A: It is for relentless players – you get just 14 hours to take your turn.
If you take any longer than that more than once in any individual match (or miss a turn just once), then you lose the match (if you do win then the winner will be the player with most troops remaining). Simple!
It is up to players to report infractions to the Tournament Organiser.
The idea is that we have a very fast tournament.
The Setting You are a secret agent for a Confederalist Coalition group, planning to take over the EU and sieze economic and political power.
Along with a number of other special agents you are charged to undertake a number of missions to assassinate politicians and key figures from independantist groups.
Burlesconi, the Italian PM, is rumoured to be undertaking a number of negotiations, through his aides, to create an independantist block and thereby undermime confedaeralism. It is believed Burlesconi is offering dubious trade deals to gain political power and create an economic basis to strengthen himself and his independantist allies.
Targets must be eliminated at all haste, before Burlesconi's deals and negotiations begin to undermime the EU ...
The tournament will involve an 'evolving storyline' format. Mission details will be sent to agents by secret message systems to avoid counter-espionnage.
This tournament is open to all players with a decent attendance record. Freemiums beware - there will be 2-games-at-a-time.