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Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash [champion dtellis]

Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:04 am
by barterer2002
Another year has gone by and here comes my birthday once more. That being the case I'm running another birthday bash. This is the third annual
128 players can participate
Settings will be
no cards
Each matchup will be a best of 3 setting. FREEBIES ARE WELCOME but must hold 2 slots open to play.
The 128 players will be seeded as such: Players with wins in previous bart tournaments will be top seeded so the player would be the person with the most Bart tournament wins. YOU MUST RECORD YOUR SCORE WHEN YOU SIGN UP. Previous birthday bash winners will have a spot held for them for 48 hours after the tournament is posted, after that the spots will be open.
Players with no previous wins will be seeded in order of score when I record it with the same qualifications as above.
This is a new year and there are lots of new maps so this year we're going with a BETA look
Round 1 will be played on Central America 128 players
Round 2 will be played on woodboro 64 players
Round 3 will be played on Flanders 1302 32 players
Round 4 will be played on Unification Germany 16 players
Round 5 will be played on Nordic Countries 8 players
Round 6 will be played on Dawn of Ages 4 players
Round 7 will be played on Monsters 2 players
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:05 am
by barterer2002
The Players
barterer2002 6 wins (CS Africa, CS USA SW, CS USA Rockies, CS Third Crusade, CS Route 66, Pokemon Diamond) 2122 score
HighlanderAttack 4 wins (CS Caribbean Islands, CS RailEurope, CS RailUSA, CS US Senate) 2637 score
dtellis 4 wins (CS ACW, CS USA NE, CS Soviet Union, CS Solar System) 2260 score
Tripitaka 4 wins (CS Chicago, CS Brazil, CS Atlantis, CS South America) 1927 score
Gilligan4 wins (Down and Dirty II, CS Archipelgio, CS Austerlitz, CS WWI Ottoman Empire) 1603 score
magneto_acolyte 3 wins (CSAncient Greece, Greatest Baseball Team, 3 for 4) 1571 score
demy7 2 wins (CS Duck n Cover CS USA) 2955 score
dowian2 2 wins (CS Easten Hemisphere CS RailAfrica) 2554 score
ZionT 2 wins (CS Dawn of Ages, Bart's Random Tournament) 2123 score
jricart 2 wins (CS Egypt Upper CS Egypt Lower) 2045 score
Enormastitz 2 wins (CS San Marino, CS San Francisco) 1768 score
wrexham 2 wins (CS City Mogul, CS Dust Bowl) 1742 score
RedBaron0 2 wins (CS Asia, CS Classic Art) 1731 score
nick11 1 win (CS DDay) 2553 score
DBandit70 1 win (bart's modern random) 2386 score
Timminz 1 win (CS Eastern Front) 2327 score
dustin800 1 win (CS EBerlin 1961) 2257 score
Darin44 1 win (CS Tamriel) 2177 score
equalpants 1 win (Bart's Second Annual Birthday Bash) 2159 score
vragus 1 win (CS Space) 1936 score
Baron Von Cox 1 win (The Mapmaker Extravaganza) 1929 score
DrunknHorny 1 win (Battle for Escalating Supremacy) 1927 score
taxmanjle 1 win (The Bombardment Territory) 1880 score
Lufsen75 1 win (Bart's Birthday Bash 1811 score
ultraman 1 win (3 for 4) 1776 score
Lucifer4o 1 win (CS Centerscape) 1725 score
Evil Semp 1 win (Down and Dirty III) 1671 score
vykingsfan64 1 win (3 for 4) 1509 score
Bonobo 1 win (CS Classic) 1330 score
Ghost_Rider 1 win (CS The Citadel) 1075 score
bkwill 0 wins 2763 score
4red 0 wins 2619 score
bigm1234 0 wins 2443 score
Coors1 0 wins 2388 score
drunkmonkey 0 wins 2302 score
I_AM_BOGEY 0 wins 2267 score
Miandw 0 wins 2243 score
shoop76 0 wins 2206 score
Frito Bandito 0 wins 2206 score
shaneback 0 wins 2166 score
vexx 0 wins 2163 score
aaronvollrath 0 wins 2115 score
mrbang 0 wins 2048 score
Mighty Sheep 0 wins 1999 score
benga 0 wins 1972 score
King Tet 0 wins 1901 score
Leehar 0 wins 1870 score
General Flashman 0 wins 1851 score
nick_la_trique 0 wins 1848 score
dfp2dep 0 wins 1827 score
Luciano_ds 0 wins 1824 score
Foreverman 0 wins 1797 score
imbalanced 0 wins 1797 score
unique_name 0 wins 1789 score
scottie 0 wins 1777 score
spidey 0 wins 1755 score
Annexator 0 wins 1753 score
Karl_R_Kroenen 0 wins 1750 score
chopsiu 0 wins 1722 score
The Fuzzy Pengui 0 wins 1711 score
Night Strike 0 wins 1703 score
uptothemax 0 wins 1699 score
fbonsignori 0 wins 1697 score
pebble 0 wins 1684 score
sandman175 0 wins 1660 score
cliffaspinall 0 wins 1631 score
hondacbr 0 wins 1627 score
jdenvil 0 wins 1625 score
