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Every Map Once (1v1) [WINNER: paws1610]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:15 pm
by drunkmonkey
As of this moment, there are 149 different maps available (non-beta). This tournament will use each of them once (with 6 random maps, to make things even). Each round will be a best-of-5 1v1 games, with the winner advancing to the next round.Map Selection Round 1 (80 maps): Each player chooses 2 maps from the list of available maps. Once a map is chosen, it is crossed off the list, and no one else may use that map. I will randomly place everyone into matchups. You will play 2 games on your map, 2 on your opponent's map, and I will randomly select a map from the remaining list for your 5th game. Round 2 (40 maps): Same as Round 1. Round 3 (16 maps + 4 randoms): Same as previous rounds, except the 5th map will be the "Random" map, instead of chosen by me from the list. Round 4 (8 maps + 2 randoms): Same as Round 3. Round 5 (5 maps): The 2 finalists will face off on the 5 remaining maps For random player placement, as well as 5th map selection for rounds 1 & 2, I will use the list generator at Info 5 games at a time; premium only All settings will be: Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Sunny, Chained When you sign up, post the 2 maps you want for Round 1. Make sure they have not been chosen yet. I will do my best to keep the list updated, but I am not responsible for duplicates. If you list a map that is not available, I will sign you up, but you will have to pick a new map. As soon as you win your game, post your 2 new selections in this thread. I will not accept selections via PM. This ensures everyone can see the latest list.
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [0/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:15 pm
by drunkmonkey
show: Available Maps
Classic - I_AM_BOGEY (R1)13 Colonies - *random* (R1) 8 Thoughts - tokle (R2)Africa - Darin44 (R1)Age Of Merchants - Eddy_26 (R1)Age Of Realms 1 - acores2005 (R1) Age Of Realms 2 - drunkmonkey (R1)Age Of Realms 3 = scottishleaf (R1)Alexander's Empire = nesterdude(R1) American Civil War - jrh_cardinal (R1)Ancient Greece - paws1610 (R2) Archipelago - *random* (R1) Arctic - jester1974 (R3) Arms Race! - HighlanderAttack (R1)Asia - paws1610 (R3) Austerlitz - Eddy_26 (R1)Australia - jester1974 (R1) Bamboo Jack - uckuki (R1) Battle For Iraq! - Darin44 (R1) Battle Of Actium - BiggsHancock (R2) BeNeLux - Jimmy V (R2) Berlin 1961 - tokle (R1)Brazil - neva (R1) British Isles - Johnny Rockets (R1) Cairns Coral Coast - neva (R2) Cairns Metro - *random* (R1) Canada - paws1610 (R3) Caribbean Islands - Moop (R1) Castle Lands - denthefrog (R3) CCU = nesterdude(R1) Charleston - *random* (R2) Chicago - ziggy62 (R1) Chinese Checkers - squishyg (R2) Circus Maximus - acores2005 (R2) City Mogul - *random* (R2) Conquer 4 - themuss11 (R1)Conquer Man - themuss11 (R1) Crossword - squishyg (R2) D-Day: Omaha Beach! - 00icon (R1)Discworld - paws1610 (R1) Doodle Earth - Johnny Rockets (R1) Draknor - Level 1 - drunkmonkey (R2) Duck And Cover - squishyg (R3) Dust Bowl - BiggsHancock (R1) Eastern Hemisphere - paulgamelb (R1) Egypt: Lower - BiggsHancock (R2) Egypt: Nubia - HighlanderAttack (R3) Egypt: Upper - *random* (R1) Egypt: Valley Of The Kings - *random* (R2) England - BiggsHancock (R1) Europa Europe - Sniper08 (R1) Europe 1914 - *random* (R1) Extreme Global Warming - neva (R4) Feudal Epic - paulgamelb (R1)Feudal War - Jimmy V (R1)First Nations North America - uckuki (R2)Forbidden City - uckuki (R1)Fractured America - jester1974 (R2) France - paws1610 (R4) France 1789 Germany - *random* (R1) Gilgamesh - squishyg (R3) Great Lakes - Moop (R1) Greater China - themuss11 (R2) Greenland - *random* (R1) Haiti - *random* (R1) Halloween Hollows High Seas - TODRICH (R1) Hive - *random* (R1) Holy Roman Empire - tokle (R1)Hong Kong - neva (R3) Iberia - jester1974 (R3) Iceland - Jimmy V (R3) Imperium Romanum - Gilligan (R1) Indian Empire - *random* (R2) Indochina - neva (R1) Ireland - *random* (R1) Italy - neva (R3) Jamaica - ziggy62 (R1) Japan - 00icon (R1) King Of The Mountains - HighlanderAttack (R2) Land And Sea - squishyg (R4) Luxembourg - BiggsHancock (R3) Madagascar - *random* (R1) Madness - HighlanderAttack (R2) Malta - HighlanderAttack (R3) Middle East - paws1610 (R4)Midgard - Darin44 (R2) Midkemdil - squishyg (R4) Mongol Empire - BiggsHancock (R4) Montreal - ultraman (R2) Netherlands - *random* (R2) New World - TODRICH (R1) North America - *random* (R2) NYC - neva (R4) Oasis - Steve Ayers (R1) Oceania - jester1974 (R1) Operation Drug War - Steve Ayers (R1) Pearl Harbor - *random* (R1) Philippines Poison Rome Poker Club - Jippd (R1) Portugal - acores2005 (R2) Prohibition Chicago - squishyg (R1) Puget Sound - Jobiwan (R1) Rail Africa - *random* (R2) Rail Australia - denthefrog (R3) Rail Europe - denthefrog (R2) Rail USA - denthefrog (R1)Route 66 - Jippd (R1) San Francisco - *random* (R1) San Marino - Sniper08 (R1) Scotland - scottishleaf (R1)Siege! - paws1610 (R1)Solar System - themuss11 (R2) South America - *random* (R1) Soviet Union - BiggsHancock (R3) Space - army of nobunaga (R1) Supermax: Prison Riot! - denthefrog (R1)Sydney Metro - jester1974 (R2) Tamriel - ultraman (R2) Texan Wars - ultraman (R1) The Citadel - *random* (R1) Third Crusade - neva (R2) Treasures Of Galapagos - Jimmy V (R1) Triple Alliance - army of nobunaga (R1) U.S. Senate - uckuki (R2)USA - jrh_cardinal (R1)USA Great Lakes - Jobiwan (R2) USA New England - drunkmonkey (R1)USA Rockies - Jobiwan (R2) USA Southeast - drunkmonkey (R2) USA Southwest - Jimmy V (R2) USA West - I_AM_BOGEY (R1)USApocalypse - paws1610 (R2) Vancouver - Jimmy V (R3) Wales - tokle (R2)Waterloo - HighlanderAttack (R1)World 2.1 - squishyg (R1) WWI Ottoman Empire - Gilligan (R1)WWII Ardennes - ultraman (R1) WWII Australia - *random* (R2) WWII Eastern Front - denthefrog (R2) WWII Europe - *random* (R1) WWII Gazala - Jobiwan (R1) WWII Iwo Jima - BiggsHancock (R4) WWII Poland - acores2005 (R1) WWII Western Front - Darin44 (R2)
