For my Fifth Tournament I figured I'd do another simple Tournament on another of my favorite maps. Arctic.
16 players start in the first round and play in one 4 player game each. The first 2 players eliminated are out and the winner and last player eliminated advance to the semi-finals.
8 players start the second round and play in one 4 player game each. The first 2 players eliminated are out and the winner and last player eliminated advance to the finals
4 Players start the final round. The winner of the tournament is the winner of the final 4 player game.
- Map - Arctic - Game Type - Standard - Play Order - Sequential - Spoils - Escalating - Reinforcements - Chained - Fog of War - No - Minimum 25 Games completed - Minimum 97% attendance
All players have 48 hours to join their games or they may be replaced by a reserve or eliminated from the tournament.
1) phantomzero 2) bkx131 3) Jobiwan 4) I_AM_BOGEY 5) Krissan 6) irlLordy 7) HighlanderAttack Seamus Corrigan 9) paws1610 10) shoop76 11) rabbitofdoom 12) jigger1986 13) mickunited333 There were 16 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Puis,c'est très difficile pour moi d'essayé de comprendre la langue de Shakespeare, alors parler moi pas ou parler moi en français, la langue de molière.