sdh's Siege! Tournament (Winner: shaneback)
Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:30 am
by sdh
16 players
All games will be played on the Siege! map
All games will be 1v1 single elimination
Rounds 1, 2 and 3 will be 1 game, the finals will be best of 3
All players are randomly assigned to their games each round using
Freemiums are welcome
show: Settings
Auto Sequential No Spoils Chained Sunny
show: players
1 - sdh 2 - Jobiwan 3 - Sniper08 4 - shaneback 5 - jjmracing 6 - amazzony 7 - HighlanderAttack 8 - shoop76 9 - winkerman 10 - merch313 11 - dendexter 12 - machrs 13 - buttersbaby 14 - Evil Semp 15 - jsnyder748 16 - DBandit70
show: round 1
winkerman vs amazzony Game 7519836 dendexter vs DBandit70 Game 7519835 Sniper08 vs Jobiwan Game 7519834 sdh vs jjmracing Game 7519833 buttersbaby vs shoop76 Game 7519832 shaneback vs HighlanderAttack Game 7519831 merch313 vs Evil Semp Game 7519830 machrs vs jsnyder748 Game 7519829
show: round 2
Sniper08 vs shaneback Game 7557582 merch313 vs sdh Game 7557581 buttersbaby vs winkerman Game 7557580 dendexter vs machrs Game 7557579
show: round 3
merch313 vs dendexter Game 7591045 shaneback vs buttersbaby Game 7591044
show: Final
dendexter vs shaneback Game 7616121 , Game 7616120 , Game 7616118
Re: sdh's Siege! Tournament (Finals)
Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:12 am
by sdh
Finals underway, GL guys!