show: Players
1. drunkmonkey 2. Jimmy V 3. jrh_cardinal 4. Eddy_26 5. HighlanderAttack 6. Gilligan 7. I_AM_BOGEY 8. Darin44 9. themuss11 10. tokle 11. scottishleaf 12. denthefrog 13. Moop 14. nesterdude 15. squishyg 16. ultraman 17. Johnny Rockets 18. Jippd 19. ziggy62 20. Steve Ayers 21. Jobiwan 22. BiggsHancock 23. paws1610 24. army of nobunaga 25. acores2005 26. TODRICH 27. 00icon 28. neva 29. jester1974 30. paulgamelb 31. uckuki 32. Sniper08 Reserves: vragus unionman Crankyor
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [0/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:16 pm
by drunkmonkey
show: Round 1
scottishleaf HighlanderAttack themuss11 Sniper08 drunkmonkey Jippd neva nesterdude Darin44 TODRICH Steve Ayers tokle Johnny Rockets denthefrog jrh_cardinal Jobiwan acores2005 Eddy_26 I_AM_BOGEY paws1610 army of nobunaga ultraman Moop uckuki BiggsHancock 00icon paulgamelb jester1974 Jimmy V ziggy62 Gilligan squishyg
show: Round 2
Jimmy V themuss11 drunkmonkey HighlanderAttack tokle jester1974 uckuki BiggsHancock squishyg ultraman paws1610 Jobiwan acores2005 neva denthefrog Darin44
show: Round 3
BiggsHancock denthefrog Jimmy V paws1610 HighlanderAttack squishyg jester1974 neva
show: Round 4
squishyg neva paws1610 BiggsHancock
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [0/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:16 pm
by Jimmy V
In please with Treasures of Galapagos and Feudal War
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [0/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:19 pm
by jrh_cardinal
in, American Civil War and USA
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [0/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:25 pm
by Eddy_26
Sign me up! Austerlitz and Age of Merchants
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [0/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:40 pm
by drunkmonkey
Updated to this point. I'm in, but I'll pick my maps later.
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [4/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:33 pm
by HighlanderAttack
Waterloo and Arms Race for me please
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [4/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:36 pm
by Gilligan
Imperium Romanum/WWI Ottoman Empire
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [4/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:39 pm
by HighlanderAttack
took off monsters and chose: Waterloo and Arms Race for me please
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [6/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:59 pm
bogey in please, classic and usa west
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [7/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:36 pm
by Darin44
Africa and Battle For Iraq!
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [8/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:47 pm
by themuss11
in ill take the games... conquerman and conquer4 plx!
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [8/32]
Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:50 pm
by drunkmonkey
I'm taking Age of Realms 2 & USA New England.
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [9/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:21 am
by tokle
in please. berlin 1961 and holy roman empire.
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [10/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:32 am
by drunkmonkey
List updated
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [10/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:23 am
by scottishleaf
in please aor 3 and scotland
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [10/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:49 am
by denthefrog
rail usa and supermax prison for me pls monkey
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [12/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:57 pm
by Moop
In please, you can choose my maps or just give me the 2 left at the end. Cheers.
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [12/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:07 pm
by nesterdude
CCU Alexander's plz
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [12/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:09 pm
by squishyg
in please! world 2.1 and prohibition chicago
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [12/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:12 pm
by ultraman
texan wars ardennes
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [16/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:16 pm
by Johnny Rockets
In please! Doodle Earth & British Isles Johnny Rockets
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [16/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:20 pm
by Jippd
In poker club and route 66
Re: Every Map Once (1v1) [16/32]
Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:38 pm
by ziggy62
Sign me up. US Civil War, Scottland