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TO; League of Majors [Winner: endar1077]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:12 pm
by Natewolfman
TO Table Tennis Tournament
League of Majors

All Majors with one open slot are welcome to enter!
If your rank doesn't suit this sub-tournament then go and look up the correct one because there's a tournament for each CC rank.

This tournament is brought to you by 12 organisers who have united together in the Tournament Organizers (TO) forums by head referee amazzony (who got inspired from an idea by barterer2002). To see who are the rest of the referees, take a peek below where are also all other leagues that are part of this bigger tournament. May it be said right away that the winner of each League will advance to Table Tennis Super League where best from the best will be crowned as number one Table Tennis player in CC. Form of the final tournament will be very similar to this tournament.

12 Qualifying Leagues

    TO; League of Cooks [organiser: amazzony]
    TO; League of Cadets [organiser: gameplayer]
    TO; League of Privates [organiser: Serbia]
    TO; League of Privates 1st Class [organiser: barterer2002]
    TO; League of Corporals [organiser: Forza AZ]
    TO; League of Corporals 1st Class [organiser: Lufsen75]
    TO; League of Sergeants [organiser: samuelc812]
    TO; League of Sergeants 1st Class [organiser: MarVal]
    TO; League of Lieutenants [organiser: dittoeevee8888]
    TO; League of Captains [organiser: Gilligan]
    TO; League of Majors [organiser: Natewolfman]
    TO; League of Colonels+ [organiser: killmanic]


  • It's almost like a 16-player bracket tournament but to win your bracket and advance to Super Finals, winning 4 games won't be enough. To win your bracket, you must win at least 44 games! How come, you ask. It's quite simple actually because it has been set up by taking Table Tennis as an example. To win a set (in our tournament set will equal to a table tennis game) you must gain at least 11 points and in our version 1 point will equal to one CC game. So, to advance to next round you will have to win 11 games and the gap between you and your opponent must be minimum 2 points (for example, 11:9). There's a cut off to avoid endless matches: first player to 15 points without 2 point gap wins and advances to next round.
  • Bracket will be set up randomly with the help of List Randomizer of
  • One game will be played at a time and serving order (aka maps order) is like this:
    • 1st serve by player 1
    • 1st serve by player 2
    • 2nd serve by player 1
    • 2nd serve by player 2
    • 3rd serve by player 1
    • 3rd serve by player 2
    • etc etc


      2-player Sequential Casual
      Spoils: Escalating
      Fortifications: Chained
      Serve Order: Selected on
      Maps: Alternating in order of player preference as submitted
      Fog: No

**So what are you waiting for, join by filling this form:**
Serve = map; pick a different map for each serve and note that you might not need the last serves!

1st serve:
2nd serve:
3rd serve:
4th serve:
5th serve:
6th serve:
7th serve:
8th serve:
9th serve:
10th serve:
11th serve:
12th serve:

Re: TO; League of Majors

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:13 pm
by Natewolfman

    winner: endar1077 11
    Bigragooch 7

show: games of finals

  1. Pair
    negoeien - 5
    Winner: endar1077 - 11
  2. Pair
    DBandit70 - 4 (disq)
    Winner: Bigragooch - 4

  1. Pair
    Timminz - 6
    Winner: negoeien - 11
  2. Pair
    Winner: endar1077 - 4
    knighthawk - 0 (disq)
  3. Pair
    Winner: DBandit70 - 11
    hwhrhett - 7
  4. Pair
    dittoeevee8888 - 1
    Winner: Bigragooch - 11

Pair 1: killmanic vs Timminz
Pair 2: DimnjacarStef vs negoeien
Pair 3: Easy n Dirty vs endar1077
Pair 4: Jackofalltrades vs knighthawk
Pair 5: InsomniaRed vs DBandit70
Pair 6: Lindax vs hwhrhett
Pair 7: dittoeevee8888 vs BaldAdonis
Pair 8: Bigragooch vs Darin44

Players and their serves

Re: TO; League of Majors

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:14 pm
by killmanic

Re: TO; League of Majors

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:20 pm
In, do we have to list our serves now?

Re: TO; League of Majors

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:07 pm
by knighthawk

Re: TO; League of Majors

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:25 pm
by Lindax
1st serve: Imperium Romanum
2nd serve: Oasis
3rd serve: Mongol Empire
4th serve: Halloween Hollows
5th serve: Netherlands
6th serve: Caribbean
7th serve: New World
8th serve: Phillipines
9th serve: Iwo Jima
10th serve: WWII Eastern Front
11th serve: Berlin
12th serve: Feudal

Re: TO; League of Majors

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:18 pm
by negoeien
in epic!!
Just going to think about maps
Going to tell that tomorrow

Re: TO; League of Majors

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:19 pm
by Natewolfman
updated, 5/16

Re: TO; League of Majors (5/16)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:26 pm
by dittoeevee8888
in >.> unless my rank drops before you see it...

