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Sully's RPD Tourney! [COMPLETE] Congratulations Team A!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:00 pm
by Victor Sullivan
UPDATE: Accepting reserves. I'll be posting your assigned teams soon. Date TBA.
UPDATE 2: I've assigned the teams! See the red list below:
UPDATE 3: Round 1 will start this Friday. I'll PM you the game number and password.
UPDATE 4: Games have been sent out via PM. Please join by Saturday.
UPDATE 5: Due to wermahtfighter and Ranysskyi's inability to play an 8-player game, they have been eliminated. ThrushAAX will join banana_hammocks on Team A. Since Team J has been eliminated and I have no reserves, Teams K-M will play two 6-player games for their Round 1 and Quarter Final and the eliminated team will be determined by both games' results. I apologize to all for the inconvenience. ThrushAAX and Teams K-M, I've drop the game you are in. I will send Teams K-M another Game. The teams below have been updated.
UPDATE 6: DerkaJames, primevil60 and JimmyV have been eliminated due to deadbeating. I have a reserve so I will do two 6-player games. I will send you your games by tonight. Sorry for another inconvenience. The teams have been updated below:
UPDATE 7:seraith has been eliminated for not joining his game and has been replaced by mcshanester29. All remaining Round 1 games are in progress! Don't forget to PM me the results ;) I will start the QFs when 3 of the 4 Round 1 games are finished.
UPDATE 8: 3 Round 1 games have finished, so I'll be sending out the QF games shortly. Team D (Captain_Morgan13 and patrickaa317) and Team Q (seechster and jemfin3) are eliminated for being the first teams eliminated in their respective games. I have your scores in () next to your team below:
UPDATE 9: All of the Quarter Final games are finished! I realize I had a small mistake with Teams N, P, and R. I had them as Teams P, R, and S, so my apologies! You are still N, P, and R like you were at the start of the tournament. The news: Teams C and N are eliminated for getting eliminated first in their respective Quarter Final games. Team G has been eliminated for not winning a game in either of the first two rounds. And finally, Team K has been eliminated for placing last in their Quarter Final game.The scores have been updated and I will be sending out your Semifinal games shortly. REMEMBER TO PM ME YOUR RESULTS.
UPDATE 10: All Semifinal games have been completed - you know what that means! We're into THE FINAL GAME! Congratulations to Teams A, E, L, and R for making it to the finals! You've conquered the world, then an apocalyptic United States, then some colorful mountains, now it's time to conquer the world again, except this time Earth got an upgrade... An upgrade to version 2.1! ;) I'll be sending your game soon and I've updated your scores.
UPDATE 11: The FINAL GAME is complete! And the winner is........... Team A! Congratulations ThrushAAX and banana_hammocks!

Team A (44): ThrushAAX/banana_hammocks
Team B (5): tom_clancy/Jovin (replaced by mviola/pickshisnose)
Team C (2): mwaser/ameyers32
Team D (0): Captain_Morgan13/patrickaa317

Team E (22): kierkegaard_2/johnkelly00
Team F (3): Metsfanmax/Willy!
Team G (6): gregory7/Jace22

Team K (2): NCachulo/conornb

Team L (11): RangerNiko/giannikas
Team M (8): jeraado/mcshanester29

Team N (2): RedBaron0/MajotTom 555
Team P (5): swoopy00091/alt1978
Team Q (0): seechster/jemfin3

Team R (34): logandaly/giantrascal

  • 32 entrants (16 teams of 2)
  • Classic, USApocalypse, King of the Mountains, World 2.1
  • Doubles
  • Freestyle
  • Automatic
  • Flat Rate
  • Chained
  • No Fog of War

YOU WILL BE RANDOMLY ASSIGNED A PARTNER - DO NOT ENTER WITH A PARTNER. Whoever you are assigned will be your partner for the entire tournament so learn to get along.

Round 1 - Classic - Four groups of four teams compete in an eight-player Doubles match on Classic. The team eliminated first in each of the four games is eliminated from the tournament.
Quarter Final - USApocalypse - Four groups of 3 teams compete in a six-player Doubles match on USApocalypse. The first team eliminated in each of the four games is eliminated from the tournament.
Semifinal - King of the Mountains - Four groups of 2 teams compete in a four-player Doubles match on King of the Mountains. The winning team moves on to the Final game. The losing team is eliminated.
FINAL - World 2.1 - An eight-player Doubles match to the death on World 2.1! The winning team wins the tournament!

The scoring will be as follows:
Round 1 - 1st: 3 pts. 2nd: 2 pts. 3rd: 1 pt.
QF - 1st: 5 pts. 2nd: 4 pts.
SF - 1st: 6 pts.
FINAL - 1st: 30 pts. 2nd: 20 pts. 3rd: 10 pts.
(Scoring is mainly for those who finished 5th-12th to see how they ranked)

Here's kinda what the bracket looks like:
Thanks in advance for joining!

show: Original Entrants

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [0/32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:28 am
by NCachulo
in please

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [0/32]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:25 pm
by Victor Sullivan
NCachulo wrote:in please

you got it ;)

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [1/32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:31 am
by jeraado
In please

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [1/32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:04 am
by primevil60
in please

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [1/32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:03 pm
by Victor Sullivan
You two are in.

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [3/32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:15 pm
by Jace22
sounds interesting, in

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [3/32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:28 pm
by Victor Sullivan
Thanks :D
You're in.

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [4/32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:03 pm
by seechster
in please

patrickaa317 in too plz

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [4/32]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:09 pm
by Victor Sullivan
Okay, I'll include you both, but I need patrickaa317 to post something in this thread before all the slots are filled so I know for sure he's on board.

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [4/32]

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:19 am
by patrickaa317
Victor Sullivan wrote:Okay, I'll include you both, but I need patrickaa317 to post something in this thread before all the slots are filled so I know for sure he's on board.

Yeah I'm on board. Thanks!

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [6/32]

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:14 am
by Victor Sullivan
Cool. Thank you! Still got 26 spots for all you people out there!

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [6/32]

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:55 pm
by RangerNiko
This sounds interesting - I'll sign up. :)

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [6/32]

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:01 pm
by Victor Sullivan
Awesome! Glad to have you on board.

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [7/32]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:11 pm
by Victor Sullivan
*Cough* *cough* Hmm? What? Oh, nothing...

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [7/32]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:32 am
by jemfin3
in pls

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [7/32]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:39 pm
by giannikas
in please

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [9/32]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:37 pm
by Victor Sullivan
Thanks for joining! You're both in.

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [9/32]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:54 pm
by giantrascal
sounds good, in please

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [9/32]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:17 pm
by ameyers32
count me in!

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [11/32]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:22 pm
by Victor Sullivan
Cool! Thanks guys. You're in.

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [11/32]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:30 pm
by mwaser
In Please

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [12/32]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:17 pm
by Victor Sullivan
No prob. You're in.

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [12/32]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:58 pm
by conornb
count me in

Re: Sully's Random Partner Doubles Tourney! [12/32]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:12 pm
by saraith
in, please