WINNER - TheTrueNorth
Kicken' it Old Skool is what im doing here. Remember the Westcoast vs. Eastcoast beef? Tupac vs. Biggie? Lakers vs. Celtics? Well maybe or maybe not but in any case this will be exactly what the header says Westcoast vs Eastcoast. Lookin' for 64 peeps to come rep their side YA HEAR! Or if that makes no sense just sign based on the maps

This tourney is for PREMIUM ONLY due to later rounds will be best of 5!
Attendance must be 97%
Looking for 32 players on each side

No Spoils
All Maps will be sunny except for Rail USA
Single elimination
Round Break Down:
Round 1 Best of 3 -- USA West, USA New England and Rail USA (FOG)
Round 2 Best of 3 -- San Fransisco, 13 Colonies and USApocalypse
Round 3 Best of 3 -- If 2 Westcoasters play each other -- USA West, San Fransisco and Rail USA (FOG)
Round 3 Best of 3 -- If 2 Eastcoasters play each other -- USA New England, 13 Colonies and Rail USA (FOG)
Round 3 Best of 3 -- If its mixed then -- USA West, USA New England and Rail USA (FOG)
Round 4 Best of 3 -- If 2 Westcoasters play each other -- USA West, San Fransisco and Rail USA (FOG)
Round 4 Best of 3 -- If 2 Eastcoasters play each other -- USA New England, 13 Colonies and Rail USA (FOG)
Round 4 Best of 3 -- If its mixed then -- San Francisco, 13 Colonies and Rail USA (FOG)
Round 5 Best of 5 -- USA West, USA New England, San Francisco, 13 Colonies and USApocalypse
Round 6 Best of 5 -- USA West, USA New England, San Francisco, 13 Colonies and Rail USA (FOG)
Round 1 each Coast will be seeded individually by Random.org, so #1 Westcoast will play #1 Eastcoast
Reserve Policy: If there are any players that do not join their game during Round 1, they will be replaced by a reserve after 48 hours of time has passed. If a player drops out during Round 2 or greater, that player forfeits, and no reserve will be replaced. It will count as a victory for the opponent.