Pantheon 0 wins 1620 score
ETROPAL 0 wins 1604 score
stavros.maginty 0 wins 1604 score
LLLUUUKKKEEE 0 wins 1579 score
GreenBaize 0 wins 1575 score
shin chan14 0 wins 1571 score
amazzony 0 wins 1569 score
johnboss13 0 wins 1552 score
Pocko 0 wins 1530 score
steve1962 0 wins 1530 score
acores2005 0 wins 1506 score
soccerghost 0 wins 1504 score
arkaxow 0 wins 1504 score
masterhighlander 0 wins 1495 score
Jimmy V 0 wins 1475 score
herus 0 wins 1464 score
baddestbrute 0 wins 1450 score
Zorbas 0 wins 1443 score
poptartpsycho18 0 wins 1436 score
Lookwhaticandooo 0 wins 1432 score
leolou2 0 wins 1431 score
Ghosteagle 0 wins 1422 score
wakko3308 0 wins 1411 score
lord beardslee 0 wins 1392 score
woolleyy 0 wins 1385 score
deanios 0 wins 1383 score
rdunn13 0 wins 1377 score
golfstud 0 wins 1371 score
simplicated_fun 0 wins 1364 score
maliki1269 0 wins 1357 score
cgblack 0 wins 1357 score
robbymac 0 wins 1354 score
schnitzella 0 wins 1338 score
Suzy1 0 wins 1334 score
c3po 0 wins 1318 score
coacheberhardt 0 wins 1302 score
MegasWoman 0 wins 1294 score
Faro 0 wins 1287 score
what,me worry? 0 wins 1284 score
AtreidesHouse 0 wins 1283 score
Raybaer 0 wins 1248 score
MarVal 0 wins 1193 score
tetley 0 wins 1181 score
cyclones 0 wins 1158 score
shakeycat 0 wins 1140 score
fernilenny 0 wins 1126 score
ziggy62 0 wins 1113 score
Aaron234 0 wins 1108 score
Harumf 0 wins 1070 score
tomer80099 0 wins 1058 score
rpshawn 0 wins 1013 score
jielking 0 wins 994 score
w-v 0 wins 974 score
i_am_cheri_too 0 wins 950 score
mpolo 0 wins 937 score
Plowable_Earth 0 wins 927 score
Meneses Scandia 0 wins 919 score
phil7779 0 wins 908 score
jennifermarie 0 wins 898 score
Audio 0 wins 827 score
Rodion 0 wins 1512 score-replaced golfstud
Growler 0 wins 1966 score
Phulish 0 wins
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:10 am
by amazzony
Yep, please, me in! Score: 1569 points.
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:02 am
by benga
in pls!
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:08 am
by barterer2002
If you could post your scores with your "in" it would be helpful, thanks
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:02 am
by equalpants
Sign me up, please! (2159)
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:56 am
by Night Strike
I'm in. 1703
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:10 am
by Electricksabers
in please 2166
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:22 am
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:59 pm
by Lufsen75
Thanks for the reserved spot and I claim it to defend my title. =)
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:17 pm
by Tripitaka
In please Bart! 1927 (...and falling fast!)

Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:19 pm
by masterhighlander
in; please
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:59 pm
by vexx
2163 points
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:47 pm
by General Flashman
Sign me up please! 1851, but falling fast!
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:08 am
by barterer2002
I wonder how long it takes to get onto the big board where people find us.
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:34 am
by dtellis
I'll play. 2260.
It's a good thing you are my older brother or this might make me feel old. lol
Happy Birthday.
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:02 am
by c3po
I'll play.
Score 1318
Happy Birthday Uncle Bart

Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:04 pm
by The Fuzzy Pengui
In please - 1711 pts.
Sorry bart, I don't know how I missed adding your tournament with my last update

Happy Birthday!
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:08 pm
by woolleyy
in please!
score: 1385
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:28 pm
by Leehar
Haven't played in any of your tournaments before, but my score is 1871 at the moment
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:04 pm
by rdunn13
in please!
score: 1377
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:18 pm
bogey in please 0 wins 2267

Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:13 am
by AtreidesHouse
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:40 am
by Enormastitz
in please
Re: Bart's 3rd Annual Birthday Bash

Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:32 pm
by dfp2dep
i'm in 1827