Sniper's 1v1 New World challenge [Winner : RKCVED]
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:49 am
Welcome to Sniper's 1v1 New World challenge
You must have alteast 99% turns take at time of sign up.
All games will be played on New World map.
Fremiums are welcome but must keep 1 game slot open.(3 for final)
Automatic , sequential , escalating , Chained , no fog
There will be 16 participants and 4 rounds.
This will be a 1v1 elimination tournament with the final being the best of 2 out of 3.
You must have alteast 99% turns take at time of sign up.
All games will be played on New World map.
Fremiums are welcome but must keep 1 game slot open.(3 for final)
Automatic , sequential , escalating , Chained , no fog
There will be 16 participants and 4 rounds.
This will be a 1v1 elimination tournament with the final being the best of 2 out of 3.