Battle of the Three Emperors (WINNER: MPXY)
Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:46 am
by tokle
The battle of the three emperors at Austerlitz.
A 3-player single-elimination tournament.
show: Round1
Game 7553288 jmyork82HighlanderAttack morleyjoe Game 7553289 dfp2dep stavros.maginty GeneralJestixGame 7553290 tokle King Hezekiahubcman64 Game 7553291 IanTHudson Polar_Bearrpshawn Game 7553292 badmoon patrickaa317 Darin44Game 7553293 reahma drwho1979lordvergil Game 7553294 mickunited333 kgbpizzaPolymario Game 7553295 ocirne mpxyred_dragon Game 7553296 _HiTMaN_kierkegaard_2 Jobiwan
show: round2
Game 7665696 King Hezekiah Darin44kgbpizza Game 7665695 drwho1979 _HiTMaN_jmyork82 Game 7665694 Polar_Bear mpxyGeneralJestix
show: Final
Game 7874005 Darin44 _HiTMaN_ mpxy
No spoils
Chained reinfs
No fog
If a player fails to sign up for a game in round 2 or 3, then the two players that were defeated by him on the previous round will play a 1v1 for the vacated place.
show: Players
badmoon Darin44 dfp2dep drwho1979 GeneralJestix HighlanderAttack _HiTMaN_ IanTHudson jmyork82 Jobiwan kgbpizza kierkegaard_2 King Hezekiah lordvergil mickunited333 morleyjoe mpxy ocirne patrickaa317 Polar_Bear Polymario reahma red_dragon rpshawn stavros.maginty tokle ubcman64
Re: Battle of the Three Emperors (3p standard) (4/27)
Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:11 am
by rpshawn
sign me up please,thanks, robert