A great big thank you to everyone for taking part in my first tournament!
Conquer Club Continental Challenge
If a player does not join a game within 3 days of receiving the invite, the player will be replaced by a reserve for the rest of the tournament.
Note that I will be very accommodating, allowing extra courtesy time, and not always requiring that players join both games at once even if they get the invites at the same time.
Have any questions? Send me a P.M.
Good luck,
Open to all Conquer Club players, the Conquer Club Continental Challenge tests the skills of all 24 entrants on all six inhabited continents on the globe, featuring a fiercely competitive group stage, competitive 1 on 1 continental finals, and a world championship with the top player from each continent playing on the Classic map.
The tournament will consist of 6 groups, each with 4 members. The groups will fill on a first come first serve basis, so sign up quickly for your favorite continent:
The Official Rules of the CC Continental Challenge
This is the one and only set of rules applying to this tournament. Rules stated by other people or another set of rules are not authentic and may be false. Any questions should be directed only to the tournament organizer.
Group Stage
All group members will play six games, each game having all 4 players playing on each of the six continents. The first game will be played on the continent that the group corresponds to.
Scoring System for every Group Stage Game :
1st Place:+3 points
2nd Place: +2 points
3rd Place: +1 point
4th (Last) Place:0 points
The two players in each group with the most points will advance to the continental finals; thus, 12 of the 24 members will advance to the continental finals. So that freemiums can take part in the group stage, only two games will be available at a time for each group. The order of the maps will be random, but, as earlier stated, the first game will take place on the group-designated continent.
In the event of multiple players from a group having the same number of points after all matches have been played:
The player who received the most number of points on the group-corresponding map will be awarded the better position. The player who got the next most number of points on the group-corresponding map shall be awarded the next best position, and so on.
Continental Finals
The second round will consist of 1 vs. 1 games between the top two players of each group (based on points), taking place on the group-corresponding continent. The first placed player of each group shall have the privilege of posting their preferred settings for their respective Continental Finals (However, the map must be the one corresponding with the group title). The winners of each of the 6 games will advance to the World Championship, representing their continent.
World Championship
The final and most competitive battle will take place on the Classic map, featuring the six winners of the Continental Finals. The winner of the World Championship is proclaimed the winner of the tournament!
Game Type
All matches (except for the continental finals) will be Standard, with no teams.
Play Order
All matches (except for the continental finals) will follow the Sequential play order
Troop Deployment
All matches (except for the continental finals) will follow the Automatic troop deployment method.
All matches (except for the continental finals) will include Escalating Spoils.
All matches (except for the continental finals) will only allow Chained reinforcements.
Fog of War
All matches (except for the continental finals) will be Sunny; no fog of war.
There will be 43 games in the entire tournament, with each player playing at least 6 games, at the most 8 games.
Freemiums are advised to keep two game slots open throughout the group stage to make sure that they can enter every group game.
This is my first tournament, so thank you for taking part! If you have any helpful suggestions feel free to send me a P.M.