Conquer Club

The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [Winner:Generation One]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [Winner:Generation One]

Postby Kinnison on Wed May 12, 2010 6:09 pm

The Weakest Link-TEAMS

The weakest link in the chain is also the strongest. It can break the chain.
---Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

1> This is what I came up with when I went to design a "Simple" tournament... yes, I'm a freak. :lol:
2> This tournament is open to Freemium players. There will never be more than one game at a time per player. Although they should all move moderately well, be prepared for some downtime.
3> You can sign up individually or in teams. Individuals will be assigned to teams on a first-come, first serve basis. If the final team is incomplete, and a full team attempts to join, I regret that the individuals making up the last team WILL be bumped for the complete team.

Format: 8 teams of 4, Competing in games varying in size.
To keep things moving, all games will be Standard, RANDOM MAP, Automatic Deploy, Escalating Spoils, Chained Fortifications, Casual, Sunny.

The 8 teams will be seeded by the total points of the team when I update the post, ONCE THE TOURNAMENT IS FULL. Standard bracket, 1v8, 2v7, 3v6, 4v5. Each round, after the prior round is COMPLETE, I will re-rank all remaining teams according to their THEN CURRENT point totals.

1> One game will be played in each match with the above settings.
2> The team that loses the game will have their HIGHEST-RANKING player IN THE GAME PLAYED eliminated for the remainder of the current round.
3> The two teams will meet again, in the highest-possible game size remaining between the teams (The highest-ranking players on the larger team, while not eliminated, will sit out the game... this tournament is about glorifying your WEAKEST links - Note that in such a case, those players could be eligible for future games as their second and third weakest players, then playing, are disqualified).
4> Repeat steps 2 and 3 until one team is entirely disqualified. That team loses the match and is eliminated from the tournament. The SUCCESSFUL team has all four of it's players restored to eligibility, and advances to the next round of the tournament.

NOTE: The game links I'll be sending out will have very specific directions. Should a game have eliminated or "sitting" players who have joined it in error, despite specific instructions to the contrary, that team will forfeit the game in question, with appropriate penalties. Further, at that time, I shall STOP including players violating that restriction who aren't in the games in PM, making it harder for them to find the games and cheer their teammates on. I'm trying to foster some team spirit here, try not to mess it up. ;)

Players will have 4 days to join games. A reminder PM will be sent after approximately 36-48 hours, to players not joining. 96 hours after the initial PM, or 48 hours after the reminder, whichever is later, players not having joined a pending game will be disqualified from the round.

**Players who drop from the tournament or site will NOT be replaced... that team will just have to continue, starting each round with only 3 (or fewer) eligible players**
As such, Reserves will NOT be used in this tournament. A team is quite capable of continuing with only 1 member... They would just have to potentially win 4 1v1 matches to advance.

Questions will be gleefully accepted.

show: Example of eliminations

show: Rationale-Origin-Ramblings
Last edited by Kinnison on Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:37 am, edited 21 times in total.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Postby Kinnison on Wed May 12, 2010 6:10 pm


show: R1 Seedings

show: R2 Seedings

show: Finals Seeding
Last edited by Kinnison on Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:38 am, edited 43 times in total.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Postby Kinnison on Wed May 12, 2010 6:10 pm




Game 1: Game 7638051 : all players active. Generation One wins, SWeko eliminated from The Finals.
Game 2: Game 7683495 : SWeko eliminated, barterer2002 watches from sidelines. MCT wins, keiths31 eliminated from The Finals.
Game 3: Game 7723078 : SWeko and keiths31 eliminated. MCT wins, barterer2002 eliminated from The Finals.
Game 4: Game 7757496 : SWeko and barterer2002/keiths31 eliminated, stevkov watches from sidelines. G1 wins, n.n. eliminated from The Finals.
Game 5: Game 7793949 : SWeko/n.n. and barterer2002/keiths31 eliminated. MCT wins, amazzony eliminated from The Finals.
Game 6: Game 7815574 : SWeko/n.n. and barterer2002/keiths31/amazzony eliminated, stevkov watches from sidelines. G1 wins, n.n. eliminated from The Finals
Game 7: Game 7823602 : G1-Gilligan vs. MCT-stevkov : final game. Gilligan wins, and takes The Tournament.
Last edited by Kinnison on Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:39 am, edited 49 times in total.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [0/32] [0/8 teams]

Postby keiths31 on Thu May 13, 2010 6:15 am

are in...
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [0/32] [0/8 teams]

Postby Caradoc on Thu May 13, 2010 8:43 am

You, sir, are a nutcase. I will join your tournament, although I have no idea what I am volunteering for...
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [0/32] [0/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Thu May 13, 2010 10:00 am

Caradoc wrote:You, sir, are a nutcase. I will join your tournament, although I have no idea what I am volunteering for...

