16 players
All games will be played on the King of the Mountains map
All games will be 1v1 single elimination
Rounds 1, 2 and 3 will be 1 game, the finals will be best of 3
All players are randomly assigned to their games each round using random.org
Freemiums are welcome
show: Settings
Auto Sequential No Spoils Chained Sunny
show: players
1 - sdh 2 - Jobiwan 3 - Sniper08 4 - jpcloet 5 - shaneback 6 - jjmracing 7 - HighlanderAttack 8 - shoop76 9 - jsnyder748 10 - DBandit70 11 - dalemac22 12 - jricart 13 - japser_be 14 - General_Grievous 15 - jmyork82 16 - Gromph
show: round 1
dalemac22 vs sdh Game 7526869 jsnyder748 vs japser_be Game 7526867 shoop76 vs jjmracing Game 7526866 shaneback vs Gromph Game 7526864 jpcloet vs DBandit70 Game 7526863 HighlanderAttack vs Jobiwan Game 7526862 Sniper08 vs General_Grievous Game 7526860 jricart vs jmyork82 Game 7526858
show: round 2
shoop76 vs japser_be Game 7552592 DBandit70 vs HighlanderAttack Game 7552589 sdh vs shaneback Game 7552588 jmyork82 vs General_Grievous Game 7552585
show: round 3
DBandit70 vs shoop76 Game 7616112 jmyork82 vs sdh Game 7616111
show: Final
DBandit70 vs jmyork82 Game 7637824 , Game 7637823 , Game 7637822