1st serve: CC City Mogul
2nd serve: Ancient Greece
3rd serve: 8 Thoughts
4th serve: BeNeLux
5th serve: DiscWorld
6th serve: Mongol Empire
7th serve: Scotland
8th serve: Classic Art
9th serve: Caribbean Islands
10th serve: Canada
11th serve: Space
12th serve: Germany

Re: TO; League of Majors (5/16)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:38 pm
by Timminz
1st serve: New World
2nd serve: Charleston
3rd serve: North America
4th serve: CCC
5th serve: Chinese Checkers
6th serve: Soviet Union
7th serve: US Senate
8th serve: 2.1
9th serve: Tamriel
10th serve: Actium
11th serve: ConquerMan
12th serve: NYC

Re: TO; League of Majors (5/16)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:37 pm
by Natewolfman
your both in ;)

Re: TO; League of Majors (7/16)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:43 pm
by DBandit70
count me in

I will list to you my service games in the next post

Re: TO; League of Majors (7/16)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:02 pm
by DBandit70
1.) Arms Race
2.) Berlin 1961
3.) Crossword
4.) Egypt : Valley of the kings
5.) D-Day Omaha Beach
6.) King of the mountains
7.) Conquerman
8.) Texan wars
9.) Midkemdil
10.) Rail USA
11.) Space

Re: TO; League of Majors (7/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:27 am
by Jackofalltrades
hey in plz if i could give u that list tomarrow... will have it rdy by this time thx

Re: TO; League of Majors (9/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:30 am
by DimnjacarStef
1st serve:Age of merchants
2nd serve: Conquer Man
3rd serve:Rail Europe
4th serve:Egypt: Valley Of The Kings
5th serve:Africa
6th serve:Dust Bowl
7th serve:Madness
8th serve:Europa
9th serve:Siege!
10th serve:Middle East
11th serve:CCU
12th serve:Archipelago

Re: TO; League of Majors (9/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:06 pm
by Natewolfman

Re: TO; League of Majors (10/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:42 pm
by InsomniaRed
1st serve: AoR2
2nd serve: American Civil War
3rd serve: Treasures of Galapagos
4th serve: Archipelago
5th serve: WWII Iwo Jima
6th serve: Scotland
7th serve: Siege!
8th serve: San Francisco
9th serve: Europa
10th serve: Iceland
11th serve: High Seas
12th serve: Solar System

I think that's what I was suppose to do... :D

Re: TO; League of Majors (10/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:18 pm
by hwhrhett
im in


greater china
poker club
city mogul
classic art

Re: TO; League of Majors (10/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:26 pm
by endar1077
I'm in!

1. Arms Race
2. Rail Europe
3. Egypt (upper)
4. AOR 2
5. Battle for Iraq
6. D-Day
7. AOR3
8. Rail USA
9. WWII Eastern Front
10. Great Lakes
11. Classic
12. New World

There's a slight chance I'll be modifying these before the tournament begins. Are they set in stone after the first match, or is it possible to change them even then?

Re: TO; League of Majors

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:26 pm
by BaldAdonis
I'm in.

1. Age Of Merchants
2. Bamboo Jack
3. World 2.1
4. Battle Of Actium
5. Waterloo
6. Solar System
7. Circus Maximus
8. Rail USA
9. Egypt: Valley of The Kings
10. WWII Australia
11. 8 Thoughts

Re: TO; League of Majors (10/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:19 pm
by Bigragooch
In. Thinking about serve choices.

Re: TO; League of Majors (10/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:23 pm
by Easy n Dirty
I'll join if there's still room:

San Fransisco
Hong Kong
Great Lakes
Greater China
Alexanders Empire
WWII Eastern Front


Re: TO; League of Majors (10/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:29 pm
by Bigragooch
1. Feudal War
2. New World
3. Conquer Man
4. Great lakes
5. Arms Race
6. Siege!
7. U.S. Senate
8. Canada
9. Age of Merchants
10. Extreme Global Warming
11. NYC
12. Portugal

Re: TO; League of Majors (10/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:43 pm
by Darin44
1.feudal war
2.wwII eastern front
3.wwII western front
5.feudal war
6.classic shapes
9.AOR 2
10.feudal war
11.classic art
12.AOR 1

Re: TO; League of Majors (10/16)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:49 pm
by jako
im up for this though not a big fan of 1v1. i have the worst luck.

anyways, my serves.

1st. Egypt: Valley Of The Kings
2nd. North America
3rd. France
4th. Canada
5th. British Isles
6th. Solar System
7th. Iceland
8th. Europa
9th. Scotland
10th. Asia
11th. Charleston