Thank you, Thank you... you big Hippy. ;)

Got the G1 team locked in; and you're in, waiting for more singles to join up.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [0/32] [0/8 teams]

Postby stevkov on Thu May 13, 2010 10:26 am

In please
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [0/32] [0/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Thu May 13, 2010 12:00 pm

Your team is in.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Lieutenant Kinnison
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [0/32] [0/8 teams]

Postby amazzony on Thu May 13, 2010 1:20 pm

It was a pleasure to be of service, Lord Kinnison, I hope my generosity won't be forgotten! *bows*

Too much of Legend of the Seeker 8-[
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
"amazzony is a beast" (Woodruff)
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [0/32] [0/8 teams]

Postby anonymus on Thu May 13, 2010 2:46 pm

Team; The Northern Pirates

crash_22 3193
draq 2980
anonymus 2448
morleyjoe 2000

total as of today; 10,621
Click image to enlarge.

show: BoganGod speaks the truth
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [0/32] [0/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Thu May 13, 2010 7:41 pm

Northern Pirates are in.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [13/32] [3/8 teams]

Postby stevkov on Fri May 14, 2010 7:37 am

Our team is called: Macedonian Conquer Team
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [13/32] [3/8 teams]

Postby Tennekee on Fri May 14, 2010 9:51 am

I'll join JeB ;)
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [13/32] [3/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Fri May 14, 2010 11:32 am

Tennekee wrote:I'll join JeB ;)

Oh, sure... confuse everyone. ;)

Gotcha, and MCT name noted.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [14/32] [3/8 teams]

Postby watsy on Fri May 14, 2010 5:10 pm

sign me up team will be in very soon

team 6's
1) watsy
2) mek
3) rbelgrod
4) king tet

cheers mate
Last edited by watsy on Sat May 15, 2010 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [14/32] [3/8 teams]

Postby 88allin on Fri May 14, 2010 7:37 pm

I'd like to join your creation if you still have a spot for a single player. Thanks
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [14/32] [3/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Fri May 14, 2010 11:23 pm

88allin wrote:I'd like to join your creation if you still have a spot for a single player. Thanks

I do, and you're in. As is another player who contacted me by PM. :/ I directed him here... we'll see if he posts.

I have a potential team slot held for watsy ... but if I get full teams before he gets one in, he will be bumped, just as a solo player would have been/could be (indy players have filled one team, though)
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [20/32] [5/8 teams]

Postby Manic Om on Sat May 15, 2010 4:42 am

I'll join. Though I see I'm already on a team ;)
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [20/32] [5/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Sat May 15, 2010 4:49 am

Manic Om wrote:I'll join. Though I see I'm already on a team ;)

Kinnison wrote:As is another player who contacted me by PM. :/ I directed him here... we'll see if he posts.

'nuff said. I just thought it should be official. ;)
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [20/32] [5/8 teams]

Postby PvRvD on Sat May 15, 2010 1:10 pm

I'd like to join as a single player if you've got a spot left, thanks
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [20/32] [5/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Sat May 15, 2010 1:21 pm

You're in for now. As per the first post, you could be bumped by a signup of full teams.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [21/32] [5/8 teams]

Postby lenesu on Sat May 15, 2010 1:28 pm

in, although I don't think I will play alot in this tourney
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [21/32] [5/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Sat May 15, 2010 1:37 pm

lenesu wrote:in, although I don't think I will play alot in this tourney

You're in. And you never know... ;)
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Lieutenant Kinnison
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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [22/32] [5/8 teams]

Postby MyTurnToWin on Sat May 15, 2010 3:36 pm


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Re: The Weakest Link-TEAMS OF 4/MIXED [22/32] [5/8 teams]

Postby Kinnison on Sat May 15, 2010 4:35 pm

You're in, Mighty Quads.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Lieutenant Kinnison
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