 must each put in another chip in the next round or fold.
Split pots:
When a player goes all in, the pot is split into a main and a side pot. Future bets up to the level that the all-in player bet will go into the main pot, and bets above that level go into the side pot. Only players who contribute to the side pot can win chips from it. If multiple players go all in, multiple side pots can be created. This means that you can't win more than your total bet from any single player: if you start the game with 10 chips and eventually go all in, you can only win back the 10 you bid, plus up to 10 from each player depending on how much they put in. If there are 8 players, you might be able to win 80 (including your own), but if one of them folded after betting 5, you can only win 75 even if more than 80 chips are bet in total.
When the game finishes:
- If the winning player did not fold or go all in, he takes all chips in the pot.
- If the winning player folded and no player went all in, the pot will be distributed equally between all the players who did not fold. If there is not an even split, any remaining chips will be placed into the pot for the start of the next game.
- If the winning player went all in, he wins the chips in the main pot and any side pots he contributed to. Other side pots are distributed evenly amongst those players who contributed to them and did not fold. If there are multiple side pots, each one is split between players who contributed to it, with remainder from each pot going into the next side pot.
- If the winning player folded and some players went all in, side pots are distributed evenly according to the above rules.
The next game then begins with the players who still have chips. If there are four or fewer of them, and the final bracket has not yet begun, the next game will be in the final bracket and will include the qualifying players from the other bracket.
Throughout the tournament I will be updating a web page with the status of each game's pot, how many chips each player has, etc.
If players do not show up (within 48 hours) for the first game of the early brackets, we will accept reserves to fill in for them. If they do not show up for later games, they will be disqualified and a new game game will be created with one fewer player. Their chips will be split evenly amongst remaining players in their bracket with extra chips being added to the pot for the start of the next game. Players will also be disqualified if they deadbeat a game.
1. philh
2. Cash_Box
3. m33
4. HighlanderAttack
5. BaldAdonis
6. LZND661
7. smegal69
8. Backside
9. milo67
10. KidWhiskey
11. assassin07
12. whitetrash67
13. jielking
14. wercool
15. gawdofwar
16. Bandit.
Last edited by
philh on Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:05 am, edited 15 times in total.